module MeasureNestingDepth where import Directory import Debug import List import Distribution import FilePath import AbstractCurry.Types import AbstractCurry.Select import AbstractCurry.Files sysLibPath = case curryCompiler of "pakcs" -> installDir "lib" "kics" -> installDir "src" "lib" "kics2" -> installDir "lib" _ -> error "unknown curryCompiler" main = do putStrLn "Reading all standard libary modules..." mods <- readAllStandardModules putStrLn "Calculating depths..." depths <- return $ concatMap (typeDepths mods . snd) mods orderedDepths <- return $ sortBy (\a b -> snd a >= snd b) depths putStrLn $ "The following are the 40 type with the deepest level of nesting " ++ "out of all " ++ (show $ length depths) ++ " types." putStrLn $ show $ take 40 orderedDepths typeDepths :: [(String, CurryProg)] -> CurryProg -> [(QName, Int)] typeDepths progs (CurryProg _ _ ts _ _) = zip (map typeName ts) (map (typeDepth [] progs) ts) typeDepth :: [QName] -> [(String, CurryProg)] -> CTypeDecl -> Int typeDepth seen progs (CType n _ _ cs) = if n `elem` seen then 0 else 1 + (foldl max 0 $ map (typeConsDepth (n:seen) progs) cs) typeDepth seen progs (CTypeSyn n _ _ e) = if n `elem` seen then 0 else 1 + (typeExprDepth (n:seen) progs e) typeDepth seen progs (CNewType n _ _ c) = if n `elem` seen then 0 else 1 + (typeConsDepth (n:seen) progs c) typeConsDepth :: [QName] -> [(String, CurryProg)] -> CConsDecl -> Int typeConsDepth seen progs (CCons _ _ es) = foldl max 0 $ map (typeExprDepth seen progs) es typeConsDepth seen progs (CRecord _ _ fs) = foldl max 0 $ map fieldDepth fs where fieldDepth (CField _ _ e) = typeExprDepth seen progs e typeExprDepth :: [QName] -> [(String, CurryProg)] -> CTypeExpr -> Int typeExprDepth _ _ (CTVar _) = 0 typeExprDepth seen progs (CFuncType e1 e2) = max (typeExprDepth seen progs e1) (typeExprDepth seen progs e2) typeExprDepth seen progs e@(CTCons n@(mod, _) es) = typeDepth seen progs ity where ty = case predefinedType n of Nothing -> case lookup mod progs of Nothing -> error $ "Module " ++ mod ++ " not found" Just p -> case find ((== n) . typeName) $ types p of Nothing -> error $ "Type " ++ (show n) ++ " not found in module " ++ mod Just x -> x Just x -> x ity = instantiateType e ty instantiateType :: CTypeExpr -> CTypeDecl -> CTypeDecl instantiateType (CTCons _ es) (CType nt v vs cs) = CType nt v vs ics where ics = map (instantiateConstructor $ zip vs es) cs instantiateType _ a@(CTypeSyn _ _ _ _) = a instantiateType _ a@(CNewType _ _ _ _) = a instantiateConstructor :: [(CTVarIName, CTypeExpr)] -> CConsDecl -> CConsDecl instantiateConstructor vs (CCons n v es) = CCons n v $ map (\e -> foldl (flip replaceVar) e vs) es instantiateConstructor vs (CRecord n v fs) = CRecord n v $ map instantiateField fs where instantiateField (CField n' v' e) = CField n' v' $ foldl (flip replaceVar) e vs replaceVar :: (CTVarIName, CTypeExpr) -> CTypeExpr -> CTypeExpr replaceVar (b, e) (CTVar a) | a == b = e | otherwise = CTVar a replaceVar v (CFuncType e1 e2) = CFuncType (replaceVar v e1) (replaceVar v e2) replaceVar v (CTCons n es) = CTCons n $ map (replaceVar v) es readAllStandardModules :: IO [(String, CurryProg)] readAllStandardModules = do entries <- getDirectoryContents sysLibPath mods <- mapIO (readMods "" sysLibPath) $ filter (not . isIrrelevant) entries return $ concat mods where readMods :: String -> String -> String -> IO [(String, CurryProg)] readMods prefix base f = do isDir <- doesDirectoryExist $ base f if isDir then do entries <- getDirectoryContents $ base f mods <- mapIO (readMods (prefixIt prefix f) $ base f) $ filter (not . isIrrelevant) entries return $ concat mods else do callFrontendWithParams ACY (setQuiet True defaultParams) $ stripCurrySuffix $ prefixIt prefix f prog <- readCurry $ prefixIt prefix f return [(stripCurrySuffix $ prefixIt prefix f, prog)] prefixIt prefix m | prefix == "" = m | otherwise = prefix ++ "." ++ m isIrrelevant :: String -> Bool isIrrelevant d = "." `isPrefixOf` d || (takeExtensions d /= "" && takeExtensions d /= ".curry") || d == "dist" || d == "Makefile" predefinedType :: (String, String) -> Maybe CTypeDecl predefinedType x = case x of ("Prelude", "[]") -> Just $ CType ("Prelude", "[]") Public [(0, "a")] [ CCons ("Prelude", "[]") Public [] , CCons ("Prelude", ":") Public [CTVar (0, "a"), CTCons ("Prelude", "[]") [CTVar (0, "a")]]] ("Prelude", "(,)") -> Just $ CType ("Prelude", "(,)") Public [(0, "a"), (1, "b")] [ CCons ("Prelude", "(,)") Public [CTVar (0, "a"), CTVar (1, "b")]] ("Prelude", "(,,)") -> Just $ CType ("Prelude", "(,,)") Public [(0, "a"), (1, "b"), (2, "c")] [ CCons ("Prelude", "(,,)") Public [CTVar (0, "a"), CTVar (1, "b"), CTVar (2, "c")]] ("Prelude", "(,,,)") -> Just $ CType ("Prelude", "(,,,)") Public [(0, "a"), (1, "b"), (2, "c"), (3, "d")] [ CCons ("Prelude", "(,,,)") Public [CTVar (0, "a"), CTVar (1, "b"), CTVar (2, "c"), CTVar (3, "d")]] ("Prelude", "(,,,,)") -> Just $ CType ("Prelude", "(,,,,)") Public [(0, "a"), (1, "b"), (2, "c"), (3, "d"), (4, "e")] [ CCons ("Prelude", "(,,,,)") Public [CTVar (0, "a"), CTVar (1, "b"), CTVar (2, "c"), CTVar (3, "d"), CTVar (4, "e")]] ("Prelude", "()") -> Just $ CType ("Prelude", "()") Public [] [CCons ("Prelude", "()") Public []] _ -> Nothing