2nd CfP: Special journal issue on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming

From: Santiago Escobar <sescobar_at_dsic.upv.es>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 11:10:36 -0500

        Special issue of Information and Computation
       Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming



Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming aims at bringing
together researchers interested in functional programming,
(constraint) logic programming, as well as the integration of
the two paradigms. It promotes the cross-fertilizing exchange
of ideas and experiences among researchers and students from
the different communities interested in the foundations,
applications and combinations of high-level, declarative
programming languages and related areas.

This special issue is devoted to contributions which aim at
realizing integrations of the two classical declarative paradigms:
functional programming and (constraint) logic programming.
Contributions on functional programming or (constraint)
logic programming are also welcome but they should discuss
and effectively justify their usefulness to the integration
of both paradigms.


Submitted papers must be original and not submitted for journal
publication elsewhere, and will be subject to the standard journal
refereeing process of the Information and Computation journal.

Submissions must be sent in pdf format to


no later than

   May 6th, 2011

You should use the Elsevier's latex macro package, available at


The cover page of the submission should include the paper title,
the author names, the coordinates of the corresponding author,
and an abstract.

Guest Editors

Moreno Falaschi
Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche e Informatiche
Facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN.
Università di Siena

Santiago Escobar
Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Camino de Vera, 14
Apdo. 22.012
E-46022 Valencia (Spain)
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Received on Mo Apr 11 2011 - 18:36:27 CEST

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