----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Required value analysis for Curry programs --- --- This analysis checks for each function in a Curry program whether --- the arguments of a function must have a particular shape in order to --- compute some value of this function. --- For instance, the negation operation `not` requires the argument --- value `False` in order to compute the result `True` and it requires --- the argument `True` to compute the result `False`. --- --- @author Michael Hanus --- @version November 2024 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# OPTIONS_FRONTEND -Wno-incomplete-patterns #-} module Analysis.RequiredValues (AType(..), showAType, AFType(..), showAFType, lubAType, reqValueAnalysis) where import FlatCurry.Types import FlatCurry.Goodies import Data.List hiding (union,intersect) import RW.Base import System.IO import Analysis.Types import Analysis.ProgInfo import Analysis.TotallyDefined(siblingCons) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Our abstract (non-standard) type domain. -- `Any` represents any expression, -- `AnyC` represents any value (i.e., constructor-rooted term), -- `Cons cs` a value rooted by some of the constructor `cs`, and data AType = Cons [QName] | AnyC | Any deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) --- Abstract representation of no possible value. empty :: AType empty = Cons [] --- Is some abstract type a constructor? isConsValue :: AType -> Bool isConsValue av = case av of Cons cs -> not (null cs) _ -> False --- Least upper bound of abstract values. lubAType :: AType -> AType -> AType lubAType Any _ = Any lubAType AnyC Any = Any lubAType AnyC AnyC = AnyC lubAType AnyC (Cons _) = AnyC lubAType (Cons _) Any = Any lubAType (Cons _) AnyC = AnyC lubAType (Cons c) (Cons d) = Cons (union c d) -- replace previous rule by following rule in order to use singleton sets: --lubAType (Cons c) (Cons d) = if c==d then Cons c else AnyC --- Join two abstract values. The result is `Empty` if they are not compatible. joinAType :: AType -> AType -> AType joinAType Any av = av joinAType AnyC Any = AnyC joinAType AnyC AnyC = AnyC joinAType AnyC (Cons c) = Cons c joinAType (Cons c) Any = Cons c joinAType (Cons c) AnyC = Cons c joinAType (Cons c) (Cons d) = Cons (intersect c d) -- replace previous rule by following rule in order to use singleton sets: --joinAType (Cons c) (Cons d) = if c==d then Cons c else Cons [] --- Are two abstract types compatible, i.e., describe common values? compatibleType :: AType -> AType -> Bool compatibleType t1 t2 = joinAType t1 t2 /= empty -- Shows an abstract value. showAType :: AOutFormat -> AType -> String showAType _ Any = "any" showAType _ AnyC = "cons" showAType _ (Cons cs) = "{" ++ intercalate "," (map snd cs) ++ "}" --- The abstract type of a function. --- It is either `EmptyFunc`, i.e., contains no information about --- the possible result of the function, --- or a list of possible argument/result type pairs. data AFType = EmptyFunc | AFType [([AType],AType)] deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) -- Shows an abstract value. showAFType :: AOutFormat -> AFType -> String showAFType _ EmptyFunc = "EmptyFunc" showAFType aof (AFType fts) = intercalate " | " (map showFType fts) where showFType (targs,tres) = "(" ++ intercalate "," (map (showAType aof) targs) ++ " -> " ++ showAType aof tres ++ ")" showCalledFuncs :: [(QName,AFType)] -> String showCalledFuncs = intercalate "|" . map (\ ((_,f),at) -> f ++ "::" ++ showAFType ANote at) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- An abstract environments used in the analysis of a function associates --- to each variable (index) an abstract type. type AEnv = [(Int,AType)] --- Extend an abstract environment with variables of any type: extendEnv :: AEnv -> [Int] -> AEnv extendEnv env vars = zip vars (repeat Any) ++ env --- Update a variable in an abstract environment: updateVarInEnv :: AEnv -> Int -> AType -> AEnv updateVarInEnv [] v _ = error ("Variable "++show v++" not found in environment") updateVarInEnv ((i,ov):env) v nv = if i==v then (i,nv) : env else (i,ov) : updateVarInEnv env v nv --- Drop the first n elements from the environment component --- of an environment/type pair: dropEnv :: Int -> ([a],b) -> ([a],b) dropEnv n (env,rtype) = (drop n env, rtype) -- Sorts a list of environment/type pairs by the type. sortEnvTypes :: [(AEnv,AType)] -> [(AEnv,AType)] sortEnvTypes = sortBy (\ (e1,t1) (e2,t2) -> (t1,e1) <= (t2,e2)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- The maximum number of different constructors considered for the --- required value analysis. If a type has more constructors than --- specified here, it will not be analyzed for individual required --- constructor values. maxReqValues :: Int maxReqValues = 3 --- Required value analysis. reqValueAnalysis :: Analysis AFType reqValueAnalysis = combinedDependencyFuncAnalysis "RequiredValues" siblingCons EmptyFunc analyseReqVal analyseReqVal :: ProgInfo [(QName,Int)] -> FuncDecl -> [(QName,AFType)] -> AFType analyseReqVal consinfo (Func (m,f) arity _ _ rule) calledfuncs | m==prelude = maybe (anaresult rule) id (lookup f preludeFuncs) | otherwise = --trace ("Analyze "++f++"\n"++showCalledFuncs calledfuncs++ -- "\nRESULT: "++showAFType _ (anaresult rule)) $ anaresult rule where anaresult (External _) = AFType [(take arity (repeat Any),AnyC)] anaresult (Rule args rhs) = analyseReqValRule consinfo calledfuncs args rhs -- add special results for prelude functions here: preludeFuncs = [("failed",AFType [([],empty)]) ,("==",AFType [([AnyC,AnyC],AnyC)]) ,("=:=",AFType [([AnyC,AnyC],AnyC)]) ,("$",AFType [([AnyC,Any],AnyC)]) ,("$!",AFType [([AnyC,AnyC],AnyC)]) ,("$!!",AFType [([AnyC,AnyC],AnyC)]) ,("$#",AFType [([AnyC,AnyC],AnyC)]) ,("$##",AFType [([AnyC,AnyC],AnyC)]) ,("compare",AFType [([AnyC,AnyC],AnyC)]) ] analyseReqValRule :: ProgInfo [(QName,Int)] -> [(QName,AFType)] -> [Int] -> Expr -> AFType analyseReqValRule consinfo calledfuncs args rhs = let initenv = extendEnv [] args envtypes = reqValExp initenv rhs AnyC rtypes = map snd envtypes in -- If some result is `AnyC` and another result is a constructor, then -- analyze again for all constructors as required results -- in order to get more precise information. if any (==AnyC) rtypes && any isConsValue rtypes then let somecons = maybe (error "Internal error") (\ (Cons (c:_)) -> c) (find isConsValue rtypes) othercons = maybe [] (map fst) (lookupProgInfo somecons consinfo) consenvtypes = foldr lubEnvTypes [] (map (\rt -> reqValExp initenv rhs rt) (map (\c -> Cons [c]) (somecons:othercons))) in AFType (map (\ (env,rtype) -> (map snd env, rtype)) (lubAnyEnvTypes (if length othercons >= maxReqValues then envtypes else consenvtypes))) else AFType (map (\ (env,rtype) -> (map snd env, rtype)) (lubAnyEnvTypes envtypes)) where reqValExp env exp reqtype = case exp of Var v -> [(updateVarInEnv env v reqtype, reqtype)] Lit _ -> [(env, AnyC)] -- too many literal constants... Comb ConsCall c _ -> [(env, Cons [c])] -- analysis of arguments superfluous Comb FuncCall qf funargs -> if qf==(prelude,"?") && length funargs == 2 then -- use intended definition of Prelude.? for more precise analysis: reqValExp env (Or (head funargs) (funargs!!1)) reqtype else maybe [(env, AnyC)] (\ftype -> case ftype of EmptyFunc -> [(env, empty)] -- no information available AFType ftypes -> let matchingtypes = filter (compatibleType reqtype . snd) ftypes -- for all matching types analyze arguments -- where a constructor value is required: matchingenvs = map (\ (ts,rt) -> let argenvs = concatMap (envForConsArg env) (zip ts funargs) in (foldr joinEnv env argenvs, rt)) matchingtypes in if null matchingtypes then [(env, empty)] else matchingenvs ) (lookup qf calledfuncs) Comb _ _ _ -> [(env, AnyC)] -- no reasonable info for partial applications Or e1 e2 -> lubEnvTypes (reqValExp env e1 reqtype) (reqValExp env e2 reqtype) Case _ e branches -> let -- filter non-failing branches: nfbranches = filter (\ (Branch _ be) -> be /= Comb FuncCall (prelude,"failed") []) branches reqenvs = filter (not . null) (map (envForBranch env reqtype e) nfbranches) in if null reqenvs then [(env, empty)] else foldr1 lubEnvTypes reqenvs Free vars e -> map (dropEnv (length vars)) (reqValExp (extendEnv env vars) e reqtype) Let bindings e -> -- bindings are not analyzed since we don't know whether they are used: map (dropEnv (length bindings)) (reqValExp (extendEnv env (map fst bindings)) e reqtype) Typed e _ -> reqValExp env e reqtype -- compute an expression environment for a function argument if this -- argument is required to be a constructor: envForConsArg env (reqtype,exp) = case reqtype of AnyC -> [foldr1 lubEnv (map fst (reqValExp env exp AnyC))] Cons qc -> [foldr1 lubEnv (map fst (reqValExp env exp (Cons qc)))] _ -> [] -- compute an expression environment and required type for an applied branch envForBranch env reqtype exp (Branch pat bexp) = filter (\ (_,rt) -> compatibleType rt reqtype) branchtypes where branchtypes = case pat of LPattern _ -> reqValExp env bexp reqtype Pattern qc pvars -> let caseenvs = map fst (reqValExp env exp (Cons [qc])) branchenvs = foldr lubEnvTypes [] (map (\caseenv -> reqValExp (extendEnv caseenv pvars) bexp reqtype) caseenvs) in map (dropEnv (length pvars)) branchenvs --- "lub" two environment lists. All environment lists are ordered --- by the result type. lubEnvTypes :: [(AEnv,AType)] -> [(AEnv,AType)] -> [(AEnv,AType)] lubEnvTypes [] ets2 = ets2 lubEnvTypes ets1@(_:_) [] = ets1 lubEnvTypes ((env1,t1):ets1) ((env2,t2):ets2) | t1==empty = lubEnvTypes ets1 ((env2,t2):ets2) -- ignore "empty" infos | t2==empty = lubEnvTypes ((env1,t1):ets1) ets2 | t1==t2 = (lubEnv env1 env2, t1) : lubEnvTypes ets1 ets2 | t1 < t2 = (env1,t1) : lubEnvTypes ets1 ((env2,t2):ets2) | otherwise = (env2,t2) : lubEnvTypes ((env1,t1):ets1) ets2 --- "lub" the environments of the more specific types to the AnyC type --- (if present). lubAnyEnvTypes :: [(AEnv,AType)] -> [(AEnv,AType)] lubAnyEnvTypes envtypes = if null envtypes || snd (head envtypes) /= AnyC then envtypes else foldr1 lubEnvType envtypes : tail envtypes lubEnvType :: (AEnv,AType) -> (AEnv,AType) -> (AEnv,AType) lubEnvType (env1,t1) (env2,t2) = (lubEnv env1 env2, lubAType t1 t2) lubEnv :: AEnv -> AEnv -> AEnv lubEnv [] _ = [] lubEnv (_:_) [] = [] lubEnv ((i1,v1):env1) env2@(_:_) = maybe (lubEnv env1 env2) (\v2 -> (i1, lubAType v1 v2) : lubEnv env1 env2) (lookup i1 env2) joinEnv :: AEnv -> AEnv -> AEnv joinEnv [] _ = [] joinEnv (_:_) [] = [] joinEnv ((i1,v1):env1) env2@(_:_) = maybe (joinEnv env1 env2) (\v2 -> (i1, joinAType v1 v2) : joinEnv env1 env2) (lookup i1 env2) -- Name of the standard prelude: prelude :: String prelude = "Prelude" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Auxiliaries: -- Union on sorted lists: union :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] union [] ys = ys union xs@(_:_) [] = xs union (x:xs) (y:ys) | x==y = x : union xs ys | x [a] -> [a] -> [a] intersect [] _ = [] intersect (_:_) [] = [] intersect (x:xs) (y:ys) | x==y = x : intersect xs ys | x> writeRW params h a' strs writeRW _ h AnyC strs = hPutChar h '1' >> return strs writeRW _ h Any strs = hPutChar h '2' >> return strs typeOf _ = monoRWType "AType" instance ReadWrite AFType where readRW _ ('0' : r0) = (EmptyFunc,r0) readRW strs ('1' : r0) = (AFType a',r1) where (a',r1) = readRW strs r0 showRW _ strs0 EmptyFunc = (strs0,showChar '0') showRW params strs0 (AFType a') = (strs1,showChar '1' . show1) where (strs1,show1) = showRW params strs0 a' writeRW _ h EmptyFunc strs = hPutChar h '0' >> return strs writeRW params h (AFType a') strs = hPutChar h '1' >> writeRW params h a' strs typeOf _ = monoRWType "AFType" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------