-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Contains functions that access and modify the runtime package cache. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module CPM.PackageCache.Runtime ( dependencyPathsSeparate , dependencyPaths , copyPackages , cacheDirectory , writePackageConfig ) where import FilePath ( (), (<.>) ) import FileGoodies ( baseName ) import Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing, copyFile, getDirectoryContents , getAbsolutePath, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist ) import List ( intercalate, split ) import CPM.Config (Config, binInstallDir) import CPM.ErrorLogger import CPM.PackageCache.Global (installedPackageDir) import CPM.Package ( Package, packageId, PackageExecutable(..), sourceDirsOf , configModule, executableSpec, version, showVersion ) import CPM.FileUtil ( copyDirectoryFollowingSymlinks, recreateDirectory ) import CPM.PackageCache.Local as LocalCache -- Each package needs its own copy of all dependencies since KiCS2 and PACKS -- store their intermediate results for each source file in a hidden directory -- alongside that particular source file. This module manages these local -- copies. --- Returns a colon-separated list of the paths to a list of given packages --- inside a package's runtime package cache. dependencyPaths :: [Package] -> String -> String dependencyPaths pkgs dir = intercalate ":" $ dependencyPathsSeparate pkgs dir --- Returns a list of the paths to a list of given packages inside a package's --- runtime package cache. dependencyPathsSeparate :: [Package] -> String -> [String] dependencyPathsSeparate pkgs dir = concatMap (\p -> map (cacheDirectory dir p ) (sourceDirsOf p)) pkgs --- Returns the directory for a package inside another package's runtime cache. cacheDirectory :: String -> Package -> String cacheDirectory dir pkg = dir ".cpm" "packages" packageId pkg --- Copies a set of packages from the local package cache to the runtime --- package cache. copyPackages :: Config -> [Package] -> String -> IO () copyPackages cfg pkgs dir = mapIO copyPackage pkgs >> return () where copyPackage pkg = do cdir <- ensureCacheDirectory dir destDir <- return $ cdir (packageId pkg) recreateDirectory destDir pkgDirExists <- doesDirectoryExist pkgDir if pkgDirExists then copyDirectoryFollowingSymlinks pkgDir cdir >> writePackageConfig cfg destDir pkg |> succeedIO () else error $ "Package " ++ packageId pkg ++ " could not be found in package cache." where pkgDir = LocalCache.packageDir dir pkg --- Ensures that the runtime package cache directory exists. ensureCacheDirectory :: String -> IO String ensureCacheDirectory dir = do createDirectoryIfMissing True packagesDir return packagesDir where packagesDir = dir ".cpm" "packages" --- Writes the package configuration module (if specified) into the --- the package sources. writePackageConfig :: Config -> String -> Package -> IO (ErrorLogger ()) writePackageConfig cfg pkgdir pkg = maybe (succeedIO ()) (\ configmod -> let binname = maybe "" (\ (PackageExecutable n _) -> n) (executableSpec pkg) in if null configmod then succeedIO () else writeConfigFile configmod binname) (configModule pkg) where writeConfigFile configmod binname = do let configfile = pkgdir "src" foldr1 () (split (=='.') configmod) <.> ".curry" abspkgdir <- getAbsolutePath pkgdir writeFile configfile $ unlines $ [ "module " ++ configmod ++ " where" , "" , "--- Package version as a string." , "packageVersion :: String" , "packageVersion = \"" ++ showVersion (version pkg) ++ "\"" , "" , "--- Package location." , "packagePath :: String" , "packagePath = \"" ++ abspkgdir ++ "\"" ] ++ if null binname then [] else [ "" , "--- Location of the executable installed by this package." , "packageExecutable :: String" , "packageExecutable = \"" ++ binInstallDir cfg binname ++ "\"" ] log Debug $ "Config module '" ++ configfile ++ "' written."