--- Analyzing the residuation behavior of a module and returns --- some statistical information. import Data.List ( intercalate, partition ) import FlatCurry.Types ( QName ) import CASS.Server ( analyzeGeneric ) import Analysis.ProgInfo ( progInfo2Lists ) import Analysis.Residuation -- ( demandAnalysis ) residuationInfoOf :: String -> IO ([(QName,ResiduationInfo)],[(QName,ResiduationInfo)]) residuationInfoOf modname = do analyzeGeneric residuationAnalysis modname >>= return . either progInfo2Lists error countResOps :: String -> IO [String] countResOps mname = do putStrLn $ "Analyzing module " ++ mname ++ "..." (pubres,privres) <- residuationInfoOf mname let (resops,nonresops) = partition (\(_,i) -> i==MayResiduate || i==NoResInfo) (pubres ++ privres) return [mname, show (length resops), show (length nonresops)] printCountResOps :: [String] -> IO () printCountResOps mname = do stats <- mapM countResOps mname putStrLn $ "Module | Residuating | Non-residuating" mapM_ (\row -> putStrLn (intercalate "|" row)) stats main :: IO () main = printCountResOps baseModules baseModules :: [String] baseModules = ["Prelude","List","Char"] allBaseModules :: [String] allBaseModules = ["AllSolutions" ,"AnsiCodes" ,"Char" ,"Combinatorial" ,"CPNS" ,"Debug" ,"Dequeue" ,"Directory" ,"Distribution" ,"Either" ,"ErrorState" ,"FileGoodies" ,"FilePath" ,"Findall" ,"FiniteMap" ,"Float" ,"Format" ,"Function" ,"FunctionInversion" ,"GetOpt" ,"Global" ,"Integer" ,"IO" ,"IOExts" ,"List" ,"Maybe" ,"NamedSocket" ,"Nat" ,"Prelude" ,"Profile" ,"PropertyFile" ,"Random" ,"Read" ,"ReadNumeric" ,"ReadShowTerm" ,"RedBlackTree" ,"SearchTree" ,"SearchTreeGenerators" ,"SearchTreeTraversal" ,"SetFunctions" ,"SetRBT" ,"ShowS" ,"Socket" ,"Sort" ,"State" ,"System" ,"TableRBT" ,"Time" ,"Traversal" ,"Unsafe" ,"ValueSequence" ]