Re: 'polymorphism restriction' anyone?

From: Wolfgang Lux <>
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 12:04:36 +0100

Wolfgang Lux wrote:

> [...] I admit that this is not the most general
> type that could be inferred for bot, but it is the most general
> type that
> can safely be inferred for bot without using a groundness analysis (or
> adding just a special case for local definitions of the form x = x).

I have to correct myself (once more). It turns out that adopting ML's
value restriction is sufficient in order to infer type forall a.a for
bot in a local definition. Here is the output of a session with the
patched type checker.

   wlux_at_Onyx:wlux % ~/Projects/curry/build.noindex/cyi
       _____ __ __
      / ___/ | / _ Muenster Curry Compiler
     / / | / | | Version 0.9.10, Copyright (c)
    / /___ / / | |
    \____/ /_/ |_| Type :h for help

   Default options set to -Whaskell -Wunused -Woverlap
   Prelude> :t let bot :: a; bot = bot in (1:bot, 'a':bot)
   ([Int], [Char])
   Prelude> :q
   [Leaving cyi]


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