New survey on Curry and FLP

From: Michael Hanus <>
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 11:21:39 +0200

Dear Colleagues,

I noticed that many of you cited sometimes my survey
"Functional Logic Programming: From Theory to Curry"
which I wrote in 2005 for a Festschrift for Harald Ganzinger.
This version was only available as an informal report.
After a long time, this survey (in a revised form)
has been formally published:

author = {Hanus, M.},
title = {Functional Logic Programming: From Theory to {Curry}},
year = {2013},
booktitle = {Programming Logics - Essays in Memory of Harald Ganzinger},
pages = {123-168},
publisher = {Springer LNCS 7797} }

Since this survey does not only discuss the design of Curry
but also the general foundations of functional logic programming
(e.g., operational semantics), I hope it is useful,
e.g., as an entry point for your students.

The official version is available via

but you'll find an author version in my web pages at

Best regards,


curry mailing list
Received on Do Sep 05 2013 - 11:26:24 CEST

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