Re: Transmit free variables via socket

From: Michael Hanus <>
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 16:05:33 +0100

Steffen Mazanek wrote:
> I have successfully set up socket communication
> between a curry program (using MCC) and a
> java program. However, in the result computed
> by the curry server may be free variables. In this
> case I get a deadlock error in MCC. It would be
> possible in my scenario to supply a number to
> uniquely numerate the free variables starting
> from this particular number. How can this be
> realized?

Reasoning about the instantiation of variables
is a non-declarative feature. Thus, in PAKCS
this can only be realized by the use of the library Unsafe
( ).

The Unsafe library contains operations to convert any term
(containing unbound variables) into a string (e.g., showAnyQTerm)
or back (e.g., readAnyQTerm) or a test whether an
expression evaluates to an unbound variable (isVar).
However, all these operations should be used with care
since the order of evaluation might influence their results.
Thus, they are "unsafe" and we have used them only to build
tools (like debuggers) for Curry in Curry.

Best regards,

curry mailing list
Received on Di Mär 04 2008 - 16:14:55 CET

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