FDPE'05: Call for Participation

From: Michael Hanus <mh_at_informatik.uni-kiel.de>
Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 10:36:21 -0700

Functional and Declarative Programming in Education 2005


A one day workshop on Sunday, 25 September at ICFP05.


Registration for the workshop is through the TFP/ICFP/GPCE site:


The aim of this workshop is to bring together educators and others who are
interested in exchanging ideas on how to use a functional or declarative
programming style in the classroom or in e-learning environments.


9:00 Invited Talk: How to Design Class Hierarchies, Matthias Felleisen, Northeastern

11:00 From Functional to Object-oriented Programming -- A Smooth Transition for
Beginners, Rudolf Berghammer, Frank Huch

11:30 Laziness Without All the Hard Work: Combining Lazy and Strict Languages for
Teaching, Eli Barzilay, John Clements

12:00 Word Puzzles in Haskell, Sharon A. Curtis

2:30 Teaching of Image Synthesis in Functional Style, Jerzy Karczmarczuk

3:00 MinCaml: A Simple and Efficient Compiler for a Minimal Functional Language,
Eijiro Sumii

3:30 Engineering Software Correctness, Rex Page

4:30 'Tips and Tricks' session: contributions from attendees.

5:15 Round table discussion on links between FDPE and CUFP.

The Organisers
Robby Findler, Michael Hanus and Simon Thompson

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