Re: residuation for compositional search?

From: Antonio Regidor García <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 07:32:28 +0100 (BST)

> Hello,
> assume I want to write a function that
> nondeterministically yields a
> partition of its input list where a partition of
> a list `l` is defined as a
> list `p` that satisfies the following properties:
> concat p = l
> all (not . null) p = True
> If I define this in Curry either as
> partition l | concat p =:= l & all (not .
> null) p =:= True = p
> where p free
> or as
> partition l | all (not . null) p =:= True &
> concat p =:= l = p
> where p free
> then `partition` fails to terminate at least when
> querying for all
> solutions.

Both examples work ok in MCC (at least in the repository version).


Antonio Regidor García

curry mailing list
Received on Di Jun 14 2011 - 09:13:12 CEST

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