-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- This is the main module of the analysis server. --- It provides operations to initialize the server system, --- start the server on a socket, or use the analysis server --- by other Curry applications. --- --- @author Heiko Hoffmann, Michael Hanus --- @version January 2025 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- module CASS.Server ( mainServer, initializeAnalysisSystem , analyzeModuleAndPrint, analyzeModuleAsText , analyzeModuleForBrowser, analyzeFunctionForBrowser , analyzeGeneric, analyzeGenericWithDebug, analyzeGenericWithOptions , analyzePublic, analyzeInterface ) where import Numeric ( readNat ) import Data.Char ( isSpace, toLower ) import Control.Monad ( unless ) import RW.Base import System.CurryPath ( runModuleAction ) import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.IO import System.Process ( system, sleep ) import System.Environment import Analysis.Logging ( DLevel, debugMessage ) import Analysis.ProgInfo import Analysis.Types ( Analysis, AOutFormat(..) ) import FlatCurry.Types ( QName ) import Network.Socket ( Socket(..), listenOn, listenOnFresh , close, waitForSocketAccept ) import CASS.Configuration import CASS.RCFile ( readRCFile ) import CASS.Registry import CASS.ServerFormats import CASS.ServerFunctions ( WorkerMessage(..) ) -- Messages to communicate with the analysis server from external programs. data AnalysisServerMessage = GetAnalysis | AnalyzeModule String OutputFormat String Bool | AnalyzeEntity String OutputFormat String String | StopServer | SetCurryPath String | ParseError --- Initializations to be done when the system is started. initializeAnalysisSystem :: IO () initializeAnalysisSystem = readRCFile >> return () --- Start the analysis server on a socket. mainServer :: CConfig -> Maybe Int -> IO () mainServer cconfig mbport = do putStrLn "Start Server" (port1,socket1) <- maybe listenOnFresh (\p -> listenOn p >>= \s -> return (p,s)) mbport putStrLn ("Server Port: "++show port1) storeServerPortNumber port1 getDefaultPath cconfig >>= setEnv "CURRYPATH" let numworkers = numberOfWorkers cconfig if numworkers > 0 then do serveraddress <- getServerAddress (workerport,workersocket) <- listenOnFresh debugMessage dl 2 ("SERVER: port to workers: "++show workerport) handles <- startWorkers cconfig numworkers workersocket serveraddress workerport [] serverLoop cconfig socket1 handles close workersocket else serverLoop cconfig socket1 [] where dl = debugLevel cconfig --- Run the analysis system and print the analysis results in standard textual --- representation. --- If the fourth argument is true, all operations are shown, --- otherwise only the interface operations. --- If the fifth argument is false, generated operations (e.g., --- operations of derived class instances) are not shown. --- The sixth argument is a flag indicating whether the --- (re-)analysis should be enforced. analyzeModuleAndPrint :: CConfig -> String -> String -> Bool -> OutputFormat -> Bool -> Bool -> IO () analyzeModuleAndPrint cconfig ananame mname optall format optgenerated enforce = analyzeProgram cconfig ananame enforce format (format2AOut format) mname >>= putStr . formatResult mname format Nothing (not optall) optgenerated format2AOut :: OutputFormat -> AOutFormat format2AOut format = if format == FormatShort then ANote else AText --- Run the analysis system and show the analysis results in standard textual --- representation. --- If the fourth argument is true, all operations are shown, --- otherwise only the interface operations. --- If the fifth argument is false, generated operations (e.g., --- operations of derived class instances) are not shown. --- The sixth argument is a flag indicating whether the --- (re-)analysis should be enforced. --- Note that, before its first use, the analysis system must be initialized --- by 'initializeAnalysisSystem'. analyzeModuleAsText :: CConfig -> String -> String -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> IO String analyzeModuleAsText cconfig ananame mname optall optgenerated enforce = analyzeProgram cconfig ananame enforce FormatText AText mname >>= return . formatResult mname FormatText Nothing (not optall) optgenerated --- Run the analysis system to show the analysis results in the BrowserGUI. --- The options are read from the rc file. analyzeModuleForBrowser :: String -> String -> AOutFormat -> IO [(QName,String)] analyzeModuleForBrowser ananame mname aoutformat = do cconfig <- readRCFile analyzeProgram cconfig ananame False FormatText aoutformat mname >>= return . either pinfo2list (const []) where pinfo2list pinfo = let (pubinfo,privinfo) = progInfo2Lists pinfo in pubinfo ++ privinfo --- Run the analysis system to show the analysis result of a single function --- in the BrowserGUI. The options are read from the rc file. analyzeFunctionForBrowser :: String -> QName -> AOutFormat -> IO String analyzeFunctionForBrowser ananame qn@(mname,_) aoutformat = do cconfig <- readRCFile analyzeProgram cconfig ananame False FormatText aoutformat mname >>= return . either (maybe "" id . lookupProgInfo qn) (const "") --- Analyze a given program (i.e., a module possibly prefixed with a --- directory name) for a given analysis result format. --- The third argument is a flag indicating whether the --- (re-)analysis should be enforced. analyzeProgram :: CConfig -> String -> Bool -> OutputFormat -> AOutFormat -> String -> IO (Either (ProgInfo String) String) analyzeProgram cconfig ananame enforce outformat aoutformat progname = runModuleAction (analyzeModule cconfig ananame enforce outformat aoutformat) progname --- Analyze a complete module for a given analysis result format. --- The third argument is a flag indicating whether the --- (re-)analysis should be enforced. analyzeModule :: CConfig -> String -> Bool -> OutputFormat -> AOutFormat -> String -> IO (Either (ProgInfo String) String) analyzeModule cconfig ananame enforce outformat aoutformat modname = do getDefaultPath cconfig >>= setEnv "CURRYPATH" let numworkers = numberOfWorkers cconfig if numworkers > 0 then do serveraddress <- getServerAddress (port,socket) <- listenOnFresh handles <- startWorkers cconfig numworkers socket serveraddress port [] result <- runAnalysisWithWorkers cconfig ananame outformat aoutformat enforce handles modname stopWorkers handles close socket return result else runAnalysisWithWorkers cconfig ananame outformat aoutformat enforce [] modname --- Start the analysis system with a particular analysis. --- The analysis must be a registered one if workers are used. --- If it is a combined analysis, the base analysis must be also --- a registered one. The options are read from the rc file. --- Returns either the analysis information or an error message. analyzeGeneric :: (Eq a, Read a, Show a, ReadWrite a) => Analysis a -> String -> IO (Either (ProgInfo a) String) analyzeGeneric = analyzeGenericWithDebug Nothing --- Start the analysis system with a particular analysis and --- an optional debug level (first argument). --- The analysis must be a registered one if workers are used. --- If it is a combined analysis, the base analysis must be also --- a registered one. The options are read from the rc file. --- Returns either the analysis information or an error message. analyzeGenericWithDebug :: (Eq a, Read a, Show a, ReadWrite a) => Maybe Int -> Analysis a -> String -> IO (Either (ProgInfo a) String) analyzeGenericWithDebug debuglevel analysis moduleName = do configrc <- readRCFile let cconfig = maybe configrc (\dl -> setDebugLevel dl configrc) debuglevel analyzeGenericWithOptions cconfig analysis moduleName --- Start the analysis system with a particular analysis and --- some options of CASS (first argument). --- The analysis must be a registered one if workers are used. --- If it is a combined analysis, the base analysis must be also --- a registered one. The options are read from the rc file. --- Returns either the analysis information or an error message. analyzeGenericWithOptions :: (Eq a, Read a, Show a, ReadWrite a) => CConfig -> Analysis a -> String -> IO (Either (ProgInfo a) String) analyzeGenericWithOptions cconfig analysis moduleName = do let (mdir,mname) = splitFileName moduleName getDefaultPath cconfig >>= setEnv "CURRYPATH" curdir <- getCurrentDirectory unless (mdir==".") $ setCurrentDirectory mdir let numworkers = numberOfWorkers cconfig aresult <- if numworkers > 0 then do serveraddress <- getServerAddress (port,socket) <- listenOnFresh handles <- startWorkers cconfig numworkers socket serveraddress port [] result <- analyzeMain cconfig analysis mname handles False True stopWorkers handles close socket return result else analyzeMain cconfig analysis mname [] False True setCurrentDirectory curdir return aresult --- Start the analysis system with a given analysis to compute properties --- of a module interface. --- The analysis must be a registered one if workers are used. --- If it is a combined analysis, the base analysis must be also --- a registered one. --- Returns either the analysis information or an error message. analyzePublic :: (Eq a, Read a, Show a, ReadWrite a) => Analysis a -> String -> IO (Either (ProgInfo a) String) analyzePublic analysis moduleName = analyzeGeneric analysis moduleName >>= return . either (Left . publicProgInfo) Right --- Start the analysis system with a given analysis to compute properties --- of a module interface. --- The analysis must be a registered one if workers are used. --- If it is a combined analysis, the base analysis must be also --- a registered one. analyzeInterface :: (Eq a, Read a, Show a, ReadWrite a) => Analysis a -> String -> IO (Either [(QName,a)] String) analyzeInterface analysis moduleName = analyzeGeneric analysis moduleName >>= return . either (Left . publicListFromProgInfo) Right -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- start a number of workers at server start startWorkers:: CConfig -> Int -> Socket -> String -> Int -> [Handle] -> IO [Handle] startWorkers cconfig number workersocket serveraddress workerport handles = do if number > 0 then do debugMessage dl 4 ("Number:"++(show number)) let command = unwords [ executableName, " --worker " , serveraddress, show workerport, "&" ] debugMessage dl 4 ("system command: " ++ command) system command debugMessage dl 4 ("Wait for socket accept for client "++show number) connection <- waitForSocketAccept workersocket waitTime debugMessage dl 4 ("Socket accept for client "++show number) case connection of Just (_,handle) -> do startWorkers cconfig (number-1) workersocket serveraddress workerport (handle:handles) Nothing -> do putStrLn ("startWorkers: connection error worker "++(show number)) startWorkers cconfig (number-1) workersocket serveraddress workerport handles else return handles where dl = debugLevel cconfig -- stop all workers at server stop stopWorkers :: [Handle] -> IO () stopWorkers [] = return () stopWorkers (handle:whandles) = do hPutStrLn handle (show StopWorker) hClose handle stopWorkers whandles -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- server loop to answer analysis requests over network serverLoop :: CConfig -> Socket -> [Handle] -> IO () serverLoop cconfig socket1 whandles = do --debugMessage 3 "SERVER: serverLoop" connection <- waitForSocketAccept socket1 waitTime case connection of Just (_,handle) -> serverLoopOnHandle cconfig socket1 whandles handle Nothing -> do putStrLn "serverLoop: connection error: time out in waitForSocketAccept" sleep 1 serverLoop cconfig socket1 whandles --- Reads a line from an input handle and returns it. hGetLineUntilEOF :: Handle -> IO String hGetLineUntilEOF h = do eof <- hIsEOF h if eof then return "" else do c <- hGetChar h if c=='\n' then return "" else do cs <- hGetLineUntilEOF h return (c:cs) serverLoopOnHandle :: CConfig -> Socket -> [Handle] -> Handle -> IO () serverLoopOnHandle cconfig socket1 whandles handle = do eof <- hIsEOF handle if eof then do hClose handle debugMessage dl 2 "SERVER connection: eof" serverLoop cconfig socket1 whandles else do string <- hGetLineUntilEOF handle debugMessage dl 2 ("SERVER got message: "++string) let force = False case parseServerMessage string of ParseError -> do sendServerError dl handle ("Illegal message received: "++string) serverLoopOnHandle cconfig socket1 whandles handle GetAnalysis -> do sendServerResult handle showAnalysisNamesAndFormats serverLoopOnHandle cconfig socket1 whandles handle AnalyzeModule ananame outform modname public -> catch (runAnalysisWithWorkers cconfig ananame outform (format2AOut outform) force whandles modname >>= return . formatResult modname outform Nothing public True >>= sendResult) sendAnalysisError AnalyzeEntity ananame outform modname functionName -> catch (runAnalysisWithWorkers cconfig ananame outform (format2AOut outform) force whandles modname >>= return . formatResult modname outform (Just functionName) False True >>= sendResult) sendAnalysisError SetCurryPath path -> do setEnv "CURRYPATH" path changeWorkerPath path whandles sendServerResult handle "" serverLoopOnHandle cconfig socket1 whandles handle StopServer -> do stopWorkers whandles sendServerResult handle "" hClose handle close socket1 putStrLn "Stop Server" removeServerPortNumber where dl = debugLevel cconfig sendResult resultstring = do debugMessage dl 4 ("formatted result:\n"++resultstring) sendServerResult handle resultstring serverLoopOnHandle cconfig socket1 whandles handle sendAnalysisError err = do sendServerError dl handle ("ERROR in analysis server: "++ show err) serverLoopOnHandle cconfig socket1 whandles handle -- Send a server result in the format "ok \n" where -- is the number of lines of the . sendServerResult :: Handle -> String -> IO () sendServerResult handle resultstring = do let resultlines = lines resultstring hPutStrLn handle ("ok " ++ show (length resultlines)) hPutStr handle (unlines resultlines) hFlush handle -- Send a server error in the format "error \n". sendServerError :: DLevel -> Handle -> String -> IO () sendServerError dl handle errstring = do debugMessage dl 1 errstring hPutStrLn handle ("error "++errstring) hFlush handle -- Inform the worker threads about a given changed library search path changeWorkerPath :: String -> [Handle] -> IO () changeWorkerPath _ [] = return () changeWorkerPath path (handle:whandles) = do hPutStrLn handle (show (ChangePath path)) changeWorkerPath path whandles -- parse incoming message for type of request parseServerMessage :: String -> AnalysisServerMessage parseServerMessage message = case words message of [] -> ParseError w:ws -> case w of "GetAnalysis" -> GetAnalysis "AnalyzeModule" -> case ws of s1:s2:s3:[] -> checkFormat s2 $ \f -> AnalyzeModule s1 f s3 False _ -> ParseError "AnalyzeInterface" -> case ws of s1:s2:s3:[] -> checkFormat s2 $ \f -> AnalyzeModule s1 f s3 True _ -> ParseError "AnalyzeFunction" -> case ws of s1:s2:s3:s4:[] -> checkFormat s2 $ \f -> AnalyzeEntity s1 f s3 s4 _ -> ParseError "AnalyzeTypeConstructor" -> case ws of s1:s2:s3:s4:[] -> checkFormat s2 $ \f -> AnalyzeEntity s1 f s3 s4 _ -> ParseError "AnalyzeDataConstructor" -> case ws of s1:s2:s3:s4:[] -> checkFormat s2 $ \f -> AnalyzeEntity s1 f s3 s4 _ -> ParseError "SetCurryPath" -> case ws of s:[] -> SetCurryPath s _ -> ParseError "StopServer" -> StopServer _ -> ParseError where checkFormat fmt fmsg = maybe ParseError fmsg (lookup (map toLower fmt) serverFormatNames) --- Show all analysis names and formats. showAnalysisNamesAndFormats :: String showAnalysisNamesAndFormats = unlines (concatMap (\an -> map ((an++" ") ++) (map fst serverFormatNames)) registeredAnalysisNames)