Re: Getting the constructor from flat curry

From: hema kumar <>
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2010 04:05:59 -0700

Hi Sebastian,
Thanks for the effort for explaining me regarding the program. Really
appreciate your help

But, I m still getting the same error corresponding to constructorNames.

Prelude> :l flatConstrs.curry
Parsing 'flatConstrs.curry'...
generating flatConstrs.fcy ...
"flatConstrs.curry", line 4.2: Unexpected token identifier
ERROR occurred during parsing!

Please help.

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 1:28 AM, Sebastian Fischer <> wrote:

> Hi Hema,
> On Jul 1, 2010, at 11:58 PM, hema kumar wrote:
> I m trying to catch a constructor of a small program given below named
>> BinTree.curry
>> data BinTree a = Leaf | Branch a (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
>> The constructors will be Branch and Leaf.
>> I tried to execute the program you gave in your last mail:
>> [...]
>> I m getting an error corresponding to constructorNames. It seems to me
>> that its a user defined fuction.
> Which error do you get? Did you load the program which contains
> `constuctorNames` into PAKCS?
> Please tell me how should I go about it further. Do i have to specify the
>> file name as BinTree.fcy or BinTree.curry??
> The module FlatCurry contains a function `readFlatCurry :: String -> IO
> Prog` that takes a module name (without suffix) and returns the
> corresponding FlatCurry program. You can test my program as follows:
> # cat BinTree.curry
> data BinTree a = Leaf | Branch a (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
> # cat flatConstrs.curry
> import FlatCurry
> import FlatCurryGoodies
> constructorNames :: Prog -> [QName]
> constructorNames prog =
> [ name | typ <- progTypes prog, name <- consNames typ ]
> where
> consNames typ =
> [ consName cons | not (isTypeSyn typ), cons <- typeConsDecls typ ]
> # pakcs
> [...]
> Prelude> :l flatConstrs.curry
> [...]
> flatConstrs> readFlatCurry "BinTree" >>= print . constructorNames
> [("BinTree","Leaf"),("BinTree","Branch")]
> hope that helps,
> Sebastian
> --
> Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.
> (D.G.)

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