---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- A representation of CHR rules in Curry, an interpreter --- for CHR rules based on the refined operational semantics of --- Duck et al. (ICLP 2004), and a compiler into CHR(Prolog). --- --- To use CHR(Curry), specify the CHR(Curry) rules in a Curry program, --- load it, add module `CHR` and interpret or compile the rules --- with `runCHR` or `compileCHR`, respectively. This can be done --- in one shot with --- --- > pakcs :l MyRules :add CHR :eval 'compileCHR "MyCHR" "MyRules" [rule1,rule2]' :q --- --- @author Michael Hanus --- @version July 2021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# OPTIONS_CYMAKE -Wno-incomplete-patterns -Wno-overlapping #-} module CHR(CHR,Goal,(/\), (<=>), (==>), (|>), (\\), true, false, andCHR, allCHR, chrsToGoal, toGoal1, toGoal2, toGoal3, toGoal4, toGoal5, toGoal6, (.=.), (./=.), (.<=.), (.>=.), (.>.), (.<.), nonvar, ground, anyPrim, solveCHR, runCHR, runCHRwithTrace, compileCHR, chr2curry ) where import Prelude hiding ( empty ) import Data.Char import Data.List import System.IO.Unsafe -- for tracing import Control.Findall ( rewriteSome ) import Data.Set.RBTree ( SetRBT, member, empty, insert ) import FlatCurry.Types import FlatCurry.Files import FlatCurry.Goodies import FlatCurry.Pretty ( defaultOptions, ppTypeExp ) import Language.Prolog.Types import Language.Prolog.Goodies ( plList ) import Language.Prolog.Show ( showPlClause, showPlGoals ) import Text.Pretty ( showWidth ) import XML ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Operator definitions for writing CHRs: infix 5 .=., ./=., .<=., .>=., .>., .<. infixr 4 /\ infix 3 <=> infix 3 ==> infix 2 \\ infix 1 |> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Data types for defining Constraint Handling Rules. --- The basic data type of Constraint Handling Rules. data CHR dom chr = SimplRule [chr] [PrimConstraint dom] (Goal dom chr) | PropaRule [chr] [PrimConstraint dom] (Goal dom chr) | SimpaRule [chr] [chr] [PrimConstraint dom] (Goal dom chr) --- Simplification rule. (<=>) :: Goal dom chr -> Goal dom chr -> CHR dom chr g1 <=> g2 = if null (primsOfGoal g1) then SimplRule (uchrOfGoal g1) [] g2 else error "Rule with primitive constraint on the left-hand side!" --- Propagation rule. (==>) :: Goal dom chr -> Goal dom chr -> CHR dom chr g1 ==> g2 = if null (primsOfGoal g1) then PropaRule (uchrOfGoal g1) [] g2 else error "Rule with primitive constraint on the left-hand side!" --- Simpagation rule: if rule is applicable, the first constraint is kept --- and the second constraint is deleted. (\\) :: Goal dom chr -> CHR dom chr -> CHR dom chr g1 \\ (SimplRule lchrs guard rcs) | not (null (primsOfGoal g1)) = error "Simpagation rule with primitive kept constraints!" | null keptcs -- to omit trivial uses of simpagation rule = SimplRule lchrs guard rcs | null lchrs -- to omit trivial uses of simpagation rule = PropaRule keptcs guard rcs | otherwise = SimpaRule keptcs lchrs guard rcs where keptcs = uchrOfGoal g1 --- A rule with a guard. (|>) :: CHR dom chr -> Goal dom chr -> CHR dom chr rule |> g3 = attachGuard rule where attachGuard (SimplRule lcs guard rcs) = if null (uchrOfGoal rcs) then SimplRule lcs (guard ++ primsOfGoal rcs) g3 else error "Rule contains a guard with non-primitive constraints!" attachGuard (PropaRule lcs guard rcs) = if null (uchrOfGoal rcs) then PropaRule lcs (guard ++ primsOfGoal rcs) g3 else error "Rule contains a guard with non-primitive constraints!" attachGuard (SimpaRule h1 h2 guard rcs) = if null (uchrOfGoal rcs) then SimpaRule h1 h2 (guard ++ primsOfGoal rcs) g3 else error "Rule contains a guard with non-primitive constraints!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Data types for defining CHR goals and constraints. --- A CHR constraint is either a primitive or a user-defined constraint. data CHRconstr dom chr = PrimCHR (PrimConstraint dom) | UserCHR chr --- A CHR goal is a list of CHR constraints (primitive or user-defined). data Goal dom chr = Goal [CHRconstr dom chr] --- Conjunction of CHR goals. (/\) :: Goal dom chr -> Goal dom chr -> Goal dom chr (/\) (Goal c1) (Goal c2) = Goal (c1 ++ c2) --- The always satisfiable CHR constraint. true :: Goal dom chr true = Goal [] --- The always unsatisfiable constraint. false :: Goal dom chr false = primToGoal Fail --- Join a list of CHR goals into a single CHR goal (by conjunction). andCHR :: [Goal dom chr] -> Goal dom chr andCHR = foldr (/\) true --- Is a given constraint abstraction satisfied by all elements in a list? allCHR :: (a -> Goal dom chr) -> [a] -> Goal dom chr allCHR fc = andCHR . map fc -- Extracts the list of user-defined constraints contained in a CHR goal. uchrOfGoal :: Goal dom chr -> [chr] uchrOfGoal (Goal cs) = concatMap uchr cs where uchr (PrimCHR _) = [] uchr (UserCHR c) = [c] -- Extracts the list of primitive constraints contained in a CHR goal. primsOfGoal :: Goal dom chr -> [PrimConstraint dom] primsOfGoal (Goal cs) = concatMap prim cs where prim (PrimCHR c) = [c] prim (UserCHR _) = [] --- Transforms a list of CHR constraints into a CHR goal. chrsToGoal :: [chr] -> Goal dom chr chrsToGoal cs = Goal (map UserCHR cs) --- Transform unary CHR constraint into a CHR goal. toGoal1 :: (a -> chr) -> a -> Goal dom chr toGoal1 c x = Goal [UserCHR (c x)] --- Transforms binary CHR constraint into a CHR goal. toGoal2 :: (a -> b -> chr) -> a -> b -> Goal dom chr toGoal2 c x y = Goal [UserCHR (c x y)] --- Transforms a ternary CHR constraint into a CHR goal. toGoal3 :: (a -> b -> c -> chr) -> a -> b -> c -> Goal dom chr toGoal3 c x y z = Goal [UserCHR (c x y z)] --- Transforms a CHR constraint of arity 4 into a CHR goal. toGoal4 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> chr) -> a -> b -> c -> d -> Goal dom chr toGoal4 con a b c d = Goal [UserCHR (con a b c d)] --- Transforms a CHR constraint of arity 5 into a CHR goal. toGoal5 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> chr) -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> Goal dom chr toGoal5 con a b c d e = Goal [UserCHR (con a b c d e)] --- Transforms a CHR constraint of arity 6 into a CHR goal. toGoal6 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> chr) -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> Goal dom chr toGoal6 con a b c d e f = Goal [UserCHR (con a b c d e f)] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Primitive constraints: data PrimConstraint a = Eq a a -- equality | Neq a a -- disequality | Fail -- always unsatisfiable | Compare (a -> a -> Bool) a a -- ordering constraint | Ground a -- ground value | Nonvar a -- not an unbound variable | AnyPrim (() -> Bool) -- user-defined primitive --- Transforms a primitive constraint into a CHR goal. primToGoal :: PrimConstraint dom -> Goal dom chr primToGoal pc = Goal [PrimCHR pc] --- Primitive syntactic equality on arbitrary terms. (.=.) :: dom -> dom -> Goal dom chr x .=. y = primToGoal (Eq x y) --- Primitive syntactic disequality on ground(!) terms. (./=.) :: dom -> dom -> Goal dom chr x ./=. y = primToGoal (Neq x y) --- Primitive less-or-equal constraint. (.<=.) :: Ord dom => dom -> dom -> Goal dom chr x .<=. y = primToGoal (Compare (<=) x y) --- Primitive greater-or-equal constraint. (.>=.) :: Ord dom => dom -> dom -> Goal dom chr x .>=. y = primToGoal (Compare (>=) x y) --- Primitive less-than constraint. (.<.) :: Ord dom => dom -> dom -> Goal dom chr x .<. y = primToGoal (Compare (<) x y) --- Primitive greater-than constraint. (.>.) :: Ord dom => dom -> dom -> Goal dom chr x .>. y = primToGoal (Compare (>) x y) --- Primitive groundness constraint (useful for guards). ground :: dom -> Goal dom chr ground x = primToGoal (Ground x) --- Primitive nonvar constraint (useful for guards). nonvar :: dom -> Goal dom chr nonvar x = primToGoal (Nonvar x) --- Embed user-defined primitive constraint. anyPrim :: (() -> Bool) -> Goal dom chr anyPrim cf = primToGoal (AnyPrim cf) -- Evaluate primitive constraints. evalPrimCHR :: (Data a, Eq a) => PrimConstraint a -> Bool evalPrimCHR (Eq x y) = x=:=y evalPrimCHR (Neq x y) = (x==y) =:= False evalPrimCHR Fail = failed evalPrimCHR (Compare cmp x y) = (cmp x y) =:= True evalPrimCHR (Nonvar x) = System.IO.Unsafe.isVar x =:= False evalPrimCHR (Ground x) = System.IO.Unsafe.isGround x =:= True evalPrimCHR (AnyPrim cf) = cf () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Interpreter for CHR constraints ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Interpret CHR rules (parameterized over domain variables) --- for a given CHR goal (second argument) and embed this as --- a constraint solver in Curry. If user-defined CHR constraints remain --- after applying all CHR rules, a warning showing the residual --- constraints is issued. solveCHR :: (Data dom, Data chr, Eq dom, Show chr) => [[dom] -> CHR dom chr] -> Goal dom chr -> Bool solveCHR prules goal = let residual = runCHR prules goal in if null residual then True else trace ("WARNING: residual CHR constraints: "++show residual++"\n") True ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The structure and operations for the history of the interpreter. -- type History = [([Int],Int)] -- entry: constraint indices and rule index -- emptyHistory = [] -- extendHistory = (:) -- inHistory = elem type History = SetRBT ([Int],Int) -- entry: constraint indices and rule index emptyHistory :: Ord a => SetRBT a emptyHistory = empty (<=) extendHistory :: Ord a => a -> SetRBT a -> SetRBT a extendHistory = insert inHistory :: Ord a => a -> SetRBT a -> Bool inHistory = member ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Interpret CHR rules (parameterized over domain variables) --- for a given CHR goal (second argument) and return the remaining --- CHR constraints. runCHR :: (Data dom, Data chr, Eq dom) => [[dom] -> CHR dom chr] -> Goal dom chr -> [chr] runCHR prules goal = evalCHR False prules goal --- Interpret CHR rules (parameterized over domain variables) --- for a given CHR goal (second argument) and return the remaining --- CHR constraints. Trace also the active and passive constraints --- as well as the applied rule number during computation. runCHRwithTrace :: (Data dom, Data chr, Eq dom) => [[dom] -> CHR dom chr] -> Goal dom chr -> [chr] runCHRwithTrace prules goal = evalCHR True prules goal -- Interpreter for CHR (refined semantics): evalCHR :: (Data dom, Data chr, Eq dom) => Bool -> [[dom] -> CHR dom chr] -> Goal dom chr -> [chr] evalCHR withtrace urules (Goal goal) | evalConstr gidx emptyHistory chrgoal [] result = map snd result where tracing s = if withtrace then trace s else id result free rules = zip [1..] urules (gidx,chrgoal) = numberCHR 0 goal solvePrims = all evalPrimCHR -- evaluate list of active constraints: evalConstr gi hist gl cstore finalcs = tracing (showAnyTerm (gl,cstore)) $ evalC gl cstore finalcs where evalC [] cs rcs = cs =:= rcs -- no active constraints left to work on evalC (PrimCHR pc : gs) cs rcs = -- awake all passive constraints: tracing ("Evaluate primitive: " ++ showAnyTerm pc) $ evalPrimCHR pc & evalConstr gi hist (map UserCHR cs ++ gs) [] rcs evalC (UserCHR c : gs) cs rcs = (normalForm c) -- necessary to evaluate functions in c's arguments `seq` tryRules gi hist rules c gs cs rcs -- try to apply CHR rules in sequential order to first active constraint: tryRules gi hs [] c gs cs rcs = -- no CHR rule applicable, try solve a prim: maybe (tracing "Suspend constraint" $ evalConstr gi hs gs (c:cs) rcs) -- suspend first active constraint (\ (pc,mgs) -> tracing ("Evaluate primitive: " ++ showAnyTerm pc) $ evalPrimCHR pc & -- awake all passive constraints: evalConstr gi hs (map UserCHR (c:cs) ++ mgs) [] rcs) (extractPrim gs) tryRules gi hist ((ri,r) : rs) c gs cs rcs = maybe (tryRules gi hist rs c gs cs rcs) (\ (newcs,newgs,remcs,is) -> if (is,ri) `inHistory` hist -- rule already applied? then tryRules gi hist rs c gs cs rcs else --trace (show (is,ri)) $ let (gj,inewcs) = numberCHR gi newcs in tracing ("Apply rule " ++ show ri) $ evalConstr gj (if null is then hist else extendHistory (is,ri) hist) (inewcs++newgs) remcs rcs) (rewriteSome (applyRule (r unknown) c gs cs)) -- Apply a CHR rule to an active constraint and constraint store -- and return the new goal, remaining constraint store and indices -- of the CHR constraints matched for the left-hand side, if it is -- a propogation rule (in this case, it is stored in the history to -- avoid re-application of the same rule). applyRule (SimplRule lchrs guard (Goal rchrs)) (_,c) gs cs | deleteSome c lchrs =:= lhs & findDelete lhs cs =:= (delcs,remcs) &> solvePrims guard = (rchrs,gs,remcs,[]) where lhs,delcs,remcs free applyRule (PropaRule lchrs guard (Goal rchrs)) (i,c) gs cs | deleteSome c lchrs =:= lhs & findDelete lhs cs =:= (delcs,_) &> solvePrims guard = (rchrs, UserCHR (i,c) : gs, cs, i : map fst delcs) where lhs,delcs free applyRule (SimpaRule kept lchrs guard (Goal rchrs)) (_,c) gs cs | deleteSome c lchrs =:= lhs & findDelete (kept++lhs) cs =:= (delcs,remcs) &> solvePrims guard = (rchrs, gs, take (length kept) delcs ++ remcs, []) where lhs,delcs,remcs free applyRule (SimpaRule kept lchrs guard (Goal rchrs)) (i,c) gs cs | deleteSome c kept =:= kc & findDelete (kc++lchrs) cs =:= (delcs,remcs) &> solvePrims guard = (rchrs, UserCHR (i,c) : gs, take (length kc) delcs ++ remcs, []) where kc,delcs,remcs free -- Auxiliary operations: -- Find a list of elements in another list and return the remaining ones: findDelete :: Data a => [a] -> [(Int,a)] -> ([(Int,a)],[(Int,a)]) findDelete [] cs = ([],cs) findDelete (x:xs) cs = let (z,ds) = del x cs (zs,es) = findDelete xs ds in (z:zs,es) where del e (z:zs) | e=:=snd z = (z,zs) del e (z:zs) = let (y,ys) = del e zs in (y, z:ys) deleteSome :: Data a => a -> [a] -> [a] deleteSome e (z:zs) | e=:=z = zs deleteSome e (z:zs) = z : deleteSome e zs -- Finds and deletes the first primitive constraint in a CHR goal: extractPrim :: [CHRconstr dom chr] -> Maybe (PrimConstraint dom, [CHRconstr dom chr]) extractPrim [] = Nothing extractPrim (PrimCHR pc : cs) = Just (pc, cs) extractPrim (UserCHR c : cs) = maybe Nothing (\ (pc,rcs) -> Just (pc, UserCHR c : rcs)) (extractPrim cs) -- Add a unique number to each CHR constraint. numberCHR :: Int -> [CHRconstr dom chr] -> (Int, [CHRconstr dom (Int,chr)]) numberCHR i [] = (i,[]) numberCHR i (PrimCHR pc : cs) = let (j,ics) = numberCHR i cs in (j, PrimCHR pc : ics) numberCHR i (UserCHR c : cs) = let (j,ics) = numberCHR (i+1) cs in (j, UserCHR (i,c) : ics) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Compiler from Curry CHR rules into CHR(Prolog) rules where -- operations from the Curry program can also be called from the -- CHR(Prolog) code. --- Compile a list of CHR(Curry) rules into CHR(Prolog) and store its interface --- in a Curry program (name given as first argument). --- The second argument is the name of the module containing the --- CHR(Curry) rules. compileCHR :: String -> String -> [[dom] -> CHR dom chr] -> IO () compileCHR currymod sourcemodname rules | null rids = putStrLn "No CHR rules to compile." | otherwise = compileRules sourcemodname currymod rids where rids = map ruleId rules -- extract the name of a rule: ruleId :: ([dom] -> CHR dom chr) -> String ruleId rule = let rcallstring = showAnyExpression rule -- "(partcall 1 funid [])" in takeWhile (not . isSpace) (drop (length "(partcall 1 ") rcallstring) -- Rename the identifiers of CHR rules (first argument) to avoid name conflicts -- with the standard compiled rules. rnmCHR :: String -> [QName] -> QName -> QName rnmCHR chrmodname allchrids qn@(_,fn) | qn `elem` allchrids = (chrmodname, fn ++ "$CHR") | otherwise = qn -- compile all specifed CHR rules to CHR(Prolog): compileRules :: String -> String -> [String] -> IO () compileRules modname chrmodname rids = do (Prog _ _ _ fdecls opdecls) <- readFlatCurry modname let getftype = getFuncType fdecls rdefs = filter (\ (Func fname _ _ _ _) -> snd fname `elem` rids) fdecls (chrs,_) = unzip (map (compileRule getftype id []) (map funcRule rdefs)) allchrs = nub (concat chrs) rnmchr = rnmCHR chrmodname (map fst allchrs) (_,trules) = unzip (map (compileRule getftype rnmchr allchrs) (map funcRule rdefs)) allchrtypes = zip allchrs (map getftype (map fst allchrs)) curryprog = showCHRModule modname chrmodname opdecls allchrtypes prologprog = unlines $ map showPlClause ([PlDirective [PlLit "use_module" [PlStruct "library" [PlAtom "chr"]]]] ++ map (\ (p,a) -> PlDirective [PlLit "chr_constraint" [PlStruct "/" [PlAtom (showPlName (rnmchr p)), PlInt a]]]) allchrs) ++ ["","% CHR rules:"] ++ trules ++ ["","% Curry/Prolog interface:"] ++ map (showPlClause . chrPrologPrimDefinition chrmodname rnmchr) allchrs ++ ["","% Auxiliary predicates:", "sunif(X,Y) :- user:evalToken(E), user:hnf('Prelude.constrEq'(X,Y),_,E,_).", "eval(X) :- user:evalToken(E), user:hnf(X,_,E,_)."] writeFile (chrmodname ++ ".curry") curryprog writeFile (chrmodname ++ ".pakcs.pl") prologprog --putStrLn curryprog --putStrLn prologprog putStrLn $ "Curry interface to CHR(Prolog) written to "++chrmodname++".curry" getFuncType :: [FuncDecl] -> (String,String) -> TypeExpr getFuncType fdecls qfname = maybe (error $ showQName qfname ++ " not found!") (stripForall . funcType) (find (\ (Func qf _ _ _ _) -> qf == qfname) fdecls) where stripForall te = case te of ForallType _ t -> t _ -> te chrPrologPrimDefinition :: String -> (QName -> QName) -> (QName,Int) -> PlClause chrPrologPrimDefinition chrmodname rnmchr (qcname,carity) = PlClause (chrmodname ++ "." ++ showCName ("prim_"++snd qcname)) (map PlVar (map (\i->"X"++show i) [1..carity] ++ ["R"])) [PlLit (showPlName (rnmchr qcname)) (map (\i -> PlVar ("X" ++ show i)) [1 .. carity]), PlLit "=" [PlVar "R", PlAtom "Prelude.True"]] -- show Curry module as interface to CHR solver implemented in Prolog: showCHRModule :: String -> String -> [OpDecl] -> [((QName,Int),TypeExpr)] -> String showCHRModule orgmod chrmod opdecls constraints = unlines $ ["module "++chrmod++exports++" where","", -- import original modules so that their code is available for -- evaluating primitive (Curry-defined) constraints "import qualified CHR(chr2curry)", "import CHRcompiled", "import qualified "++orgmod,""] ++ map showOpDecl chropdecls ++ [""] ++ map showCurryConstraint constraints where exports = "(module CHRcompiled" ++ concatMap (',':) (map (showCName . snd) chrqnames) ++ ")" chrqnames = map (fst . fst) constraints chropdecls = filter (\ (Op qop _ _) -> qop `elem` chrqnames) opdecls -- show operator declaration showOpDecl :: OpDecl -> String showOpDecl (Op op fixity prec) = unwords [showFixity fixity,show prec,showOp op] where showFixity InfixOp = "infix" showFixity InfixlOp = "infixl" showFixity InfixrOp = "infixr" showOp (_,on) = if isAlpha (head on) then '`':on++"`" else on showCurryConstraint :: ((QName,Int),TypeExpr) -> String showCurryConstraint (((_,cname),carity),ctype) = let cargtypes = argTypes carity ctype in showCName cname ++" :: "++ concatMap (++" -> ") cargtypes ++"Goal "++ showCurryType (resultType carity ctype) ++"\n"++ showCName cname ++ concatMap (\i->" x"++show i) [1..carity] ++ " = Goal " ++ take carity (repeat '(') ++ showCName ("prim_"++cname) ++ concatMap (\i->" $!! x"++show i++")") [1..carity] ++ "\n\n" ++ showCName ("prim_"++cname) ++ " :: " ++ concatMap (++" -> ") cargtypes ++ "Bool\n" ++ showCName ("prim_"++cname) ++ " external\n" where resultType arity tp = if arity==0 then let TCons _ [_,chrtype] = tp in chrtype else let FuncType _ rtype = tp in resultType (arity-1) rtype argTypes arity ftype = if arity==0 then [] else let FuncType atype rtype = ftype in showCurryType atype : argTypes (arity-1) rtype -- generate prim_c2p specification of external operations: constraints2xml :: String -> [(QName,Int)] -> XmlExp constraints2xml prologmod constraints = xml "primitives" (map constraint2xml constraints) where constraint2xml ((_,cname),carity) = XElem "primitive" [("name",showCName ("prim_"++cname)), ("arity",show carity)] [xml "library" [xtxt prologmod], xml "entry" [xtxt (showCName ("prim_"++cname))]] -- compile a single CHR rule: compileRule :: (QName -> TypeExpr) -> (QName -> QName) -> [(QName,Int)] -> Rule -> ([(QName,Int)],String) compileRule _ _ _ (External _) = error "CHR.compileRule: external rule" compileRule getftype rnmchr chrs (Rule _ rhs) = let (_,rchrs,trule) = exp2CHR 100 (firstBranch rhs) in (rchrs, trule ++ ".") where exp2CHR i exp = case exp of Comb FuncCall qf [a1,a2] | qf == (chrMod,"<=>") -> let (j, chrs1,tgoal1) = transGoal i a1 (k,_,tgoal2) = transGoal j a2 in (k, chrs1, sg tgoal1 ++" <=> "++ sg tgoal2) | qf == (chrMod,"==>") -> let (j,chrs1,tgoal1) = transGoal i a1 (k,_,tgoal2) = transGoal j a2 in (k, chrs1, sg tgoal1 ++" ==> "++ sg tgoal2) | qf == (chrMod,"\\\\") -> let (j,chrs1,tgoal1) = transGoal i a1 (k,chrs2,trule2) = exp2CHR j a2 in (k, chrs1++chrs2, sg tgoal1 ++" \\ "++ trule2) | qf == (chrMod,"|>") -> let (j,chrs1,trule1) = exp2CHR i a1 (k,_,tgoal2) = transGoal j a2 in (k, chrs1, trule1 ++" | "++ sg tgoal2) _ -> error ("Cannot translate CHR rule: " ++ show exp) where sg = showPlGoals transGoal i exp = case reduceApply exp of Comb FuncCall qf args -> if fst qf == chrMod then transCHRPred i qf args else transUserPred i qf args _ -> error ("Cannot translate CHR literal: " ++ show exp) transCHRPred i (_,cname) args | cname=="/\\" = let (j,chrs1,tgoal1) = transGoal i (args!!0) (k,chrs2,tgoal2) = transGoal j (args!!1) in (k, chrs1++chrs2, tgoal1 ++ tgoal2) | cname=="nonvar" = (i, [], [PlLit "nonvar" [transArg (args!!0)]]) | cname=="ground" = (i, [], [PlLit "ground" [transArg (args!!0)]]) | cname=="true" = (i, [], [PlLit "true" []]) | cname=="false" = (i, [], [PlLit "fail" []]) | otherwise = maybe (error $ "Illegal CHR constraint: CHR."++cname) (\chr2pl -> (i, [], [chr2pl (map transArg args)])) (lookup cname chrPrims) transUserPred i qf args = let (j,plits,plit) = flattenLiteral i (rnmchr qf) args fplit = if qf `elem` map fst chrs then plit else if isCHRType (getftype qf) then let PlLit pn pargs = plit in PlLit "eval" [PlStruct "CHR.chr2curry" [PlStruct pn pargs]] else error ("Operation '"++snd qf++ "' is not a CHR constraint!") in (j, [(qf, length args)], plits ++ [fplit]) -- check whether the type is a type of a CHR constraint isCHRType :: TypeExpr -> Bool isCHRType texp = case texp of FuncType _ rt -> isCHRType rt TCons qtc _ -> qtc == (chrMod,"Goal") _ -> False -- get the first branch of a function definition firstBranch :: Expr -> Expr firstBranch exp = case exp of Case _ _ (Branch _ bexp : brs) -> if null brs then firstBranch bexp else error ("CHR rule with more than one branch: "++show exp) Free _ fexp -> firstBranch fexp _ -> exp -- reduce h.o. applications to a known function: reduceApply :: Expr -> Expr reduceApply exp = case exp of Comb FuncCall ("Prelude","apply") [a1,a2] -> let ra1 = reduceApply a1 in case ra1 of Comb FuncCall qf fargs -> Comb FuncCall qf (fargs++[a2]) _ -> Comb FuncCall ("Prelude","apply") [ra1,a2] _ -> exp -- Translation table for primitive CHR constraints: chrPrims :: [(String,[PlTerm] -> PlGoal)] chrPrims = [(".=." , \args -> PlLit "sunif" args), ("./=.", \args -> PlLit "sunif" [relApply "Prelude.==" args, pfalse]), (".>=.", \args -> PlLit "sunif" [relApply "Prelude.>=" args, ptrue]), (".<=.", \args -> PlLit "sunif" [relApply "Prelude.<=" args, ptrue]), (".>.", \args -> PlLit "sunif" [relApply "Prelude.>" args, ptrue]), (".<.", \args -> PlLit "sunif" [relApply "Prelude.<" args, ptrue])] where ptrue = PlAtom "Prelude.True" pfalse = PlAtom "Prelude.False" relApply rel args = foldl (\f x -> PlStruct "Prelude.apply" [f,x]) (PlStruct rel [head args]) (tail args) -- Translates an argument list of a CHR constraint and try to remove -- partial calls. transArgs :: [Expr] -> [PlTerm] transArgs [] = [] transArgs (e:es) = case e of Comb (FuncPartCall 1) qn [] -> case es of [] -> [transArg e] e1:e1s -> transArgs (Comb FuncCall qn [e1] : e1s) _ -> transArg e : transArgs es -- Translates an argument of a CHR constraint. transArg :: Expr -> PlTerm transArg e = case e of Lit (Intc i) -> PlInt i Lit (Floatc f) -> PlFloat f Var i -> PlVar ('X' : show i) Comb ct qf args -> case ct of FuncCall -> PlStruct (showPlName qf) (map transArg args) ConsCall -> PlStruct (showPlName qf) (map transArg args) FuncPartCall m -> genPartCall m qf args ConsPartCall m -> genPartCall m qf args _ -> error $ "Not yet translatable argument: " ++ show e where genPartCall m qf args = PlStruct "partcall" [PlInt m, PlStruct (showPlName qf) [], plList (map transArg args)] -- Flatten a CHR literal: if arguments contain function calls, -- add unification constraints for these arguments. flattenLiteral :: Int -> QName -> [Expr] -> (Int,[PlGoal],PlGoal) flattenLiteral i qf args = let (j,flits,fargs) = flattenArgs i args in (j, flits, PlLit (showPlName qf) (map transArg fargs)) -- Replace non-variable arguments by equalities for new variables. -- The first argument and result is a counter for indexing new variables. -- The second result is the Prolog code for new equalities. flattenArgs :: Int -> [Expr] -> (Int,[PlGoal],[Expr]) flattenArgs i [] = (i,[],[]) flattenArgs i (arg:args) = if funcArg arg then let (j,flits,fargs) = flattenArgs (i+1) args in (j, PlLit "sunif" [PlVar ("X"++show i), transArg arg] : flits, Var i:fargs) else let (j,flits,fargs) = flattenArgs i args in (j, flits, arg : fargs) where funcArg e = case e of Lit _ -> False Var _ -> False Comb ConsCall _ cargs -> any funcArg cargs _ -> True -- Shows a qualified name: showQName :: QName -> String showQName (mname,fname) = mname++"."++fname -- Shows a name in Curry syntax, i.e., encode special characters as alphanum. showCName :: String -> String showCName s | all (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c=='_') s = s | isAlpha (head s) = concatMap (\c -> if isAlphaNum c || c=='_' then [c] else 'X':show (ord c)) s | otherwise = "("++s++")" -- Shows a qualified name in PAKCS Prolog syntax, i.e., -- encode special characters. showPlName :: QName -> String showPlName qn@(mn,fn) | qn == ("Prelude","[]") = "[]" | qn == ("Prelude",":") = "." | all (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c=='_') fn = showQName qn | length fn > 1 && head fn == '_' = mn ++ '.' : concatMap encodeChar fn | otherwise = showQName qn where encodeChar c = if isAlphaNum c || c=='_' || c=='.' then [c] else let oc = ord c in [''', intToDigit (oc `div` 16), intToDigit (oc `mod` 16)] -- The name of the Curry CHR module: chrMod :: String chrMod = "CHR" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Auxiliaries used in the compiled CHR(Prolog) code. --- Transforms a primitive CHR constraint into a Curry constraint. --- Used in the generated CHR(Prolog) code to evaluated primitive --- constraints. chr2curry :: (Data dom, Eq dom) => CHR.Goal dom chr -> Bool chr2curry (CHR.Goal c) = case c of [CHR.PrimCHR pc] -> CHR.evalPrimCHR pc _ -> error "CHRcompiled.chr2curry: unexpected argument!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Use FlatCurry pretty printer to show a non-top-level type expression. showCurryType :: TypeExpr -> String showCurryType te = '(' : showWidth 78 (ppTypeExp defaultOptions te) ++ ")" 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