New PAKCS release (Version 1.9.0)

From: Michael Hanus <>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 22:50:45 +0100

Dear Colleagues,
as my Xmas present, I'd like to announce the availability
of a new major release of our Curry compiler and environment
PAKCS. The new version 1.9.0 is available for downloading
via the usual web page

This version implements a slightly modified translation scheme
into Prolog in order to be compatible with Sicstus-Prolog 4
and to remove some space leaks. Furthermore, some libraries
have been extended and the implementation of dynamic web pages
(library HTML) has been substantially improved (e.g., inclusion
of a load balancing scheme).
Please have a look at the release notes for more details:
Have fun and let me know any problems, suggestions etc,
curry mailing list
Received on Do Dez 20 2007 - 09:46:47 CET

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