Re: PAKCS Sockets on swi-pl?

From: Michael Hanus <>
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2008 12:41:32 +0200

Steffen Mazanek wrote:
> can anybody start the simple AddServer example
> of Socket communciation using PAKCS based
> on SWI-Prolog? I get the following errors:
> AddServer> addServer
> {ERROR: error(existence_error(procedure, prologbasics:tcp_socket/1),
> context(prologbasics:listenOnNewSocket/3, _G5133))}

This is a bit strange and I can't see the reason from remote.
At least it works on my machine:

   lussac:distcurry 518> ../../bin/pakcs
     ______ __ _ _ ______ _______
    | __ | / \ | | / / | ____| | _____| Portland Aachen Kiel
    | | | | / /\ \ | |_/ / | | | |_____ Curry System
    | |__| | / /__\ \ | _ | | | |_____ |
    | ____| / ______ \ | | \ \ | |____ _____| | Version 1.9.1 (4)
    |_| /_/ \_\ |_| \_\ |______| |_______| March 2008
   Curry2Prolog(swi 5.6) Compiler Environment (Version of 14/03/08)
   (RWTH Aachen, CAU Kiel, Portland State University)
   Bug reports:
   Type ":h" for help
   Prelude> :l addserver
   Parsing 'addserver.curry'...
   skipping addserver.curry ...
   addserver> addServer
   Serving port: 32145

Maybe you have a different (older) version of SWI or something
went wrong during the installation. Please sent me (directly
and not via this list) your version numbers and the log file
of the make process (file <pakcshome>/make.log).

Thanks and best regards,

curry mailing list
Received on Di Apr 08 2008 - 12:42:40 CEST

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