JavaCC Licensing and Distribution Policy JavaCC is owned by Sun Microsystems. Metamata has a "caretaker" status for the product through a partnership agreement with Sun. Metamata has a strong and good relationship with the Forte division of Sun Microsystems and together we intend to do a very good job of maintaining and supporting JavaCC.

The bottom line is the license agreement that you agree to when you install JavaCC. Statements on this page do not supercede any such license agreement.

JavaCC is free. You can download it and use it in most situations at no cost. The files generated by JavaCC are yours which you use at your own risk. Sun and Metamata do not place any restrictions on what you can do with the generated files.

JavaCC does not have any runtime libraries (such as JAR files). The only files you will need are those generated by JavaCC. So there are no issues regarding the use of library files.

If you wish to redistribute JavaCC for any reason, you may do so after signing a redistribution agreement with Metamata. Please contact us for more details.