Call for Presentation of Work in Progress (Wip-WFLP 2012)

From: Michael Hanus <>
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2012 11:00:54 +0200

21st International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming
WFLP 2012
Call for Presentation of Work in Progress
WiP - WFLP 2012
May 29, 2012
Nagoya, Japan
The Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming is one of
the satellite events of RTA 2012. The Workshop on Functional and
(Constraint) Logic Programming aims at bringing together researchers
interested in functional programming, (constraint) logic programming, as
well as the integration of the two paradigms. It promotes the
cross-fertilizing exchange of ideas and experiences among researchers
and students from the different communities interested in the
foundations, applications and combinations of high-level, declarative
programming languages and related areas.
The work in progress (WiP-WFLP 2012) is a session of WFLP 2012 that
provides an opportunity for presenting on-going work and obtaining
feedback. This session aims to encourage participation from a broad
range of disciplines related to functional programming and (constraint)
logic programming.
Submission Guidelines:
A submission to WiP-WFLP 2012 must be 1 to 2 page abstract that clearly
states the problem, motivation and the approach and provides some
early-stage results, if available. Abstracts should be prepared in
LaTeX, formatted according to Easychair style
( Abstracts should be submitted
electronically via the Easychair WFLP submission website
(  Accepted
submissions will be included in WFLP 2012 proceedings. Authors of
accepted abstracts will give a short presentation during WFLP 2012.
Important Dates:
- Submission deadline: April 30, 2012
- Author notification: May 14, 2012
- Workshop: May 29, 2012
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Received on Do Apr 05 2012 - 12:09:36 CEST

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