Call-Pattern Analysis and Improving Lazy Non-Deterministic Computations ======================================================================= This package contains an initial prototype for analyzing call patterns in Curry programs. This analysis is described in this paper: Michael Hanus: [Call Pattern Analysis for Functional Logic Programs](, Proc. of the 10th International ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP'08), ACM Press, pp. 67-78, 2008 Moreover, the package contains also a transformation tool to improve lazy non-deterministic computations by a demand analysis, which is described in this paper: Michael Hanus: [Improving Lazy Non-Deterministic Computations by Demand Analysis](, Technical Communications of the 28th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2012), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), vol. 17, pp. 130-143, 2012 After installing this package, use the command `curry-ndopt` to analyze and transform your program. Remarks: * The implementation contains an analysis with depth-bounded terms. The default depth bound is 2. It can be changed to by executing the command `curry-ndopt -d prog`. * Currently, the main program must contain all rules, i.e., no modules are imported for the program analysis. In particular, primitive functions must be also defined in the program file (compare `benchmarks_callpattern/readfile.curry`). * In programs containing higher-order applications (compare `benchmarks_callpattern/mapadddouble.curry`), rules to define an higher-order application operator `apply` are implicitly generated. Some modules in the directory `src`: Analysis.curry: The main analysis implementation. TRS.curry: Some basic definitions to deal with term rewriting systems. ReadFlatTRS.curry: An implementation of an I/O action to read a Curry program and return the corresponding rewrite rules. OrCaseLifter.curry: A transformation on FlatCurry program that removes deeply nested case expressions by introducing auxiliary functions. Used by ReadFlatTRS.