micro update on programming whith infinite data structures

From: Sebastian Hanowski <sebastian_hanowski_at_gmx.de>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2016 08:24:25 +0200

 I just realized that I could have spared (you) (all) my fussing about lazy
equality constraints and projections in function patterns let alone complete
detours while attempting to give negative definitions of infinite data

I have no clue why it took so long until I found out that Curry let's me write

(^) f = g where g (f x) = x

infixr 0 &=

xs &= ys | head xs =:= head ys
         & head ys =:= head zs = zs

            zs = tail^ (tail xs &= tail ys)

fib = head^ 1
      &= (head . tail)^ 1
      &= (tail . tail)^ (zipWith (+) fib (tail fib))

Please notice how declarative this is. Ordering of sub-expressions is insignificant

fib = (tail . tail)^ (zipWith (+) fib (tail fib))
      &= (head . tail)^ 1
      &= head^ 1

for example would do as well.

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