--- Library to access parts of the system environment.
--- @author Michael Hanus, Bernd Brassel, Bjoern Peemoeller
--- @version July 2012
--- @category general
module System
( getCPUTime,getElapsedTime
, getArgs, getEnviron, setEnviron, unsetEnviron, getProgName
, getHostname, getPID, system, exitWith, sleep
, isPosix, isWindows
) where
import Global ( Global, GlobalSpec(..), global, readGlobal, writeGlobal )
--- Returns the current cpu time of the process in milliseconds.
getCPUTime :: IO Int
getCPUTime external
--- Returns the current elapsed time of the process in milliseconds.
--- This operation is not supported in KiCS2 (there it always returns 0),
--- but only included for compatibility reasons.
getElapsedTime :: IO Int
getElapsedTime external
--- Returns the list of the program's command line arguments.
--- The program name is not included.
getArgs :: IO [String]
getArgs external
--- Returns the value of an environment variable.
--- The empty string is returned for undefined environment variables.
getEnviron :: String -> IO String
getEnviron evar = do
envs <- readGlobal environ
maybe (prim_getEnviron $## evar) return (lookup evar envs)
prim_getEnviron :: String -> IO String
prim_getEnviron external
--- internal state of environment variables set via setEnviron
environ :: Global [(String,String)]
environ = global [] Temporary
--- Set an environment variable to a value.
--- The new value will be passed to subsequent shell commands
--- (see system
) and visible to subsequent calls to
--- getEnviron
(but it is not visible in the environment
--- of the process that started the program execution).
setEnviron :: String -> String -> IO ()
setEnviron evar val = do
envs <- readGlobal environ
writeGlobal environ ((evar,val) : filter ((/=evar) . fst) envs)
--- Removes an environment variable that has been set by
--- setEnviron
unsetEnviron :: String -> IO ()
unsetEnviron evar = do
envs <- readGlobal environ
writeGlobal environ (filter ((/=evar) . fst) envs)
--- Returns the hostname of the machine running this process.
getHostname :: IO String
getHostname external
--- Returns the process identifier of the current Curry process.
getPID :: IO Int
getPID external
--- Returns the name of the current program, i.e., the name of the
--- main module currently executed.
getProgName :: IO String
getProgName external
--- Executes a shell command and return with the exit code of the command.
--- An exit status of zero means successful execution.
system :: String -> IO Int
system cmd = do
envs <- readGlobal environ
prim_system $## (concatMap envToExport envs ++ escapedCmd)
win = isWindows
-- This is a work around for GHC ticket #5376
-- (http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/5376)
escapedCmd = if win then '\"' : cmd ++ "\""
else cmd
envToExport (var, val) =
if win
then "set " ++ var ++ "=" ++ concatMap escapeWinSpecials val ++ " && "
else var ++ "='" ++ concatMap encodeShellSpecials val
++ "' ; export " ++ var ++ " ; "
escapeWinSpecials c = if c `elem` "<>|&^" then ['^', c]
else [c]
encodeShellSpecials c = if c == '\'' then map chr [39,34,39,34,39]
else [c]
prim_system :: String -> IO Int
prim_system external
--- Terminates the execution of the current Curry program
--- and returns the exit code given by the argument.
--- An exit code of zero means successful execution.
exitWith :: Int -> IO _
exitWith exitcode = prim_exitWith $# exitcode
prim_exitWith :: Int -> IO _
prim_exitWith external
--- The evaluation of the action (sleep n) puts the Curry process
--- asleep for n seconds.
sleep :: Int -> IO ()
sleep n = prim_sleep $# n
prim_sleep :: Int -> IO ()
prim_sleep external
--- Is the underlying operating system a POSIX system (unix, MacOS)?
isPosix :: Bool
isPosix = not isWindows
--- Is the underlying operating system a Windows system?
isWindows :: Bool
isWindows external