PADL 2008: Call for Papers

From: Gopal Gupta <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:53:37 -0500 (CDT)

                          CALL FOR PAPERS!!!

                    Tenth International Symposium on
             Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages 2008
                             (PADL '08)


                        San Francisco, USA
                        January 7-8, 2008

                     Co-located with ACM POPL'08

Declarative languages build on sound theoretical bases to provide attractive
frameworks for application development. These languages have been successfully
applied to vastly different real-world situations, ranging from data base management
to active networks to software engineering to decision support systems.

New developments in theory and implementation have opened up new application areas.
At the same time, applications of declarative languages to novel problems raises
numerous interesting research issues. Well-known questions include designing for
scalability, language extensions for application deployment, and programming
environments. Thus, applications drive the progress in the theory and implementation
of declarative systems, and benefit from this progress as well.

PADL is a forum for researchers and practitioners to present original work emphasizing
novel applications and implementation techniques for all forms of declarative concepts,
including, functional, logic, constraints, etc. Topics of interest include:

 * innovative applications of declarative languages;
 * declarative domain-specific languages and applications;
 * practical applications of theoretical results;
 * new language developments & their impact on applications;
 * evaluation of implementation techniques on practical applications;
 * novel uses of declarative languages in the classroom; and
 * practical experiences

PADL 08 welcomes new ideas and approaches pertaining to applications and implementation
of declarative languages. PADL 08 will be co-located with the ACM POPL.


      Paper Submission: August 24, 2007
      Notification: September 27, 2007
      Camera-ready: October 23, 2007
      Symposium: January 7-8, 2008

      Authors should submit an electronic copy of the full paper (written in
      English) in Postscript (Level 2) or PDF. Papers must be no longer than 15
      pages, written in 11-point font and with single spacing. Since the final
      proceedings will be published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science by Springer
      Verlag, authors are strongly encouraged to use the LNCS paper formatting
      guidelines for their submission.

      Each submission must include on its first page the paper title; authors and
      their affiliations; contact author's email and postal addresses, telephone and
      fax numbers, abstract, and three to four keywords. The keywords will be used to
      assist us in selecting appropriate reviewers for the paper. If electronic submission
      is impossible, please contact the program chair for information on how to submit
      hard copies.


          The Most Practical Paper award will be given to the submission that is judged
          by the program committee to be the best in terms of practicality, originality,
          and clarity of presentation. The program committee may choose not to make an
          award, or to make multiple awards.

     For information about papers and submissions, please contact the Program Chair:
          Paul Hudak
          PC co-Chair - PADL 2008
          Department of Computer Science
          Yale University
          P.O. Box 208285
          New Haven, CT 06520 - 8285

          David S. Warren
          PC co-Chair - PADL 2008
          Department of Computer Science
          Stony Brook University
          Stony Brook, NY

     For other information about the conference, please contact:

          Hai-Feng Guo
          General Chair - PADL 2008
          Department of Computer Science
          College of Information Science & Technology
          University of Nebraska at Omaha
          Omaha, NE, U.S.A.

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