--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- This module defines basis data types and functions for accessing --- database systems using SQL. Currently, only SQLite3 is supported, --- but this is easy to extend. It also provides execution of SQL-Queries --- with types. Allowed datatypes for these queries are defined and --- the conversion to standard SQL-Queries is provided. --- --- @author Mike Tallarek, Michael Hanus --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Database.CDBI.Connection ( -- Basis types and operations SQLValue(..), SQLType(..), SQLResult, fromSQLResult, printSQLResults , DBAction, DBError (..), DBErrorKind (..), Connection (..) -- DBActions , runDBAction, runInTransaction, returnDB, failDB, (>+), (>+=) , executeRaw, execute, select , executeMultipleTimes, getColumnNames, valueToString -- Connections , connectSQLite, disconnect, writeConnection , begin, commit, rollback, setForeignKeyCheck , runWithDB ) where import Char ( isDigit ) import Function ( on ) import Global ( Global, GlobalSpec(..), global, readGlobal, writeGlobal ) import IOExts ( connectToCommand ) import IO ( Handle, hPutStrLn, hGetLine, hFlush, hClose, stderr ) import List ( init, insertBy, intercalate, isInfixOf, isPrefixOf , nub, tails, (\\) ) import ReadShowTerm ( readQTerm, readsQTerm, showQTerm ) import ReadNumeric ( readInt ) import System ( system ) import Time import Text.CSV ( readCSV ) infixl 1 >+, >+= --- Global flag for database debug mode. --- If on, all communication with database is written to stderr. dbDebug :: Bool dbDebug = False --- If this flag is true, the SQL output will be requested in csv format --- (which can be parsed faster than the line mode output). dbWithCSVMode :: Bool dbWithCSVMode = True -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Datatypes -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- The result of SQL-related actions. It is either a `DBError` or some value. type SQLResult a = Either DBError a --- Gets the value of an 'SQLResult'. If there is no result value --- but a database error, the error is raised. fromSQLResult :: SQLResult a -> a fromSQLResult (Left err) = error $ "Database connection error: " ++ show err fromSQLResult (Right val) = val --- Print an 'SQLResult' list, i.e., print either the 'DBError' --- or the list of result elements. printSQLResults :: Show a => SQLResult [a] -> IO () printSQLResults (Left err) = putStrLn $ show err printSQLResults (Right res) = mapIO_ print res --- `DBError`s are composed of an `DBErrorKind` and a `String` --- describing the error more explicitly. data DBError = DBError DBErrorKind String deriving (Eq,Show) --- The different kinds of errors. data DBErrorKind = TableDoesNotExist | ParameterError | ConstraintViolation | SyntaxError | NoLineError | LockedDBError | UnknownError deriving (Eq,Show) --- Data type for SQL values, used during the communication with the database. data SQLValue = SQLString String | SQLInt Int | SQLFloat Float | SQLChar Char | SQLBool Bool | SQLDate ClockTime | SQLNull deriving Show --- Type identifiers for `SQLValue`s, necessary to determine the type --- of the value a column should be converted to. data SQLType = SQLTypeString | SQLTypeInt | SQLTypeFloat | SQLTypeChar | SQLTypeBool | SQLTypeDate -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Database actions with types -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- A `DBAction` takes a connection and performs an IO action that --- returns a `SQLResult a` value. data DBAction a = DBAction (Connection -> IO (SQLResult a)) --- Runs a `DBAction` on a connection. runDBAction :: DBAction a -> Connection -> IO (SQLResult a) runDBAction (DBAction a) conn = a conn --- Run a `DBAction` as a transaction. --- In case of an error, it will rollback all changes, otherwise, the changes --- are committed. The transaction is also checked whether foreign key errors --- have been introduced so that a transaction which introduces --- foreign key errors will never be committed. --- @param act - The `DBAction` --- @param conn - The `Connection` to the database on which the transaction --- shall be executed. runInTransaction :: DBAction a -> DBAction a runInTransaction act = DBAction $ \conn -> do res <- flip runDBAction conn $ do begin kes1 <- getForeignKeyErrors r <- act kes2 <- getForeignKeyErrors return (kes2 \\ kes1, r) case res of Left err -> runDBAction rollback conn >> return (Left err) Right (newkes,ares) -> if null newkes then runDBAction commit conn >> return (Right ares) else runDBAction rollback conn >> return (Left (DBError ConstraintViolation (showFKErrors newkes))) where showFKErrors = intercalate "," . nub . concatMap (\row -> if length row < 3 then [] else [row!!0 ++ "/" ++ row!!2]) --- Connects two `DBAction`s. --- When executed this function will execute the first `DBAction` --- and then execute the second applied to the result of the first action. --- A database error will stop either action. --- @param x - The `DBAction` that will be executed first --- @param y - The `DBAction` hat will be executed afterwards --- @return A `DBAction` that wille execute both `DBAction`s. --- The result is the result of the second `DBAction`. (>+=) :: DBAction a -> (a -> DBAction b) -> DBAction b m >+= f = DBAction $ \conn -> do v1 <- runDBAction m conn case v1 of Right val -> runDBAction (f val) conn Left err -> return (Left err) --- Connects two `DBAction`s but ignore the result of the first. (>+) :: DBAction a -> DBAction b -> DBAction b (>+) x y = x >+= (\_ -> y) --- Returns an `SQLResult`. returnDB :: SQLResult a -> DBAction a returnDB r = DBAction $ \_ -> return r --- A failed `DBAction` with a specific error. failDB :: DBError -> DBAction a failDB err = returnDB (Left err) --- The `Monad` instance of `DBAction`. instance Monad DBAction where a1 >>= a2 = a1 >+= a2 a1 >> a2 = a1 >+ a2 return x = returnDB (Right x) fail s = returnDB (Left (DBError UnknownError s)) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Execute a query where the result of the execution is returned. --- @param query - The SQL Query as a String, might have '?' as placeholder --- @param values - A list of SQLValues that replace the '?' placeholder --- @param types - A list of SQLTypes that describe the types of the --- result-tables (e.g. "select * from exampletable" and [SQLTypeInt, --- SQLTypeFloat, SQLTypeString] --- when the table exampletable has three columns of type Int, Float and --- String.) The order of the list has to be the same as the order of the --- columns in the table --- @param conn - A Connection to a database where the query will be executed --- @return A Result with a list of SQLValues which types correspond to --- the SQLType-List that was given as a parameter if the execution was --- successful, otherwise an Error select :: String -> [SQLValue] -> [SQLType] -> DBAction [[SQLValue]] select query values types = executeRaw query (map valueToString values) >+= \a -> returnDB (convertValues a types) --- execute a query without a result --- @param query - The SQL Query as a String, might have '?' as placeholder --- @param values - A list of SQLValues that replace the '?' placeholder --- @param conn - A Connection to a database where the query will be executed --- @return An empty if the execution was successful, otherwise an error execute :: String -> [SQLValue] -> DBAction () execute query values = executeRaw query (map valueToString values) >+ return () --- Executes a query multiple times with different SQLValues without a result --- @param query - The SQL Query as a String, might have '?' as placeholder --- @param values - A list of lists of SQLValues that replace the '?' --- placeholder (one list for every execution) --- @return A void result if every execution was successful, otherwise an --- Error (meaning at least one execution failed). As soon as one --- execution fails, the rest wont be executed. executeMultipleTimes :: String -> [[SQLValue]] -> DBAction () executeMultipleTimes query values = mapM_ (execute query) values -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Database connections -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Data type for database connections. --- Currently, only connections to a SQLite3 database are supported, --- but other types of connections could easily be added. --- The following functions might need to be re-implemented for other DBs: --- A function to connect to the database, disconnect, writeConnection --- readRawConnectionLine, parseLines, begin, commit, rollback, --- and getColumnNames data Connection = SQLiteConnection Handle --- Connect to a SQLite Database --- @param str - name of the database (e.g. "database.db") --- @return A connection to a SQLite Database connectSQLite :: String -> IO Connection connectSQLite db = do exsqlite3 <- system "which sqlite3 > /dev/null" when (exsqlite3>0) $ error "Database interface `sqlite3' not found. Please install package `sqlite3'!" h <- connectToCommand $ "sqlite3 " ++ db ++ " 2>&1" hPutAndFlush h $ ".mode " ++ if dbWithCSVMode then "csv" else "line" hPutAndFlush h $ ".log " ++ if dbWithCSVMode then "off" else "stdout" -- we increase the timeout to avoid 'OperationalError: database is locked' -- see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3172929/operationalerror-database-is-locked/3172950 hPutAndFlush h $ ".timeout 10000" return $ SQLiteConnection h --- Disconnect from a database. disconnect :: Connection -> IO () disconnect (SQLiteConnection h) = hClose h hPutAndFlush :: Handle -> String -> IO () hPutAndFlush h s = do when dbDebug $ hPutStrLn stderr ("DB>>> " ++ s) >> hFlush stderr hPutStrLn h s >> hFlush h --- Write a `String` to a `Connection`. writeConnection :: String -> Connection -> IO () writeConnection str (SQLiteConnection h) = hPutAndFlush h str --- Read a line from a `Connection`. readRawConnectionLine :: Connection -> IO String readRawConnectionLine (SQLiteConnection h) = do inp <- hGetLine h >>= return . stripCR when dbDebug $ hPutStrLn stderr ("DB<<< " ++ inp) >> hFlush stderr return inp where -- Remove CR at end-of-line stripCR [] = [] stripCR [c] = if c == '\r' then [] else [c] stripCR (c:cs@(_:_)) = c : stripCR cs --- Begin a transaction. --- Inside a transaction, foreign key constraints are checked. begin :: DBAction () begin = DBAction $ \conn -> do writeConnection "begin;" conn writeConnection "PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;" conn return (Right ()) --- Commit a transaction. commit :: DBAction () commit = DBAction $ \conn -> do writeConnection "commit;" conn return (Right ()) --- Rollback a transaction. rollback :: DBAction () rollback = DBAction $ \conn -> do writeConnection "rollback;" conn return (Right ()) --- Turn on/off checking of foreign key constraints (SQLite3). setForeignKeyCheck :: Bool -> DBAction () setForeignKeyCheck flag = DBAction $ \conn -> do writeConnection ("PRAGMA foreign_keys=" ++ showFlag ++ ";") conn return (Right ()) where showFlag = if flag then "ON" else "OFF" --- Executes an action dependent on a connection on a database --- by connecting to the datebase. The connection will be kept open --- and re-used for the next action to this database. --- @param str - name of the database (e.g. "database.db") --- @param action - an action parameterized over a database connection --- @return the result of the action runWithDB :: String -> DBAction a -> IO (SQLResult a) runWithDB dbname dbaction = ensureSQLiteConnection dbname >>= runDBAction dbaction --- Executes an action dependent on a connection on a database --- by connecting and disconnecting to the datebase. --- @param str - name of the database (e.g. "database.db") --- @param action - an action parameterized over a database connection --- @return the result of the action runWithDB' :: String -> (Connection -> IO a) -> IO a runWithDB' dbname dbaction = do conn <- connectSQLite dbname result <- dbaction conn disconnect conn return result -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Executing SQL statements -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Executes an SQL statement. --- The statement may contain '?' placeholders and a list of parameters which --- should be inserted at the respective positions. --- The result is a list of list of strings where every single list --- represents a row of the result. executeRaw :: String -> [String] -> DBAction [[String]] executeRaw query para = case insertParams query para of Left err -> failDB err Right qu -> DBAction $ \conn -> do writeConnection qu conn parseLines conn --- Returns a list with the names of every column in a table --- The parameter is the name of the table. getColumnNames :: String -> DBAction [String] -- SQLite implementation getColumnNames table = DBAction $ \conn -> do writeConnection ("pragma table_info(" ++ table ++ ");") conn result <- parseLines conn case result of Left err -> return (Left err) Right xs -> return (Right (map retrieveColumnNames xs)) where retrieveColumnNames xs = case xs of (_:y:_) -> y _ -> error "Database.CDBI.Connection.getColumnNames: wrong arguments" --- Returns a list of unsatisfisfied foreign key constraints (SQLite). --- In a correct database state, the list should be empty. getForeignKeyErrors :: DBAction [[String]] -- SQLite implementation getForeignKeyErrors = DBAction $ \conn -> do writeConnection ("PRAGMA foreign_key_check;") conn parseLines conn --- Read every output line of a Connection and return a Result with a list --- of lists of strings where every list of strings represents a row. --- NULL-Values have to be empty Strings instead of "NULL", all other --- values should be represented exactly as they are saved in the database parseLines :: Connection -> IO (SQLResult [[String]]) --- SQLite implementation parseLines conn@(SQLiteConnection _) = do random <- getRandom case random of Left err -> return (Left err) Right val -> do writeConnection ("select '" ++ val ++ "';") conn parseSQLOutputUntil val conn --- `getRandom` requests a random number from a SQLite-database. getRandom :: IO (SQLResult String) getRandom = do conn <- ensureSQLiteConnection "" -- connectSQLite "" writeConnection "select hex(randomblob(8));" conn result <- readConnectionLine conn --disconnect conn return result --- Inserts parameters into a SQL query for placeholders denoted by (`?`). --- The parameters are inserted in the order in which they are supplied. --- Will throw error if the number of placeholders isn't equal to the length --- of the list insertParams :: String -> [String] -> SQLResult String insertParams qu xs = if (length xs == (countPlaceholder qu)) then Right (insertParams' qu xs) else Left (DBError ParameterError "Amount of placeholders not equal to length of placeholder-list") where insertParams' sql [] = sql insertParams' sql params@(p:ps) = case sql of "" -> "" ''':'?':''':cs -> p ++ insertParams' cs ps c:cs -> c : insertParams' cs params countPlaceholder qu2 = case qu2 of "" -> 0 ''':'?':''':cs -> 1 + (countPlaceholder cs) _:cs -> countPlaceholder cs --- Reads the current output of SQLite line by line until a specific stop --- string is found. This is necessary because it is otherwise not possible --- to determine the end of the output without blocking. (SQLite function) parseSQLOutputUntil :: String -> Connection -> IO (SQLResult [[String]]) parseSQLOutputUntil = if dbWithCSVMode then parseCSVUntil else parseLinesUntil parseCSVUntil :: String -> Connection -> IO (SQLResult [[String]]) parseCSVUntil stop conn = do output <- readLinesUntil case output of Left err -> return $ Left err Right csvlines -> return $ Right (concatMap readCSV csvlines) where readLinesUntil = do line <- readConnectionLine conn case line of Left err -> return $ Left err Right s -> if s == stop then return $ Right [] else do rest <- readLinesUntil case rest of Left err -> return $ Left err Right ls -> return $ Right (s:ls) parseLinesUntil :: String -> Connection -> IO (SQLResult [[String]]) parseLinesUntil stop conn@(SQLiteConnection _) = next where next = do value <- readConnectionLine conn case value of Left (DBError NoLineError "") -> do rest <- next case rest of Left err -> return $ Left err Right xs -> return $ Right ([]:xs) Left err -> readRawConnectionLine conn >> return (Left err) Right val | val == "index" -> next | val == stop -> return (Right [[]]) | otherwise -> do rest <- next case rest of Left err -> return $ Left err Right ([]:xs) -> return $ Right ([val]:xs) Right ((x:ys):xs) -> return $ Right ((val:(x:ys)):xs) Right [] -> error "Database.CDBI.Connection.parseLinesUntil: wrong arguments" --- Read a line from a SQLite Connection and check if it represents a value readConnectionLine :: Connection -> IO (SQLResult String) readConnectionLine conn = check `liftIO` readRawConnectionLine conn where --- Ensure that a line read from a database connection represents a value. check :: String -> SQLResult String check s = if dbWithCSVMode then checkCSV s else checkLine s checkCSV s | "Error" `isPrefixOf` s = Left (DBError (getErrorKindSQLite s) s) | otherwise = Right s checkLine s | null s = Left (DBError NoLineError "") | "Error" `isPrefixOf` s = Left (DBError (getErrorKindSQLite s) s) | '=' `elem` s = Right (getValue s) | "automatic index on" `isInfixOf` s = Right "index" | otherwise = Left (DBError (getErrorKindSQLite s) s) --- Get the value from a line with a '=' getValue :: String -> String --getValue (_ ++ "= " ++ b) = b --getValue (_ ++ "=") = "" -- alternative implementation to avoid non-deterministic functional patterns: getValue s = if "case" `isInfixOf` s then getCaseValue s else let taileq = tail (snd (break (== '=') s)) in if null taileq then "" else let (' ':val) = taileq in val where getCaseValue str = getValue (readTilEnd str) readTilEnd rest = head (filter (\ls -> "end" `isPrefixOf` ls) (tails rest)) --- Identify the error kind. getErrorKindSQLite :: String -> DBErrorKind getErrorKindSQLite str | "UNIQUE constraint" `isInfixOf` str = ConstraintViolation | "FOREIGN KEY constraint" `isInfixOf` str = ConstraintViolation | "no such table" `isInfixOf` str = TableDoesNotExist | "syntax error" `isInfixOf` str = SyntaxError | "database is locked" `isInfixOf` str = LockedDBError | otherwise = UnknownError -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Auxiliary Functions -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Converts an SQLValue to its string representation. valueToString :: SQLValue -> String valueToString x = replaceEmptyString $ case x of SQLString a -> "'" ++ encodeStringToSQL a ++ "'" SQLChar a -> "'" ++ encodeStringToSQL [a] ++ "'" SQLNull -> "NULL" SQLDate a -> "'" ++ show (toUTCTime a) ++ "'" SQLInt a -> show a--"'" ++ show a ++ "'" SQLFloat a -> show a --"'" ++ show a ++ "'" SQLBool a -> "'" ++ show a ++ "'" -- Replaces an empty String with "NU'LL" replaceEmptyString :: String -> String replaceEmptyString str = case str of "''" -> "NULL" st -> st -- Converts String representations of SQLValues to their SQLValues -- Every list of strings in the first parameter represents a data-type -- of multiple values -- The list of SQLTypes tells the function what kind of SQLValues should be parsed convertValues :: [[String]] -> [SQLType] -> SQLResult [[SQLValue]] convertValues [] _ = Right [] -- this rule should not be used convertValues (s:str) types = if length s == length types then Right (map (\x -> map convertValue (zip x types)) (s:str)) else if null s then Right [] else Left (DBError ParameterError "Number of returned parameters and types not equal") convertValue :: (String,SQLType) -> SQLValue convertValue (s, SQLTypeString) = if null s then SQLNull else SQLString (decodeStringFromSQL s) convertValue (s, SQLTypeInt) = case readInt s of Just (a,_) -> SQLInt a Nothing -> SQLNull convertValue (s, SQLTypeFloat) = if isFloat s then case readsQTerm s of [] -> SQLNull ((a,_):_) -> SQLFloat a else SQLNull convertValue (s, SQLTypeBool) = case readsQTerm s of [(True,[])] -> SQLBool True [(False,[])] -> SQLBool False _ -> SQLNull convertValue (s, SQLTypeDate) = case readsQTerm s of [(CalendarTime a b c d e f g, [])] -> SQLDate (toClockTime (CalendarTime a b c d e f g)) _ -> SQLNull convertValue ("", SQLTypeChar) = SQLNull convertValue (s:_, SQLTypeChar) = SQLChar s -- Encodes a Curry string into an SQL string which allows an appropriate -- parsing of SQL output values. This is done by: -- 1. Transform the string by applying Curry's `show` operation and removing -- the enclosing apostrophs (i.e., encode all special chars). -- 2. Replacing all apostrophes in the resulting string with double apostrophes -- (this is necessary to transfer the encoded string correctly to SQLite) encodeStringToSQL :: String -> String encodeStringToSQL s = doubleQuote (init (tail (showQTerm s))) where doubleQuote "" = "" doubleQuote (c:cs) | c == ''' = "''" ++ doubleQuote cs | otherwise = c : doubleQuote cs -- Decodes SQL string back into a Curry string into an SQL string. decodeStringFromSQL :: String -> String decodeStringFromSQL s = readQTerm ('"' : s ++ ['"']) -- Does a string represent a Float? isFloat :: String -> Bool isFloat [a] = isDigit a isFloat (a:b:_) = (isDigit a) || (isDigit b && a == '-') isFloat [] = False ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A global value that keeps all open database handles. openDBConnections :: Global [(String,Connection)] openDBConnections = global [] Temporary -- Connect to SQLite database. Either create a new connection -- (and keep it) or re-use a previous connection. ensureSQLiteConnection :: String -> IO Connection ensureSQLiteConnection db = do dbConnections <- readGlobal openDBConnections maybe (addNewConnection dbConnections) return (lookup db dbConnections) where addNewConnection dbConnections = do dbcon <- connectSQLite db writeGlobal openDBConnections $ -- sort against deadlock insertBy ((<=) `on` fst) (db,dbcon) dbConnections return dbcon -- Performs an action on all open database connections. withAllDBConnections :: (Connection -> IO _) -> IO () withAllDBConnections f = readGlobal openDBConnections >>= mapIO_ (f . snd) --- Closes all database connections. Should be called when no more --- database access will be necessary. closeDBConnections :: IO () closeDBConnections = do withAllDBConnections disconnect writeGlobal openDBConnections [] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------