-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Operations to implement the client workers. --- In particular, it contains some simple fixpoint computations. --- --- @author Heiko Hoffmann, Michael Hanus --- @version January 2025 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- module CASS.WorkerFunctions where import Data.IORef import Data.List ( partition ) import System.CPUTime ( getCPUTime ) import Analysis.Files import Analysis.Logging ( debugMessage, debugString ) import Analysis.Types ( Analysis(..), isSimpleAnalysis, isCombinedAnalysis , analysisName, startValue, isFunctionAnalysis, isTypeAnalysis) import Analysis.ProgInfo ( ProgInfo, combineProgInfo, emptyProgInfo , publicProgInfo, lookupProgInfo, lists2ProgInfo , equalProgInfo, publicListFromProgInfo, showProgInfo ) import Data.Map as Map import FlatCurry.Types import FlatCurry.Goodies import Data.SCC ( scc ) import Data.Set.RBTree as Set ( SetRBT, member, empty, insert, null ) import RW.Base import CASS.Configuration import CASS.FlatCurryDependency ( callsDirectly, dependsDirectlyOnTypes ) import CASS.Options ( Options(..), optNoCurryInfo ) import CPM.Query.Main ( askCurryInfoCmd ) -- for curry-info integration import qualified CPM.Query.Options as CPMQuery ( CurryEntity(..) ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Datatype to store already read ProgInfos for modules. type ProgInfoStore a = [(String,ProgInfo a)] newProgInfoStoreRef :: IO (IORef (ProgInfoStore _)) newProgInfoStoreRef = newIORef [] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Analyze a list of modules (in the given order) with a given analysis. --- The analysis results are stored in the corresponding analysis result files. analysisClient :: (Eq a, Show a, Read a, ReadWrite a) => Analysis a -> CConfig -> [String] -> IO () analysisClient analysis cconfig modnames = do store <- newIORef [] let fpmethod = fixpointMethod cconfig mapM_ (analysisClientWithStore cconfig store analysis fpmethod) modnames analysisClientWithStore :: (Eq a, Show a, Read a, ReadWrite a) => CConfig -> IORef (ProgInfoStore a) -> Analysis a -> String -> String -> IO () analysisClientWithStore cconfig store analysis fpmethod moduleName = do prog <- readNewestFlatCurry moduleName let progimports = progImports prog importList = if withPrelude cconfig then progimports else filter (/="Prelude") progimports ananame = analysisName analysis importInfos <- if isSimpleAnalysis analysis then return emptyProgInfo else getInterfaceInfosWS cconfig store (analysisName analysis) importList let anaModName = ananame ++ "/" ++ moduleName debugMessage dl 1 $ "Starting analysis for " ++ anaModName ++ "..." starttime <- getCPUTime startvals <- getStartValues analysis prog curryInfoResult <- if useCurryInfo cconfig && not (optAll (ccOptions cconfig)) && moduleName `notElem` optNoCurryInfo (ccOptions cconfig) && ananame `elem` curryInfoAnalyses && (isFunctionAnalysis analysis || isTypeAnalysis analysis) then do -- try `curry-info` to get analysis results: let entkind = if isTypeAnalysis analysis then CPMQuery.Type else CPMQuery.Operation withciweb = useCurryInfoWeb cconfig debugMessage dl 1 $ "\nUse CURRYINFO" ++ (if withciweb then "/WEB" else "") ++ " for " ++ moduleName ++ " / " ++ "cass-" ++ ananame res <- askCurryInfoCmd withciweb (optVerb (ccOptions cconfig)) moduleName entkind ("cass-" ++ ananame) debugMessage dl 3 $ "Result received from CURRYINFO:\n" ++ show res return res else return Nothing result <- case curryInfoResult >>= mapM (\(qn, s) -> fmap ((,) qn) (safeRead s)) of Nothing -> do debugMessage dl 3 $ "Read error of CURRYINFO result!" debugMessage dl 1 $ "\nAnalyze by CASS: " ++ moduleName ++ " / " ++ ananame if isCombinedAnalysis analysis then execCombinedAnalysis cconfig analysis prog importInfos startvals moduleName fpmethod else runAnalysis cconfig analysis prog importInfos startvals fpmethod Just i -> return (lists2ProgInfo (i, [])) storeAnalysisResult dl ananame moduleName result stoptime <- getCPUTime debugMessage dl 1 $ "Analysis time for " ++ anaModName ++ ": " ++ show (stoptime - starttime) ++ " msecs" loadinfos <- readIORef store writeIORef store ((moduleName,publicProgInfo result):loadinfos) where dl = debugLevel cconfig safeRead s = case readsPrec 0 s of [(x, "")] -> Just x _ -> Nothing -- Loads analysis results for a list of modules where already read results -- are stored in an IORef. getInterfaceInfosWS :: (Read a, ReadWrite a) => CConfig -> IORef (ProgInfoStore a) -> String -> [String] -> IO (ProgInfo a) getInterfaceInfosWS _ _ _ [] = return emptyProgInfo getInterfaceInfosWS cc store anaName (mod:mods) = do loadinfos <- readIORef store modInfo <- maybe (loadAndStoreAnalysis loadinfos) return (Prelude.lookup mod loadinfos) modsInfo <- getInterfaceInfosWS cc store anaName mods return (combineProgInfo modInfo modsInfo) where loadAndStoreAnalysis loadinfos = do info <- loadPublicAnalysis (debugLevel cc) anaName mod writeIORef store ((mod,info):loadinfos) return info ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Compute the start (bottom) values for a dependency analysis. getStartValues :: Analysis a -> Prog -> IO [(QName,a)] getStartValues analysis prog = if isSimpleAnalysis analysis then return [] else do let startvals = case analysis of DependencyFuncAnalysis _ _ _ -> map (\func->(funcName func,startValue analysis)) (progFuncs prog) CombinedDependencyFuncAnalysis _ _ _ _ _ -> map (\func->(funcName func,startValue analysis)) (progFuncs prog) DependencyTypeAnalysis _ _ _ -> map (\typeDecl->(typeName typeDecl,startValue analysis)) (progTypes prog) CombinedDependencyTypeAnalysis _ _ _ _ _ -> map (\typeDecl->(typeName typeDecl,startValue analysis)) (progTypes prog) _ -> error "Internal error in WorkerFunctions.getStartValues" return startvals --- Compute a ProgInfo from a given list of infos for each function name w.r.t. --- a given program. funcInfos2ProgInfo :: Prog -> [(QName,a)] -> ProgInfo a funcInfos2ProgInfo prog infos = lists2ProgInfo $ map2 (\fdecl -> let fname = funcName fdecl in (fname, maybe (lookupError "funcInfos2ProgInfo" fname) id (Prelude.lookup fname infos))) (partition isVisibleFunc (progFuncs prog)) --- Compute a ProgInfo from a given list of infos for each type name w.r.t. --- a given program. typeInfos2ProgInfo :: Prog -> [(QName,a)] -> ProgInfo a typeInfos2ProgInfo prog infos = lists2ProgInfo $ map2 (\tdecl -> let tname = typeName tdecl in (tname, maybe (lookupError "typeInfos2ProgInfo" tname) id (Prelude.lookup tname infos))) (partition isVisibleType (progTypes prog)) map2 :: (a -> b) -> ([a], [a]) -> ([b], [b]) map2 f (xs,ys) = (map f xs, map f ys) --- Update a given value list (second argument) w.r.t. new values given --- in the first argument list. updateList :: Eq a => [(a,b)] -> [(a,b)] -> [(a,b)] updateList [] oldList = oldList updateList ((key,newValue):newList) oldList = updateList newList (updateValue (key,newValue) oldList) updateValue :: Eq a => (a,b) -> [(a,b)] -> [(a,b)] updateValue _ [] = [] updateValue (key1,newValue) ((key2,value2):list) = if key1==key2 then (key1,newValue):list else (key2,value2):(updateValue (key1,newValue) list) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- execCombinedAnalysis :: (Eq a, Read a) => CConfig -> Analysis a -> Prog -> ProgInfo a -> [(QName,a)] -> String -> String -> IO (ProgInfo a) execCombinedAnalysis cc analysis prog importInfos startvals moduleName fpmethod = case analysis of CombinedSimpleFuncAnalysis _ ananame _ runWithBaseAna -> do anaFunc <- runWithBaseAna moduleName runAnalysis cc (SimpleFuncAnalysis ananame anaFunc) prog importInfos startvals fpmethod CombinedSimpleTypeAnalysis _ ananame _ runWithBaseAna -> do anaFunc <- runWithBaseAna moduleName runAnalysis cc (SimpleTypeAnalysis ananame anaFunc) prog importInfos startvals fpmethod CombinedDependencyFuncAnalysis _ ananame _ startval runWithBaseAna -> do anaFunc <- runWithBaseAna moduleName runAnalysis cc (DependencyFuncAnalysis ananame startval anaFunc) prog importInfos startvals fpmethod CombinedDependencyTypeAnalysis _ ananame _ startval runWithBaseAna -> do anaFunc <- runWithBaseAna moduleName runAnalysis cc (DependencyTypeAnalysis ananame startval anaFunc) prog importInfos startvals fpmethod _ -> error "Internal error in WorkerFunctions.execCombinedAnalysis" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Run an analysis but load default values (e.g., for external operations) --- before and do not analyse the operations or types for these defaults. runAnalysis :: (Eq a, Read a) => CConfig -> Analysis a -> Prog -> ProgInfo a -> [(QName,a)] -> String -> IO (ProgInfo a) runAnalysis cconfig analysis prog importInfos startvals fpmethod = do deflts <- loadDefaultAnalysisValues dl (analysisName analysis) (progName prog) let defaultFuncs = updProgFuncs (filter (\fd -> funcName fd `elem` map fst deflts)) prog definedFuncs = updProgFuncs (filter (\fd -> funcName fd `notElem` map fst deflts)) prog defaultTypes = updProgTypes (filter (\fd -> typeName fd `elem` map fst deflts)) prog definedTypes = updProgTypes (filter (\fd -> typeName fd `notElem` map fst deflts)) prog let (progWithoutDefaults,defaultproginfo) = case analysis of SimpleFuncAnalysis _ _ -> (definedFuncs, funcInfos2ProgInfo defaultFuncs deflts) SimpleTypeAnalysis _ _ -> (definedTypes, typeInfos2ProgInfo defaultTypes deflts) SimpleConstructorAnalysis _ _ -> -- there are no external constructors if Prelude.null deflts then (prog,emptyProgInfo) else error "SimpleConstructorAnalysis with default values!" DependencyFuncAnalysis _ _ _ -> (definedFuncs, funcInfos2ProgInfo defaultFuncs deflts) DependencyTypeAnalysis _ _ _ -> (definedTypes, typeInfos2ProgInfo defaultTypes deflts) SimpleModuleAnalysis _ _ -> if Prelude.null deflts then (definedFuncs, emptyProgInfo) else error defaultNotEmptyError DependencyModuleAnalysis _ _ -> if Prelude.null deflts then (definedFuncs, emptyProgInfo) else error defaultNotEmptyError _ -> error "Internal error in WorkerFunctions.runAnalysis" let result = executeAnalysis analysis progWithoutDefaults (combineProgInfo importInfos defaultproginfo) startvals fpmethod return $ combineProgInfo defaultproginfo result where dl = debugLevel cconfig defaultNotEmptyError = "Default analysis information for analysis '" ++ analysisName analysis ++ "' and module '" ++ progName prog ++ "' not empty!" --- Executes an anlysis on a given program w.r.t. an imported ProgInfo --- and some start values (for dependency analysis). --- The fixpoint iteration method to be applied is passed as the last argument. executeAnalysis :: Eq a => Analysis a -> Prog -> ProgInfo a -> [(QName,a)] -> String -> ProgInfo a -- The results of a module analysis for module `m` are encoded as -- a `ProgInfo` with a single entry for the qualified name `m.m`. executeAnalysis (SimpleModuleAnalysis _ anaFunc) prog _ _ _ = let pname = progName prog in lists2ProgInfo ([((pname,pname), anaFunc prog)], []) executeAnalysis (DependencyModuleAnalysis _ anaFunc) prog impproginfos _ _ = let pname = progName prog importinfos = map (\ (qn,a) -> (fst qn,a)) (publicListFromProgInfo impproginfos) in lists2ProgInfo ([((pname,pname), anaFunc prog importinfos)], []) executeAnalysis (SimpleFuncAnalysis _ anaFunc) prog _ _ _ = (lists2ProgInfo . map2 (\func -> (funcName func, anaFunc func)) . partition isVisibleFunc . progFuncs) prog executeAnalysis (SimpleTypeAnalysis _ anaFunc) prog _ _ _ = (lists2ProgInfo . map2 (\typ -> (typeName typ,anaFunc typ)) . partition isVisibleType . progTypes) prog executeAnalysis (SimpleConstructorAnalysis _ anaFunc) prog _ _ _ = (lists2ProgInfo . map2 (\ (cdecl,tdecl) -> (consName cdecl, anaFunc cdecl tdecl)) . partition isVisibleCons . concatMap (\t -> map (\c -> (c,t)) (consDeclsOfType t)) . progTypes) prog where isVisibleCons (consDecl,_) = consVisibility consDecl == Public executeAnalysis (DependencyFuncAnalysis _ _ anaFunc) prog importInfos startvals fpmethod = case fpmethod of "simple" -> let declsWithDeps = map2 addCalledFunctions (partition isVisibleFunc (progFuncs prog)) startinfo = funcInfos2ProgInfo prog startvals in simpleIteration anaFunc funcName declsWithDeps importInfos startinfo "wlist" -> let declsWithDeps = map addCalledFunctions (progFuncs prog) in funcInfos2ProgInfo prog $ toList $ wlIteration anaFunc funcName declsWithDeps [] (Set.empty (<)) importInfos (fromList startvals) "wlistscc" -> let declsWithDeps = map addCalledFunctions (progFuncs prog) -- compute strongly connected components w.r.t. func dependencies: sccDecls = scc ((:[]) . funcName . fst) snd declsWithDeps in funcInfos2ProgInfo prog $ toList $ foldr (\scc sccstartvals -> wlIteration anaFunc funcName scc [] (Set.empty (<)) importInfos sccstartvals) (fromList startvals) (reverse sccDecls) _ -> error unknownFixpointMessage executeAnalysis (DependencyTypeAnalysis _ _ anaType) prog importInfos startvals fpmethod = case fpmethod of "simple" -> let declsWithDeps = map2 addUsedTypes (partition isVisibleType (progTypes prog)) startinfo = typeInfos2ProgInfo prog startvals in simpleIteration anaType typeName declsWithDeps importInfos startinfo "wlist" -> let declsWithDeps = map addUsedTypes (progTypes prog) in typeInfos2ProgInfo prog $ toList $ wlIteration anaType typeName declsWithDeps [] (Set.empty (<)) importInfos (fromList startvals) "wlistscc" -> let declsWithDeps = map addUsedTypes (progTypes prog) -- compute strongly connected components w.r.t. type dependencies: sccDecls = scc ((:[]) . typeName . fst) snd declsWithDeps in typeInfos2ProgInfo prog $ toList $ foldr (\scc sccstartvals -> wlIteration anaType typeName scc [] (Set.empty (<)) importInfos sccstartvals) (fromList startvals) (reverse sccDecls) _ -> error unknownFixpointMessage -- These cases are handled elsewhere: executeAnalysis (CombinedSimpleFuncAnalysis _ _ _ _) _ _ _ _ = error "Internal error in WorkerFunctions.executeAnalysis" executeAnalysis (CombinedSimpleTypeAnalysis _ _ _ _) _ _ _ _ = error "Internal error in WorkerFunctions.executeAnalysis" executeAnalysis (CombinedDependencyFuncAnalysis _ _ _ _ _) _ _ _ _ = error "Internal error in WorkerFunctions.executeAnalysis" executeAnalysis (CombinedDependencyTypeAnalysis _ _ _ _ _) _ _ _ _ = error "Internal error in WorkerFunctions.executeAnalysis" unknownFixpointMessage :: String unknownFixpointMessage = "Unknown value for 'fixpoint' in configuration file!" --- Add the directly called functions to each function declaration. addCalledFunctions :: FuncDecl -> (FuncDecl,[QName]) addCalledFunctions func = (func, callsDirectly func) --- Add the directly used type constructors to each type declaration. addUsedTypes :: TypeDecl -> (TypeDecl,[QName]) addUsedTypes tdecl = (tdecl, dependsDirectlyOnTypes tdecl) --- Gets all constructors of datatype declaration. consDeclsOfType :: TypeDecl -> [ConsDecl] consDeclsOfType (Type _ _ _ consDecls) = consDecls consDeclsOfType (TypeSyn _ _ _ _) = [] consDeclsOfType (TypeNew _ _ _ (NewCons qn vis te)) = [Cons qn 1 vis [te]] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Fixpoint iteration to compute analysis information. The arguments are: --- * analysis operation --- * operation to get name of a declaration --- * list of public and private declarations together with their direct deps --- * ProgInfo for imported entities --- * current ProgInfo --- Result: fixpoint ProgInfo simpleIteration :: Eq a => (t -> [(QName,a)] -> a) -> (t -> QName) -> ([(t,[QName])],[(t,[QName])]) -> ProgInfo a -> ProgInfo a -> ProgInfo a simpleIteration analysis nameOf declsWithDeps importInfos currvals = let completeProgInfo = combineProgInfo currvals importInfos newvals = map2 (\ (decl,calls) -> (nameOf decl, analysis decl (map (\qn -> (qn,maybe (lookupError "simpleIteration" qn) id -- information must known! (lookupProgInfo qn completeProgInfo))) calls))) declsWithDeps newproginfo = lists2ProgInfo newvals in if equalProgInfo currvals newproginfo then currvals else simpleIteration analysis nameOf declsWithDeps importInfos newproginfo wlIteration :: (Eq a, Eq b) => (a -> [(QName,b)] -> b) -> (a -> QName) -> [(a,[QName])] -> [(a,[QName])] -> SetRBT QName -> ProgInfo b -> Map QName b -> Map QName b --wlIteration analysis nameOf declsToDo declsDone changedEntities -- importInfos currvals wlIteration analysis nameOf [] alldecls changedEntities importInfos currvals = if Set.null changedEntities then currvals -- no todos, no changed values, so we are done: else -- all declarations processed, compute todos for next round: let (declsToDo,declsDone) = partition (\ (_,calls) -> any (`Set.member` changedEntities) calls) alldecls in wlIteration analysis nameOf declsToDo declsDone (Set.empty (<)) importInfos currvals -- process a single declaration: wlIteration analysis nameOf (decldeps@(decl,calls):decls) declsDone changedEntities importInfos currvals = let decname = nameOf decl lookupVal qn = maybe (maybe (lookupError "wlIteration" qn) id (Map.lookup qn currvals)) id (lookupProgInfo qn importInfos) oldval = lookupVal decname newval = analysis decl (map (\qn -> (qn, lookupVal qn)) calls) in if oldval==newval then wlIteration analysis nameOf decls (decldeps:declsDone) changedEntities importInfos currvals else wlIteration analysis nameOf decls (decldeps:declsDone) (Set.insert decname changedEntities) importInfos (Map.adjust (const newval) decname currvals) lookupError :: String -> QName -> _ lookupError s qn = error $ "Internal error in CASS." ++ s ++ ": " ++ showQName qn ++ " not found." --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Auxiliaries isVisibleFunc :: FuncDecl -> Bool isVisibleFunc funcDecl = funcVisibility funcDecl == Public isVisibleType :: TypeDecl -> Bool isVisibleType typeDecl = typeVisibility typeDecl == Public ---------------------------------------------------------------------