------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Some tests for library `Data.List` --- --- To run all tests automatically by CurryCheck, use the command: --- --- > curry-check TestDataList ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Data.List import Test.Prop -- Now we can test properties of our program: testAppend = ([1,2]++[3,4]) -=- [1,2,3,4] testNub = (nub [1,3,1,2,3,2,4]) -=- [1,3,2,4] nubNub :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] nubNub = nub . nub propNub = nubNub <=> (nub :: [Int] -> [Int]) testAll = always (all (<5) [1,2,3,4]) -- Specification of `last`: lastSpec :: Data a => [a] -> a lastSpec (_ ++ [x]) = x lastCorrect :: Prop lastCorrect = last <=> (lastSpec :: [Int] -> Int) -- Specification of `init` (which is slightly more strict): initSpec :: Data a => [a] -> [a] initSpec (xs ++ [_]) = xs initGroundCorrect :: [Int] -> Prop initGroundCorrect xs = init xs <~> initSpec xs propDelete :: Int -> [Int] -> Prop propDelete x xs = x `notElem` xs ==> delete x xs -=- xs propUnion1 :: Int -> [Int] -> Prop propUnion1 x xs = always (x `elem` union xs [x]) propUnion2 :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Prop propUnion2 x xs ys = x `elem` union xs ys -=- x `elem` xs || x `elem` ys propIntersect :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Prop propIntersect x xs ys = x `elem` intersect xs ys -=- x `elem` xs && x `elem` ys propPermutations :: [Int] -> Prop propPermutations xs = length (permutations xs) -=- foldr (*) 1 [1 .. length xs]