-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- This module supports the configuration of the analysis system --- and provides access to some values in Config file. --- --- It also provides an operation to get the port number of --- the analysis server (which is implicitly started if necessary). --- --- @author Michael Hanus --- @version April 2021 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- module CASS.Configuration ( systemBanner, baseDir, docDir, executableName , CConfig, debugLevel, setDebugLevel , getServerAddress, readRCFile, updateProperty , fixpointMethod, withPrelude , storeServerPortNumber, removeServerPortNumber , getDefaultPath, waitTime, numberOfWorkers ) where import Control.Monad ( unless ) import Curry.Compiler.Distribution ( curryCompiler ) import Data.List ( sort ) import Numeric ( readInt ) import System.Environment ( getEnv ) import System.FilePath ( FilePath, (), (<.>) ) import System.Process import System.Directory import Analysis.Logging ( DLevel(..) ) import CASS.PackageConfig ( packagePath, packageExecutable, packageVersion ) import Data.PropertyFile ( readPropertyFile, updatePropertyFile ) systemBanner :: String systemBanner = let bannerText = "CASS: Curry Analysis Server System (Version " ++ packageVersion ++ " of 16/04/2021 for " ++ curryCompiler ++ ")" bannerLine = take (length bannerText) (repeat '=') in bannerLine ++ "\n" ++ bannerText ++ "\n" ++ bannerLine --- The base directory of the analysis tool containing all programs --- and documentations. --- It is used to copy the configuration file, to the find executables --- of the server and the workers, and to find the documentation --- of the various analyses. baseDir :: String baseDir = packagePath --- The directory containing the documentations of the various analyses. docDir :: String docDir = baseDir "docs" --- The name of the main executable. Used to start workers in `CASS.Server`. executableName :: String executableName = packageExecutable --- The address of the server when it is connected from the worker clients. getServerAddress :: IO String getServerAddress = return "" -- run only on local machine -- timeout for network message passing: -1 is wait time infinity waitTime :: Int waitTime = -1 -- Default number of workers (if the number is not found in the -- configuration file). defaultWorkers :: Int defaultWorkers = 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Configuration info used during execution of CASS. --- It contains the properties from the rc file and the current debug level. data CConfig = CConfig [(String,String)] DLevel --- Returns the debug level from the current configuration. debugLevel :: CConfig -> DLevel debugLevel (CConfig _ dl) = dl --- Returns the debug level from the current configuration. setDebugLevel :: Int -> CConfig -> CConfig setDebugLevel dl (CConfig ps _) = CConfig ps (toEnum dl) -- Returns the fixpoint computation method from Config file fixpointMethod :: CConfig -> String fixpointMethod (CConfig properties _) = maybe "simple" id (lookup "fixpoint" properties) -- Get the option to analyze also the prelude from Config file withPrelude :: CConfig -> Bool withPrelude (CConfig properties _) = maybe True (/="no") (lookup "prelude" properties) --- Gets the default load path from the property file (added at the end --- of CURRYPATH). getDefaultPath :: CConfig -> IO String getDefaultPath (CConfig properties _) = do currypath <- getEnv "CURRYPATH" return $ case lookup "path" properties of Just value -> if all isSpace value then currypath else if null currypath then value else currypath ++ ':' : value Nothing -> currypath -- number of worker threads running at the same time numberOfWorkers :: CConfig -> Int numberOfWorkers (CConfig properties _) = do case lookup "numberOfWorkers" properties of Just value -> case readInt value of [(int,_)] -> int _ -> defaultWorkers Nothing -> defaultWorkers -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Name of user property file: propertyFileName :: IO String propertyFileName = getHomeDirectory >>= return . ( ".curryanalysisrc") defaultPropertyFileName :: String defaultPropertyFileName = baseDir "curryanalysisrc" --- Install user property file if it does not exist. installPropertyFile :: IO () installPropertyFile = do fname <- propertyFileName pfexists <- doesFileExist fname unless pfexists $ do copyFile defaultPropertyFileName fname putStrLn $ "New analysis configuration file '" ++ fname ++ "' installed." --- Reads the rc file (and try to install a user copy of it if it does not --- exist) and returns its definition. Additionally, the definitions --- are compared with the default property file of the CASS distribution. --- If the set of variables is different, the rc file of the user is updated --- with the distribution but the user's definitions are kept. readRCFile :: IO CConfig readRCFile = do hashomedir <- getHomeDirectory >>= doesDirectoryExist if not hashomedir then readPropertiesAndStoreLocally else do installPropertyFile CConfig userprops dl <- readPropertiesAndStoreLocally distprops <- readPropertyFile defaultPropertyFileName unless (rcKeys userprops == rcKeys distprops) $ do rcName <- propertyFileName putStrLn $ "Updating '" ++ rcName ++ "'..." renameFile rcName $ rcName <.> "bak" copyFile defaultPropertyFileName rcName mapM_ (\ (n, v) -> maybe (return ()) (\uv -> if uv == v then return () else updatePropertyFile rcName n uv) (lookup n userprops)) distprops return (CConfig userprops dl) rcKeys :: [(String, String)] -> [String] rcKeys = sort . map fst --- Reads the user property file or, if it does not exist, --- the default property file of CASS, --- and store the properties in a global variable for next access. readPropertiesAndStoreLocally :: IO CConfig readPropertiesAndStoreLocally = do userpfn <- propertyFileName hasuserpfn <- doesFileExist userpfn props <- readPropertyFile (if hasuserpfn then userpfn else defaultPropertyFileName) return $ updateDebugLevel (CConfig props Quiet) --- Updates the debug level from the current properties. updateDebugLevel :: CConfig -> CConfig updateDebugLevel cc@(CConfig properties _) = case lookup "debugLevel" properties of Just value -> case readInt value of [(dl,_)] -> setDebugLevel dl cc _ -> cc Nothing -> cc -- Updates a property. updateProperty :: String -> String -> CConfig -> CConfig updateProperty pn pv (CConfig currprops dl) = let newprops = replaceKeyValue pn pv currprops in updateDebugLevel (CConfig newprops dl) replaceKeyValue :: Eq a => a -> b -> [(a,b)] -> [(a,b)] replaceKeyValue k v [] = [(k,v)] replaceKeyValue k v ((k1,v1):kvs) = if k == k1 then (k,v) : kvs else (k1,v1) : replaceKeyValue k v kvs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Gets the name of file containing the current server port and pid --- ($HOME has to be set) getServerPortFileName :: IO String getServerPortFileName = do homeDir <- getHomeDirectory return $ homeDir++"/.curryanalysis.port" --- Stores the current server port number together with the pid of --- the server process. storeServerPortNumber :: Int -> IO () storeServerPortNumber portnum = do mypid <- getPID serverPortFileName <- getServerPortFileName writeFile serverPortFileName (show (portnum,mypid)) --- Removes the currently stored server port number. removeServerPortNumber :: IO () removeServerPortNumber = getServerPortFileName >>= removeFile readServerPortPid :: IO (Int,Int) readServerPortPid = getServerPortFileName >>= readFile >>= return . read --------------------------------------------------------------------------