Post-doc positions at Universidad Complutense Madrid

From: Francisco J. Lopez Fraguas <>
Date: Thu, 02 Oct 2008 10:26:21 +0200

Apologies for multiple posting!

Please, forward the announcement to whoever may be interested in it.


The "Formal Analysis and Design of Software Systems Group" (FADOSS)
and the "Declarative Programming Group" (GPD)
of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid (UCM) offer


to be occupied during the year 2009.

We are looking for researchers with interest and previous experience
in any area related to formal aspects of computing, specially of
software production: specification and declarative programming languages,
rigorous methods and techniques for software development,
program analysis and transformation, ...

Candidates must be UE citizens and possess an official PhD title.
The positions will be funded by the regional grant PROMESAS-CAM

Each position will be formalized by means of a contract with the UCM,
with a duration between 6 and 12 months during 2009.

During their stay, only research activity is expected from the postdoc
researchers. No teaching duties are attached to these positions,
although sporadic participation in the Post-graduate programme
of the Department will be welcome.

Salary will be in the range 2400 - 3600 euros/month (taxes to be
discounted), depending on the merits and experience of the candidates.

Interested candidates should contact and send a CV to at least one of
the leaders of the groups:

Narciso Marti-Oliet (FADOSS):
Francisco Lopez-Fraguas (GPD):

All applications received before 1st November 2008 will be taken into

Francisco J. Lopez Fraguas
Dep. Sistemas Informaticos y Computacion
Fac. Informatica U. Complutense Madrid
C/ Profesor Jose Garcia Santesmases s/n
28040 Madrid

Tel: +34 91 3947630
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