Curry report updated to version 0.8.3

From: Michael Hanus <>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 17:50:52 +0200

Dear Colleagues,

since I received no further comments to the proposed
updated of the Curry report (my email of Aug. 23),
I updated the Curry report with the proposed changes.
See for the newest version
of the report.

Best regards,

curry mailing list

rather non-obvious failures.

I think the failures would only be non-obvious if it is unclear
whether a unified expression contains a function or not. Abstract data
types, where users don't know the representation seem problematic. For
example sets can be implemented as data structure or as characteristic
functions and these implementations would behave differently regarding
constraint equality if it always fails for functions.

But note that the Curry Report specifies constraint equality only for
data terms. Implementations are free to implement constraint equality
on functions in an arbitrary way and every program that relies on a
specific way is compiler dependent. The Parser library is a nice
example for such a compiler dependent program.


P.S. I found another MCC bug:

cyi> (\_ -> \x -> x) failed success
cycc: internal error: arity x.4

I am using MCC 0.9.11 on a 64 bit Ubuntu Linux.
curry mailing list
Received on Di Sep 11 2012 - 17:51:39 CEST

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