------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- This module contains the definition of data types to represent --- entity/relationship diagrams and an I/O operation to read them --- from a term file. --- --- @author Michael Hanus, Marion Mueller --- @version April 2018 --- @category database ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module Database.ERD ( ERD(..), ERDName, Entity(..), EName, Entity(..) , Attribute(..), AName, Key(..), Null, Domain(..) , Relationship(..), REnd(..), RName, Role, Cardinality(..), MaxValue(..) , readERDTermFile, writeERDTermFile ) where import Char (isSpace) import Directory (getAbsolutePath) import IO import ReadShowTerm (readUnqualifiedTerm) import Time --- Data type to represent entity/relationship diagrams. --- The components are the name of the ER model, the list of entities, --- and the list of relationships. data ERD = ERD ERDName [Entity] [Relationship] deriving Show --- The name of an ER model (a string). type ERDName = String -- used as the name of the generated module --- Data type to represent the entities of an ER model. --- Each entity consists of a name and a list of attributes. data Entity = Entity EName [Attribute] deriving Show --- The name of an entity (a string). type EName = String --- Data type to represent attributes of entities of an ER model. --- Each attribute consists of --- * a name --- * the domain (i.e., type) of the attribute --- * a value specifying the key property of thi attribute --- (no key, primary key, or unique) --- * a flag indicating whether this attribute can contain null values data Attribute = Attribute AName Domain Key Null deriving Show --- The name of an attribute (a string). type AName = String --- Data type to represent key properties of attributes --- (no key, primary key, or unique). data Key = NoKey | PKey | Unique deriving (Eq, Show) --- Type of the flag of an attribute indicating whether the attribute --- can contain null values (if the flag has value `True`). type Null = Bool --- Data type the domain of an attribute. --- If the attribute has a default value, it can be specified --- as an argument in the domain. data Domain = IntDom (Maybe Int) | FloatDom (Maybe Float) | CharDom (Maybe Char) | StringDom (Maybe String) | BoolDom (Maybe Bool) | DateDom (Maybe CalendarTime) | UserDefined String (Maybe String) | KeyDom String -- for foreign keys deriving Show --- Data type to represent the relationships of an ER model. --- Each relationship consists of a name and a list of end points --- (usually with two elements). data Relationship = Relationship RName [REnd] deriving Show --- The name of a relationship (a string). type RName = String --- An end point of a relationship which consists of the name --- of an entity, the name of the role, and a cardinality constraint. data REnd = REnd EName Role Cardinality deriving Show --- The name of a role (a string). type Role = String --- Cardinality of a relationship w.r.t. some entity. --- The cardinality is either a fixed number (e.g., (Exactly 1) --- representing the cardinality (1,1)) --- or an interval (e.g., (Between 1 (Max 4)) representing the --- cardinality (1,4), or (Between 0 Infinite) representing the --- cardinality (0,n)). data Cardinality = Exactly Int | Between Int MaxValue deriving Show --- The upper bound of a cardinality which is either a finite number --- or infinite. data MaxValue = Max Int | Infinite deriving Show --- Read an ERD specification from a file containing a single ERD term. readERDTermFile :: String -> IO ERD readERDTermFile termfilename = do putStrLn $ "Reading ERD term from file '" ++ termfilename ++ "'..." handle <- openFile termfilename ReadMode line <- skipCommentLines handle termstring <- hGetContents handle return (updateERDTerm (readUnqualifiedTerm ["Database.ERD","Prelude"] (unlines [line,termstring]))) where skipCommentLines h = do line <- hGetLine h >>= return . dropWhile isSpace if null line || take 2 line == "--" then skipCommentLines h else if take 2 line == "{-" -- -} then skipBracketComment h (drop 2 line) else return line skipBracketComment h [] = hGetLine h >>= skipBracketComment h skipBracketComment h [_] = hGetLine h >>= skipBracketComment h skipBracketComment h (c1:c2:cs) = if c1=='-' && c2=='}' then return cs else skipBracketComment h (c2:cs) --- Transforms an ERD term possible containing old, outdated, information. --- In particular, translate (Range ...) into (Between ...). updateERDTerm :: ERD -> ERD updateERDTerm (ERD name es rs) = ERD name es (map updateRel rs) where updateRel (Relationship r ends) = Relationship r (map updateEnd ends) updateEnd (REnd n r c) = REnd n r (updateCard c) updateCard (Exactly n) = Exactly n updateCard (Between min (Max m)) = if min<=m then Between min (Max m) else error ("ERD: Illegal cardinality " ++ show (Between min (Max m))) updateCard (Between min Infinite) = Between min Infinite --- Writes an ERD term into a file with name `ERDMODELNAME.erdterm` --- and returns the absolute path name of the generated term file. writeERDTermFile :: ERD -> IO String writeERDTermFile erd@(ERD name _ _) = do let termfile = name ++ ".erdterm" writeFile termfile (show erd) getAbsolutePath termfile {- -- Example ERD term: (ERD "Uni" [Entity "Student" [Attribute "MatNum" (IntDom Nothing) PKey False, Attribute "Name" (StringDom Nothing) NoKey False, Attribute "Firstname" (StringDom Nothing) NoKey False, Attribute "Email" (UserDefined "MyModule.Email" Nothing) NoKey True], Entity "Lecture" [Attribute "Id" (IntDom Nothing) PKey False, Attribute "Title" (StringDom Nothing) Unique False, Attribute "Hours" (IntDom (Just 4)) NoKey False], Entity "Lecturer" [Attribute "Id" (IntDom Nothing) PKey False, Attribute "Name" (StringDom Nothing) NoKey False, Attribute "Firstname" (StringDom Nothing) NoKey False], Entity "Group" [Attribute "Time" (StringDom Nothing) NoKey False]] [Relationship "Teaching" [REnd "Lecturer" "taught_by" (Exactly 1), REnd "Lecture" "teaches" (Between 0 Infinite)], Relationship "Participation" [REnd "Student" "participated_by" (Between 0 Infinite), REnd "Lecture" "participates" (Between 0 Infinite)], Relationship "Membership" [REnd "Student" "consists_of" (Exactly 3), REnd "Group" "member_of" (Between 0 Infinite)]]) -}