[curry] PAKCS 3.3.0 release available

From: Michael Hanus <mh_at_informatik.uni-kiel.de>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2021 12:31:44 +0100

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce a new stable release of PAKCS, see

It is a new major release (also part of upcoming
Debian und Ubuntu releases) with many small improvements
but two bigger changes:

1. A new structure of the standard base libraries:
   Their structure is more closely with Haskell
   (e.g., `List` is renamed to `Data.List`) and some
   specialized libraries (Directory, FilePath, Time,...)
   have been moved into separate packages. See the
   release notes or the detailed migration guide at


2. Addition of class `Data` with operations `===` (equality)
   and `aValue` (non-deterministic value generator).
   This class solves some open problems w.r.t. logic programming.
   The motivation for this class and its advantages are described in a
   [DECLARE/WFLP'19 paper](https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-46714-2_15).
   A short discussion is also added below.

Most of the existing Curry packages have been made compatible
with this release, see

Comments and suggestions for improvements are welcome!

Best regards,


Some details about the new class `Data`:

The class `Data` provides a strict equality operation `===`. Why?

Look at the following "classical" functional logic definition of
computing the last element of a list:

    last :: Eq a => [a] -> a
    last xs | _ ++ [x] == xs = x where x free

Since `==` is part of the class `Eq`, it is defined on particular
types in instance declarations. If these definitions are different
from the standard `deriving` definitions, it might be possible
that `last` computes an element which is not identical to the
last element of the list. In Haskell, instances of `==` should be
an equivalence relation (rather than "equality", although this
is written in many papers and textbooks) so that `last` would
compute an element equivalent to the last element. This leads
to surprising results (see the "Data" paper for a deeper discussion).

These problems are avoided with class `Data`. For each
`data` declaration, `Data` instances for the defined type
are automatically derived as long as the type is first-order
(i.e., does not contain functional types). Hence it is ensured
that `===` denotes equality rather than equivalence. Thus,

    last :: Data a => [a] -> a
    last xs | _ ++ [x] === xs = x where x free

Moreover, free variable have type class constraint `Data` so that
they denote first-order values. From a declarative point of view,
a free value is equivalent to the non-deterministic value generator
`aValue` which is also defined in class `Data`, see

> pakcs
    Prelude> aValue :: Maybe Bool
    Just False
    Just True

This is the only real change with PAKCS 3.x: There are no
"polymorphic" free variables since a free variable has always
the class constraint `Data`.

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