RULE 2006 at FLoC --- paper deadline 14 May

From: Maribel Fernandez <>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 18:00:18 +0100

                         Call for Papers

                           RULE 2006
         7th International Workshop on Rule-Based Programming

                          Seattle, USA
                        11th August 2006

                 A satellite event of RTA 2006 at FLoC

The basic concepts of rule-based programming appear throughout Computer
Science, from theoretical foundations to practical implementations. Term
rewriting is used in semantics in order to describe the meaning of
programming languages, as well as in the implementation of program
transformation systems. Rules are used implicitly or explicitly to
perform computations, e.g., in Mathematica, OBJ, ELAN, Maude or to
perform deductions, e.g., by using inference rules to describe or
implement a logic, theorem prover or constraint solver. Mail clients and
mail servers use complex rules to help users organising their email and
sorting out spam. Language implementations use bottom-up rewrite systems
for code generation (as in the BURG family of tools.)
Constraint-handling rules (CHRs) are used to specify and implement
constraint-based algorithms and applications. Rule-based programming
idioms also give rise to multi-paradigm languages like Claire.

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers from the
various communities working on rule-based programming to foster advances
in the theory of rule-based programming, cross-fertilization between
theory and practice, research on rule-based programming methods, and the
exploration of important application domains of rule-based programming.

RULE 2006 will be a one-day satellite event of RTA 2006 at FLoC.

Topics of interest

* Languages for rule-based programming
  - Expressive power, Idioms, Design patterns
  - Semantics, Type systems
  - Implementation techniques
  - System descriptions

* Other foundations
  - Complexity results
  - Advances on rewriting logic
  - Advances on rewriting calculus
  - Static analyses of rule-based programs
  - Transformation of rule-based programs

* Applications of rule-based programming, e.g.:
  - Program transformation
  - Software analysis and generation
  - System Control
  - Work-flow control
  - Knowledge engineering
  - System descriptions

* Combination with other paradigms
  - Functional programming
  - Logic programming
  - OO programming
  - Biocomputing
  - Language extensions
  - Language embeddings

Submissions and Publication:

Papers (of at most 15 pages) should be submitted electronically via the
submission page: Any problems with the
submission procedure should be reported to one of the PC chairs:,

Accepted papers will be published in the preliminary proceedings volume,
which will be available during the workshop. The final proceedings will
be published in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
(ENTCS), Elsevier.

- 14th May 2006: Deadline for electronic submission of papers
- 15th June 2006: Notification of acceptance of papers
- 30th June 2006: Deadline for final versions of accepted papers
- 11th August 2006: Workshop

Programme Committee:

- Mark van den Brand (TU Eindhoven, Netherlands)
- Horatiu Cirstea (LORIA, France)
- Pierre Deransart (INRIA Rocquencourt, France)
- Michael L. Collard (Kent State University, USA)
- Martin Erwig (Oregon State University, USA)
- Francois Fages (INRIA Rocquencourt, France)
- Maribel Fernandez (Co-Chair, King's College London, UK)
- Jean-Pierre Jouannaud (LIX, Ecole Polytechnique, France)
- Oleg Kiselyov (FNMOC, USA)
- Ralf Laemmel (Co-Chair, Microsoft, USA )
- Ugo Montanari (Universita di Pisa, Italy)
- Pierre-Etienne Moreau (LORIA, France)
- Tobias Nipkow (Technical University Munich, Germany)
- Tom Schrijvers (K.U.Leuven, Belgium)
- Martin Sulzmann (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
- Victor Winter (University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA)

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