[curry] Re: Choosing default instances in Curry

From: Wolfgang Lux <wolfgang.lux_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 27 May 2019 18:18:39 +0200

Am 27.05.2019 um 17:53 schrieb Finn Teegen <fte_at_informatik.uni-kiel.de>:
> Hi Andy,
> I guess, there is not much for me to add. Although the front end does support defaulting analogous to Haskell, the REPLs of both PAKCS and KiCS2 implement their own defaulting mechanism because, among other things because of the printing of free variables. I don't know how the MCC uses defaulting for its REPL, it might be worth a look.

All defaulting in MCC is done by the type checker. And since MCC implements a value restriction for reasons of type soundness, the types of all free variables as well as the type of the goal itself are forced to be monomorphic. So there won't be any overloaded type remaining to be resolved at runtime.

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