Re: Curry module system

From: Michael Hanus <>
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 16:28:59 +0100

Wolfgang Lux wrote:
> Look at Sect. 3.17.3 of the Haskell report.
> Figs. 3 and 4 describe the semantics of case expressions in detail
> (including some features which I haven't asked for inclusion in
> Curry :-).

I suppose one of the things you like to have included are record
notation and field labels. After having done some larger software
projects with Curry with many datatypes with evolving definitions
over the time, I also think they should be included in the language
definition. They do not complicate the language considerably
but are just a useful abbreviation for functions which we
usually defined by hand when we started these projects.
So, I intend to include their definition in the report (Bernd
has already written a proposal for this).

One other mini-proposal: I like to include the definition

x_ = let x free in x

in the prelude. Thus, one can easily introduce free variables
occurring only once in expressions, e.g., (23,x_,x_).
This is quite useful in database applications. The name "x_"
reminds to anonymous pattern variables but is so obscure
that it might not be in conflict with existing names.

Best regards,


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