6th International School on Rewriting (ISR 2012) - Early registration (250 euro): June 15!!

From: Santiago Escobar <sescobar_at_dsic.upv.es>
Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2012 10:19:25 +0200

                    Call for Participation

                           ISR 2012
             6th International School on Rewriting
                    July 16th - 20th, 2012
             Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
                        Valencia, Spain

       !!!!!Early registration until June 15, 2012!!!!!

        Early registration fee: 250 euro
        Accommodation: between 20 and 28 euro per night

Rewriting is a branch of computer science whose origins go back
to the origins of computer science itself (with Thue, Church,
Post, and many other prominent researchers). It has strong links
with mathematics, algebra, and logic, and it is the basis of
well-known programming paradigms like functional and equational
programming, which are taught at the universitary level in many
countries. In these programming paradigms and corresponding
languages, the notions of reduction, pattern matching,
confluence, termination, strategy, etc., are essential.
Rewriting provides a solid framework for understanding, using,
and teaching all these notions. Rewriting techniques are also
used in many other areas of software engineering (scripting,
prototyping, automated transformation of legacy systems,
refactoring, web services, etc.) and are implemented in popular
systems like Mathematica, Autocad, and others. Rewriting
techniques play a relevant role in computing research,
education, and industry.

The International School on Rewriting is promoted by the IFIP
Working Group 1.6 Term Rewriting. The school is aimed at master
and PhD students, researchers, and practitioners interested in
the study of rewriting concepts and their applications.

Two tracks are offered, including the lectures and the courses:

- Track A: for newcomers in the field, or just for people
          who want to obtain a new, updated exposure.

 * Jose Meseguer. Introduction to Term Rewriting
 * Albert Rubio. Termination of Rewriting: Foundations and
 * Santiago Escobar. A Rewriting-Based Specification and
   Programming Language: Maude
 * Beatriz Alarcon & Raul Gutierrez. Exercises on Term

- Track B: for those who want to get deeper in the most
          recent developments and applications of rewriting.

 * Maria Alpuente: Narrowing Techniques and Applications
 * Temur Kutsia: Matching, unification, and generalizations
 * Pierre Lescanne: Lambda Calculus: extensions and
 * Narciso Marti-Oliet: Rewriting Logic and Applications
 * Georg Moser: Automated Complexity Analysis of Term
   Rewriting Systems
 * Albert Oliveras: SAT and SMT techniques in Proof and
 * Sophie Tison: Tree Automata, Turing Machines and Term
 * Xavier Urbain: Certification of Rewriting Properties
 * Andrei Voronkov: Automated Reasoning and Theorem Proving

Registration fees:

 250 euro (early registration, before June 15, 2012)
 350 euro (late registration, after June 15, 2012)

Visit our web site for more information about registration and
accommodation. Registration is now open!

For more information, please visit our web site or contact


Organizing Committee:

Salvador Lucas (chair)

Beatriz Alarcon
Santiago Escobar
Marco A. Feliu
Raul Gutierrez
Javier Insa Cabrera
Sonia Santiago
Alicia Villanueva
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national Workshop on Trends in Functional Programming in Education 2012
June 11 2012
University of St Andrews, Scotland

*** NEW: The deadline to register for accommodations through the TFP
website is March 26th, 2012.
*** The deadline to submit articles/abstracts to TFPIE is May 20

The first International Workshop on Trends in Functional Programming in
Education, TFPIE 2012, will be co-located with TFP 2012 at the
University of St Andrews in Scotland. The goal of TFPIE is to
gather researchers, professors, teachers, and all professionals that use
or are interested in the use of functional programming in education.
TFPIE aims to be a venue where novel ideas,
classroom-tested ideas, and work in progress on the use of functional
programming in education are discussed. The one-day workshop will foster
a spirit of open discussion by having a review process
for publication after the workshop.

The program chairs of TFPIE 2012 will screen submissions to ensure that
all presentations are within scope and are of interest to participants.
Potential presenters are invited to submit an extended
abstract (4-6 pages) or an article (up to 16 pages). The authors of all
accepted presentations will have their preprints and their slides made
available on the workshop's website/wiki. Any visitors to
the TFPIE 2012 website/wiki will be able to add comments. This includes
presenters who may respond to comments and questions as well as provide
pointers to improvements and follow-up work. After the
workshop, the program committee will review, using prevailing academic
standards, the articles accepted for presentation to select the best for
publication in Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical
Computer Science (EPTCS). Articles rejected for presentation and all
extended abstracts will not be formally reviewed by the PC.


TFPIE 2012 welcomes submissions describing practical techniques used in
the classroom, tools used and/or developed, and any creative use of
functional programming (FP) to aid education in or outside
Computer Science. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

FP and beginning CS students
FP in Artificial Intelligence
FP in Robotics
FP and Music
Advanced FP for undergraduates
FP in graduate education
Engaging students in research using FP
FP in Programming Languages
FP in the high school curriculum
FP as a stepping stone to other CS topics
FP and Philosophy

If you are not sure if your work is appropriate for TFPIE 2012, please
contact the PC chairs by e-mail at: tfpie2012_at_cs.ru.nl .

Program Committee

Peter Achten, Radboud University Nijmegen
Jost Berthold, University of Copenhagen
Marc Feeley, University of Montreal
Ralf Hinze, University of Oxford
Shriram Krishnamurthi, Brown University
Michel Mauny, ENSTA Paris Tech
James McKinna, UK
Marco T. Morazan, Seton Hall University
Rinus Plasmeijer, Radboud University Nijmegen
Simon Thompson, University of Kent

Important Dates

May 20 submission of abstract or article
May 25 notification of acceptance
June 11 TFPIE
July 6 submission of formal paper
September 10 notification of acceptance
October 1 camera-ready paper


The University of St Andrews is Scotland's first university and the
third oldest in the English-speaking world, founded in 1413. Over six
centuries it has established a reputation as one of Europe's
leading and most distinctive centers for teaching and research. St
Andrews is situated on the east coast of Fife, Scotland, UK. The town is
approximately 50 miles north-east of Edinburgh, 14 miles
south-east of Dundee, 78 miles south of Aberdeen, and 82 miles east of
Glasgow making it easily accessible by any means of transportation. Help
on traveling to St Andrews can be found at:
http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/visiting/GettingtoStAndrews/ .


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at:
tfpie2012_at_cs.ru.nl .

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Received on Mo Mär 12 2012 - 12:17:41 CET

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