PhD position in Grenoble (French Alps)

From: Rachid Echahed <>
Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 14:47:58 +0200

A 3-years PhD Position in Grenoble (French Alps) in the area of :

         Program Verification and Graph Rewriting

Application and Required Skills:

Applicants must have completed or about to finish a M.Sc. or
equivalent degree in computer science or in mathematics with a strong
background in theoretical computer science. We invite candidates to
send their full CV, marks, recommendation letters or references, as
soon as possible to the supervisor R. Echahed
(echahed[at] The position is funded for a 3-year period.


    *** The application deadline is 5 AUGUST 2013. ***



There is a growing practical interest in using graph rewriting
techniques in several domains such as software architecture,
programming theory, model-driven engineering, semantics of visual
modeling frameworks, but also bio-informatics, system biology, DNA
computing, Artificial Intelligence and quantum computing to quote a
few. Despite the progress made so far in graph transformation theory,
there are still many obstacles that prevent wider use of graph

Nowadays there are only first steps exploring the question of the
correctness of graph transformations. Logic-based methods of reasoning
about graph transformations are far from being well established, but
are recently gaining momentum. In the past few years, there has been a
flurry of interest in specialized logics such as separation logic,
variants of first order logic, monadic second order logic, dynamic
(modal) logics etc. The project of this thesis aims at making
significant progress in the field of graph transformations and
particularly in investigating new logics and devising new proof
methods dedicated to reason on complex rule-based systems operating on
graph structures. This project is part of a national basic research
project funded by the ANR (the French National Research Agency). More
details are available from the supervisor R. Echahed (echahed[at]


The PhD student will be hosted by the LIG
laboratory/CAPP group, in Grenoble (France).

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