Re: MCC: Errors under WIndows

From: Wolfgang Lux <>
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 17:29:27 +0200

Гилмуллин Рушан wrote:

> MCC builded with Cygween fail compile module:
> : invalid option line 1: set: -
> set: usage: set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option] [arg ...]

I cannot reproduce this problem here because I do not have Cygwin
installed. However, a while back I received a similar problem report
together with the following solution (credits to Jürgen Nicklisch-
Franken): It looks like you must change the default text file type in
Cygwin to DOS/text instead of Unix/binary (the latter being
recommended by Cygwin and probably the default).

> MCC builded with MinGW load modules, but there errors when use REPL
> (when linking):
> Prelude> :l ptest
> /d/programs/curry-0.9.11/bin/cyc -c ptest.curry -o ptest.o
> ptest> parseTerm "d"
> d:/programs/curry-0.9.11/lib/libcurry.a(files.o):files.c:(.text
> +0x142c): undefined reference to `gethostbyname_at_4'
> d:/programs/curry-0.9.11/lib/libcurry.a(files.o):files.c:(.text
> +0x144e): undefined reference to `htons_at_4'
> d:/programs/curry-0.9.11/lib/libcurry.a(files.o):files.c:(.text
> +0x148c): undefined reference to `socket_at_12'
> d:/programs/curry-0.9.11/lib/libcurry.a(files.o):files.c:(.text
> +0x14b2): undefined reference to `connect_at_12'
> d:/programs/curry-0.9.11/lib/libcurry.a(files.o):files.c:(.text
> +0x1561): undefined reference to `inet_addr_at_4'
> d:/programs/curry-0.9.11/lib/libcurry.a(files.o):files.c:(.text
> +0x15e7): undefined reference to `WSAStartup_at_8'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I don't expect the MinGW binary will run under Cygwin. It looks like
Cygwin and MinGW use incompatible winsock libraries.

> P.S.
> I didn't test it under Linux.

It should work fine :-)


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