Re: Parser combinator problem

From: Bernd Brassel <>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 10:36:12 +0100

Steffen Mazanek wrote:

> Yes, that was me :-). And yes, there had been a lot of open questions
> at that time. However, since then several problems have been solved.
> In particular the functional-logic approach helps a lot in this domain.
> For instance, it is possible to directly translate so-called hyperedge
> replacement grammars into a parser using the combinator approach.
> And as known from logic languages that parser even can be applied
> in the other direction for graph generation. A lot of work remains to
> be done, though.

That is really interesting to hear. As soon as you got some slides or an
abstract or even a paper showing how you use Curry for that I'd be very
interested to see it.

But maybe we will see more of that here on the mailing list :o)


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Received on Mo Feb 11 2008 - 12:03:15 CET

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