WFLP'09: Call for participation

From: Santiago Escobar <>
Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 12:17:03 -0500


                   WFLP 2009

     18th International Workshop on Functional
        and (Constraint) Logic Programming

         Brasilia, Brazil, June, 28, 2009

       part of the Federated Conference on
      Rewriting, Deduction, and Programming



Claude Kirchner INRIA Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest, France
Roberto Ierusalimschy Departamento de Informatica, PUC-Rio, Brazil


* Manuel Montenegro, Ricardo Peña and Clara Segura.
A Simple Region Inference Algorithm for a First-Order Functional

* Yuki Kato and Koji Nakazawa.
Type Checking and Inference Are Equivalent in Lambda Calculi with
Existential Types

* Petra Hofstedt and Kazunori Ueda.
Realizing Multiparadigm Programming based on Hierarchical Graph

* Rafael del Vado Vírseda and Ignacio Castiñeiras Pérez.
A Theoretical Framework for the Declarative Debugging of Functional
Logic Programs with Lambda Abstractions

* Javier Álvez and Francisco Javier López-Fraguas.
A Complete Axiomatization of Strict Equality over Infinite Trees

* Francisco Javier Lopez-Fraguas, Enrique Martin-Martin and Juan
Advances in type systems for Functional-Logic Programming

* Nacho Castiñeiras and Fernando Sáenz.
Integrating ILOG CP technology into TOY

* Michael Leuschel, Salvador Tamarit and German Vidal.
Fast and Accurate Strong Termination Analysis with an Application
to Partial Evaluation

* Manuel Hernandez.
A Taxonomy of Some Right-to-Left String-Matching Algorithms

* Makoto Hamana.
Semantic Labelling for Proving Termination of Combinatory Reduction

* Stephan Falke and Deepak Kapur.
Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting with Built-In Numbers
and Collection Data Structures

* Andre Rauber du Bois, Gerson Cavalheiro and Juliana vizzotto.
pFun: A semi-explicit parallel purely functional language

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