Second CfP: Bytecode'07

From: Fausto Spoto <>
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2006 13:30:54 +0100


                               Call for Papers

                                Bytecode 2007

                    Second Workshop on Bytecode Semantics,
                  Verification, Analysis and Transformation

                       (European Joint Conferences on
                       Theory and Practice of Software)

                               March 31, 2007

                               Braga, Portugal



Bytecode, such as produced by e.g. Java and .NET compilers, has become
an important topic of interest, both for industry and academia. The
industrial interest stems from the fact that bytecode is typically
used for the Internet and mobile devices (smartcards, phones, etc.),
where security is a major issue. Moreover, bytecode is
device-independent and allows dynamic loading of classes, which
provides an extra challenge for the application formal methods. In
the unstructuredness of the code and the pervasive presence of the
operand stack also provide extra challenges for the analysis of
This workshop will focus on the latest developments in the semantics,
verification, analysis, and transformation of bytecode. Both new
theoretical results and tool demonstrations are welcome.

Program committee:

Frederic Besson, IRISA, France
Samir Genaim, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
Marieke Huisman, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France (co-chair)
Francesco Logozzo, Microsoft Research, USA
Peter Müller, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Erik Poll, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Fausto Spoto, Universita' di Verona, Italy (co-chair)
Jan Vitek, Purdue University, USA


The workshop proceedings will be published on-line in the Electronic
Notes in Theoretical Computer Science series.

Paper Submission:

Submissions will be evaluated by the Program Committee for inclusion
in the proceedings, which will be available at the time of the
workshop. Papers should be no longer than 15 pages. They must contain
original contributions, be written in English and be unpublished and
not submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. They should be
submitted electronically, preferably as postscript or PDF files, to
both and
providing also a text-only abstract, and detailed contact information
of the corresponding author.

Important dates:

paper submission: December 8, 2006
notification: January 19, 2007
final version: February 5, 2007

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