Re: Curry Report Vers. 0.8.2

From: Wolfgang Lux <>
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 12:35:27 +0100

Michael Hanus wrote:

> This is a good point. However, instead of a runtime error,
> one could also simply fail which expresses the view that "compare"
> could be applied to any expression but is only defined as a total
> order in ground data terms.

Yes, this would be possible as well. In fact, MCC's compare was
implemented in that way initially. I changed the behavior of
compare after tracking down a very obscure failure in a program.
Finally, this turned out to be caused by applying compare to
arguments which could include partial applications -- a fact that
had completely slipped my mind at that moment.

In order to track down such errors more quickly, I decided that
reporting an error would be more appropriate. However, I would agree
that this rather indicates a shortcoming of MCC's current support for
debugging unexpected failures. It is a pity that the declarative
debugger can help diagnosing wrong answers, but not missing answers.


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