Re: New PAKCS release (Version 1.8.0)

From: Wolfgang Lux <>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 18:40:06 +0200

Bernd Brassel wrote:

> Michael Hanus wrote:
>> Moreover, we could also allow
>> partial applications as patterns (as in TOY).
> I think there are still some definite problems with such patterns. For
> instance, it does not harmonize well with the module system. It
> seems to
> me that introducing such patterns makes the functional type a data
> structure which can be enhanced with new constructors in each module.

Sure, but I do not see your problem with that. One would consider every
function pattern as an element of a particular, potentially infinite
type. W.r.t. pattern matching this looks very similar to matching Int
or Float values to me.

> This is not possible with any other data type and is thus
> suspicious to me.

ML dialects have an exception type, which shows similar behavior, i.e.,
you can add new exceptions in each module which all belong to a common


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