Call for participation WWV'05

From: Santiago Escobar <>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 10:36:43 +0100 (CET)

               -- We apologize for multiple copies --

****************** Call for participation ******************

              1st International Workshop on Automated
                   Specification and Verification
                       of Web Sites (WWV'05)

                 March 14-15 2005, Valencia, SPAIN



WWV'05 will be held in Valencia, Spain at the Technical University
of Valencia (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia):

     Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
     "Rectorado" Building - ground floor
     Congress Room number 1
     Camino de Vera S/N
     46022 Valencia (Spain)


The increased complexity of Web sites and the explosive growth of
Web-based applications has turned their design and construction into
a challenging problem. Nowadays, many companies have diverted their
Web sites into interactive, completely-automated, Web-based
applications (such as Amazon, on-line banking, or travel agencies)
with a high complexity that requires appropriate specification and
verification techniques and tools. Systematic, formal approaches to
the analysis and verification can address the problems of this
particular domain with automated and reliable tools that also
incorporate semantic aspects.

WWV'05 provides a forum for researchers from the communities of
Rule-based programming, Automated Software Engineering, and
Web-oriented research to facilitate the cross-fertilization and the
advancement of hybrid methods that combine the three areas.

The WWV'05 programme includes works on formal methods and techniques
applied to Web sites, Web services or Web-based applications such as:

  * rule-based approaches to Web site analysis, certification,
       specification, verification, and optimization
  * formal models for describing and reasoning about Web sites
  * model-checking, synthesis and debugging of Web sites
  * abstract interpretation and program transformation applied
       to the semantic Web


Registration is web-based via the secure link:

The deadline for early registration is March, 4th.


The organization of the conference has blocked rooms for the days of
the workshop in some conveniently located hotels in Valencia and in
a university dormitory. These rooms will be blocked until March, 4th.
After this day, we are not responsible for the accomodation.
For further information, follow the link:


The workshop coincides with the famous Valencia Fallas Festival
(March 15 - 19) which is one of the biggest festivals in Spain.
So make your reservations as soon as possible.


Shriram Krishnamurthi Brown University, USA
Anthony Finkelstein University College London, UK


Maria Alpuente Technical University of Valencia, Spain
Moreno Falaschi University of Siena, Italy


Santiago Escobar Technical University of Valencia, Spain


Maria Alpuente Technical University of Valencia, Spain
Sarat Babu CDAC, India
Demis Ballis University of Udine, Italy
Gilles Barthe INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France
Thierry Despeyroux INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France
Wolfgang Emmerich University College London, UK
Santiago Escobar Technical University of Valencia, Spain
Moreno Falaschi University of Siena, Italy
Maria del Mar Gallardo Technical University of Malaga, Spain
Furio Honsell University of Udine, Italy
Giorgio Levi University of Pisa, Italy
Jan Maluszynski Linköping University, Sweden
Massimo Marchiori MIT Lab for Computer Science, USA
Tiziana Margaria University of Göttingen, Germany


Regular Contributions

- Gianluca Amato, Massimo Coppola, Stefania Gnesi, Francesca Scozzari
   and Laura Semini. Modeling Web Applications by the Multiple Levels
   of Integrity Policy.

- Gregorio Diaz Descalzo, Juan Jose Pardo Mateo, M. Emilia Cambronero
   Piqueras, Valentin Valero Ruiz and Fernando Cuartero Gomez.
   Verification of Web Services with Timed Automata.

- Bo Hu, Florian Lauck and Jan Scheffczyk.
   How Recent is a Web Document?

- Javier Jesus Gutierrez Rodriguez, Maria Jose Escalona Cuaresma,
   Manuel Mejia Risoto and Jesus Torres Valderrama. Testing web
   applications in practice.

- Martin Karusseit and Tiziana Margaria. Feature-based Modelling of a
   Complex, Online-Reconfigurable Decision Support Service.

- Claude Kirchner, Helene Kirchner and Anderson Santana. Anchoring
   modularity in HTML.

- Liquori Luigi, Honsell Furio and Rekha Redamalla.
   A Language for Safe Manipulation of Web Documents

- Vicente Luque-Centeno, Carlos Delgado-Kloos, Jesus Arias-Fisteus
   and Luis Alvarez-alvarez. Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools:
   a survey and some improvements.

- Frederic Rioux and Patrice Chalin. Improving the Quality of Web-based
   Enterprise Applications with Extended Static Checking: A Case Study.

- Roger G. Stone. Validating Scripted Web-Pages.

Position papers / Overviews of more extensive work

- Shadi Abou-Zahra. Automated Web Site Accessibility Evaluation.

- Temur Kutsia. Context Sequence Matching for XML.

System demonstrations / Works in progress

- David Crocker and John H. Warren. Generating commercial web
   applications from precise requirements and formal specifications.

- Vicent Estruch, Cesar Ferri, Jose Hernandez-Orallo and M. Jose
   Ramirez-Quintana. Web Categorisation Using Distance-Based Decision

- Javier Garcia Vivo and Demis Ballis. A Rewriting-based system for
   Web site Verification.

- Salvador Lucas. Rewriting-based navigation of Web sites.

- Josep Silva. Slicing XML Documents.

- Marco Winckler, Eric Barboni, Christelle Farenc and Philippe
   Palanque. What Kind of Verification of Formal Navigation Modelling
   for Reliable and Usable Web Applications?

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