-------------------------------------------------------------------- --- This module collects all analyses in the analysis system. --- --- Each analysis available in the analysis system must be --- registered in the top part of this module. --- --- @author Heiko Hoffmann, Michael Hanus --- @version July 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------- module CASS.Registry ( functionAnalysisInfos, registeredAnalysisNames, registeredAnalysisInfos , lookupRegAnaWorker, runAnalysisWithWorkers, analyzeMain ) where import FlatCurry.Types import FlatCurry.TypesRW import FlatCurry.Goodies ( progImports ) import RW.Base import System.IO import System.IOExts import Control.Monad import XML import Analysis.Logging (debugMessage) import Analysis.Files (getImports, loadCompleteAnalysis) import Analysis.ProgInfo import Analysis.Types import CASS.Configuration ( CConfig, debugLevel, numberOfWorkers ) import CASS.Dependencies ( getModulesToAnalyze ) import CASS.ServerFormats ( OutputFormat(..) ) import CASS.ServerFunctions ( masterLoop ) import CASS.WorkerFunctions ( analysisClient ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Configurable part of this module. -------------------------------------------------------------------- import Analysis.Demandedness import Analysis.Deterministic import Analysis.Groundness import Analysis.HigherOrder import Analysis.Indeterministic import Analysis.NondetOps import Analysis.RequiredValue import qualified Analysis.RequiredValues as RVS import Analysis.RightLinearity import Analysis.Residuation import Analysis.RootReplaced import Analysis.SensibleTypes import Analysis.SolutionCompleteness import Analysis.Termination import Analysis.TotallyDefined import Analysis.TypeUsage import Analysis.UnsafeModule import Analysis.Values -------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Each analysis used in our tool must be registered in this list --- together with an operation to show the analysis result as a string. registeredAnalysis :: [RegisteredAnalysis] registeredAnalysis = [cassAnalysis "Functionally defined" functionalAnalysis showFunctional ,cassAnalysis "Overlapping rules" overlapAnalysis showOverlap ,cassAnalysis "Deterministic operations" nondetAnalysis showDet ,cassAnalysis "Depends on non-deterministic operations" nondetDepAnalysis showNonDetDeps ,cassAnalysis "Depends on all non-deterministic operations" nondetDepAllAnalysis showNonDetDeps ,cassAnalysis "Right-linear operations" rlinAnalysis showRightLinear ,cassAnalysis "Solution completeness" solcompAnalysis showSolComplete ,cassAnalysis "Pattern completeness" patCompAnalysis showComplete ,cassAnalysis "Totally defined operations" totalAnalysis showTotally ,cassAnalysis "Totally and functionally defined operations" totalFuncAnalysis showTotalFunc ,cassAnalysis "Indeterministic operations" indetAnalysis showIndet ,cassAnalysis "Demanded arguments" demandAnalysis showDemand ,cassAnalysis "Groundness" groundAnalysis showGround ,cassAnalysis "Non-deterministic operations" nondetOperations showNondet ,cassAnalysis "Non-determinism effects" ndEffectAnalysis showNDEffect ,cassAnalysis "Higher-order datatypes" hiOrdType showOrder ,cassAnalysis "Higher-order constructors" hiOrdCons showOrder ,cassAnalysis "Higher-order functions" hiOrdFunc showOrder ,cassAnalysis "Productive operations" productivityAnalysis showProductivity ,cassAnalysis "Sensible types" sensibleType showSensible ,cassAnalysis "Sibling constructors" siblingCons showSibling ,cassAnalysis "Sibling constructors with corresponding type declaration" siblingConsAndDecl showSiblingAndDecl ,cassAnalysis "Required value" reqValueAnalysis showAFType ,cassAnalysis "Required value sets" RVS.reqValueAnalysis RVS.showAFType ,cassAnalysis "Result values (top constructors)" resultValueAnalysisTop showValue ,cassAnalysis "Result values (up to depth 2)" resultValueAnalysis2 showValue ,cassAnalysis "Result values (up to depth 5)" resultValueAnalysis5 showValue ,cassAnalysis "Residuating operations" residuationAnalysis showResInfo ,cassAnalysis "Root cyclic replacements" rootCyclicAnalysis showRootCyclic ,cassAnalysis "Root replacements" rootReplAnalysis showRootRepl ,cassAnalysis "Terminating operations" terminationAnalysis showTermination ,cassAnalysis "Types in values" typesInValuesAnalysis showTypeNames ,cassAnalysis "Unsafe module" unsafeModuleAnalysis showUnsafe ] -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Static part of this module follows below -------------------------------------------------------------------- --- This auxiliary operation creates a new program analysis to be used --- by the server/client analysis tool from a given analysis and a show --- function for analysis results. --- The first argument is a short title for the analysis. cassAnalysis :: (Eq a, Read a, Show a, ReadWrite a) => String -> Analysis a -> (AOutFormat -> a -> String) -> RegisteredAnalysis cassAnalysis title analysis showres = RegAna (analysisName analysis) (isFunctionAnalysis analysis) title (analyzeAsString analysis showres) (analysisClient analysis) --- The type of all registered analysis. --- The components are as follows: --- * the name of the analysis --- * is this a function analysis? --- * a long meaningful title of the analysis --- * the operation used by the server to distribute analysis work --- to the clients --- * the worker operation to analyze a list of modules data RegisteredAnalysis = RegAna String Bool String (CConfig -> String -> Bool -> [Handle] -> OutputFormat -> Maybe AOutFormat -> IO (Either (ProgInfo String) String)) (CConfig -> [String] -> IO ()) regAnaName :: RegisteredAnalysis -> String regAnaName (RegAna n _ _ _ _) = n regAnaInfo :: RegisteredAnalysis -> (String,String) regAnaInfo (RegAna n _ t _ _) = (n,t) regAnaFunc :: RegisteredAnalysis -> Bool regAnaFunc (RegAna _ fa _ _ _) = fa regAnaServer :: RegisteredAnalysis -> (CConfig -> String -> Bool -> [Handle] -> OutputFormat -> Maybe AOutFormat -> IO (Either (ProgInfo String) String)) regAnaServer (RegAna _ _ _ a _) = a regAnaWorker :: RegisteredAnalysis -> (CConfig -> [String] -> IO ()) regAnaWorker (RegAna _ _ _ _ a) = a --- Names of all registered analyses. registeredAnalysisNames :: [String] registeredAnalysisNames = map regAnaName registeredAnalysis --- Names and titles of all registered analyses. registeredAnalysisInfos :: [(String,String)] registeredAnalysisInfos = map regAnaInfo registeredAnalysis --- Names and titles of all registered function analyses. functionAnalysisInfos :: [(String,String)] functionAnalysisInfos = map regAnaInfo (filter regAnaFunc registeredAnalysis) lookupRegAna :: String -> [RegisteredAnalysis] -> Maybe RegisteredAnalysis lookupRegAna _ [] = Nothing lookupRegAna aname (ra@(RegAna raname _ _ _ _) : ras) = if aname==raname then Just ra else lookupRegAna aname ras -- Look up a registered analysis server with a given analysis name. lookupRegAnaServer :: String -> (CConfig -> String -> Bool -> [Handle] -> OutputFormat -> Maybe AOutFormat -> IO (Either (ProgInfo String) String)) lookupRegAnaServer aname = maybe (\_ _ _ _ _ _ -> return (Right $ "unknown analysis: " ++ aname)) regAnaServer (lookupRegAna aname registeredAnalysis) -- Look up a registered analysis worker with a given analysis name. lookupRegAnaWorker :: String -> (CConfig -> [String] -> IO ()) lookupRegAnaWorker aname = maybe (\_ _ -> return ()) regAnaWorker (lookupRegAna aname registeredAnalysis) -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Run an analysis with a given name on a given module with a list -- of workers identified by their handles and return the analysis results. runAnalysisWithWorkers :: CConfig -> String -> OutputFormat -> AOutFormat -> Bool -> [Handle] -> String -> IO (Either (ProgInfo String) String) runAnalysisWithWorkers cc ananame outformat aoutformat enforce handles moduleName = (lookupRegAnaServer ananame) cc moduleName enforce handles outformat (Just aoutformat) -- Run an analysis with a given name on a given module with a list -- of workers identified by their handles but do not load analysis results. runAnalysisWithWorkersNoLoad :: CConfig -> String -> [Handle] -> String -> IO () runAnalysisWithWorkersNoLoad cc ananame handles moduleName = () <$ (lookupRegAnaServer ananame) cc moduleName False handles FormatText Nothing --- Generic operation to analyze a module. --- The parameters are the analysis, the show operation for analysis results, --- the name of the main module to be analyzed, --- a flag indicating whether the (re-)analysis should be enforced, --- the handles for the workers, --- and a flag indicating whether the analysis results should be loaded --- and returned (if the flag is false, the result contains the empty --- program information). --- An error occurred during the analysis is returned as `(Right ...)`. analyzeAsString :: (Eq a, Read a, Show a, ReadWrite a) => Analysis a -> (AOutFormat -> a -> String) -> CConfig -> String -> Bool -> [Handle] -> OutputFormat -> Maybe AOutFormat -> IO (Either (ProgInfo String) String) analyzeAsString analysis showres cconfig modname enforce handles outformat mbaoutformat = do analyzeMain cconfig analysis modname handles enforce (mbaoutformat /= Nothing) >>= return . either (Left . mapProgInfo showResult) Right where showResult x = case outformat of FormatTerm -> show x FormatJSONTerm -> show x _ -> showres (maybe AText id mbaoutformat) x --- Generic operation to analyze a module. --- The parameters are the analysis, the name of the main module --- to be analyzed, the handles for the workers, --- a flag indicating whether the (re-)analysis should be enforced, --- and a flag indicating whether the analysis results should be loaded --- and returned (if the flag is false, the result contains the empty --- program information). --- An error occurred during the analysis is returned as `(Right ...)`. analyzeMain :: (Eq a, Read a, Show a, ReadWrite a) => CConfig -> Analysis a -> String -> [Handle] -> Bool -> Bool -> IO (Either (ProgInfo a) String) analyzeMain cconfig analysis modname handles enforce load = do let ananame = analysisName analysis debugMessage dl 2 ("Start analysis: " ++ modname ++ "/" ++ ananame) modulesToDo <- getModulesToAnalyze cconfig enforce analysis modname let numModules = length modulesToDo workresult <- if numModules==0 then return Nothing else do when (numModules > 1) $ debugMessage dl 1 ("Number of modules to be analyzed: " ++ show numModules) prepareCombinedAnalysis cconfig analysis modname (map fst modulesToDo) handles if numberOfWorkers cconfig > 0 then do debugMessage dl 2 "Starting master loop" masterLoop cconfig handles [] ananame modname modulesToDo [] else analyzeLocally cconfig ananame (map fst modulesToDo) result <- maybe (if load then do debugMessage dl 3 ("Reading analysis of: "++modname) loadCompleteAnalysis dl ananame modname >>= return . Left else return (Left emptyProgInfo)) (return . Right) workresult debugMessage dl 4 ("Result: " ++ either showProgInfo id result) return result where dl = debugLevel cconfig -- Analyze a module and all its imports locally without worker processes. analyzeLocally :: CConfig -> String -> [String] -> IO (Maybe String) analyzeLocally cconfig ananame modules = do debugMessage dl 3 ("Local analysis of: "++ananame++"/"++show modules) (lookupRegAnaWorker ananame) cconfig modules -- run client return Nothing where dl = debugLevel cconfig -- Perform the first analysis part of a combined analysis -- so that their results are available for the main analysis. prepareCombinedAnalysis :: CConfig -> Analysis a -> String -> [String] -> [Handle] -> IO () prepareCombinedAnalysis cc analysis moduleName depmods handles = if isCombinedAnalysis analysis then if isSimpleAnalysis analysis then do -- the directly imported interface information might be required... importedModules <- getImports (debugLevel cc) moduleName mapM_ (\basename -> mapM_ (runAnalysisWithWorkersNoLoad cc basename handles) (importedModules++[moduleName])) baseAnaNames else -- for a dependency analysis, the information of all implicitly -- imported modules might be required: mapM_ (\baseaname -> mapM_ (runAnalysisWithWorkersNoLoad cc baseaname handles) depmods) baseAnaNames else return () where baseAnaNames = baseAnalysisNames analysis --------------------------------------------------------------------