Re: New PAKCS release (Version 1.8.0)

From: Bernd Brassel <>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 14:51:27 +0200

Wolfgang Lux wrote:
> Bernd Brassel wrote:
>> Francisco Javier López Fraguas wrote:
>>> Consider the program
>> I think the following example is at least curious (Sorry that it is not
>> Toy Syntax):
>> module M1 where
>> data A = A
>> f A = A
>> isF x =
>> case x of
>> f -> True
>> _ -> False
>> test = let x free in isF x=:=False
>> module M2
>> import M1
>> g A = A
>> Now, importing just M1, the expression M1.test fails. Importing M2 also
>> makes it succeed with [x/g]. I think it is curious that you should be
>> able to manipulate the behaviour of modules from the outside like this.
> Sorry, but that is wrong. Since you are using a case expression (which
> should remain rigid after introducing partial patterns), the expression
> isF x will simply suspend. So, it does not make a difference whether g
> is in scope or even part of the program or not.

Good point.

However, the concept of extensible data types is in conflict with many
approaches discussed recently:

a) introducing a function (===) equivalent to a flexible version of (==)
which would allow to express (=:=).
x =:= y | x===y = success
b) equivalence between free variables and generator functions, along the
lines of

unknown = S unknown
unknown = Z

c) some forms of negation constraints for (=:=)

All of the above concepts would allow to write a function like test and
isF above.

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