Call for Participation WFLP 2011

From: Herbert Kuchen <>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 13:58:30 +0200

                                Call for Participation
   20th International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic
                                     WFLP 2011

                                          Odense, Denmark
                                             July 19, 2011
               Co-located with PPDP 2011, LOPSTR 2011, AAIP 2011


****You are cordially invited to participate in the 20th International
Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming (WFLP 2011) in
Odense, Denmark. The program has now been released.
Moreover, the registration is open (early registration deadline is May
31!) and travelling and accomodation information is available on the


The 20th International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic
Programming will
take place in July 2011 in Odense, Denmark.
The Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming aims at
bringing together
researchers interested in functional programming, (constraint) logic
programming, as well as
the integration of the two paradigms. It promotes the cross-fertilizing
exchange of ideas and
experiences among researchers and students from the different
communities interested in the
foundations, applications and combinations of high-level, declarative
programming languages
and related areas.


8:50 Welcome
9:00 B. Brassel, M. Hanus, B. Peemöller, F. Reck: KiCS2: A New
Compiler from Curry to Haskell
9:30 S. Antoy, M. Hanus: New Functional Logic Design Pattern

10:00 Coffee Break

10:30 J.M. Almendros-Jimenez, R. Caballero, Y. García-Ruiz, F.
Saenz-Perez: XQuery in the Functional-Logic Language Toy
11:00 R. Peña, A.D. Delgado-Muñoz: Size Invariants and Ranking
Functions Synthesis in a Functional Language
11:30 P. Wuille, T. Schrijvers, H. Samulowitz, G. Tack, P. Stuckey:
Memoizing a Monadic Mixin DSL

12:00 Lunch Break

14:00 V. Rodrigues, Mário Florido, Simão Melo De Sousa: A Functional
Approach to Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis
14:30 C. Zinn: Building a Faceted Browser in CouchDB Using Views on
Views and Erlang Metaprogramming

15:00 Coffee Break

15:30 T.A. Majchrzak, H. Kuchen: Towards Logic Java: Combining
Object-Oriented and Logic Programming
16:00 T. Sakata, N. Nishida, T. Sakabe: On Proving Termination of
Constrained Term Rewrite Systems by Eliminating Edges from Dependency Graphs
16:30 J. Aguado, M. Mendler: Controlling Streams
17:00 Closing

Registration and Accomodation

The registration is open (early registration deadline is May 31!) and
travelling and accomodation information is available on the webside:

Herbert Kuchen

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Received on Di Mai 24 2011 - 17:30:41 CEST

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