3rd Call for papers: 6th International Workshop on Rule-Based Programming RULE'05

From: Horatiu Cirstea <Horatiu.Cirstea_at_loria.fr>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 09:20:11 +0100

[Apologies for multiple copies.]


    6th International Workshop on Rule-Based Programming
    April 23, 2005


    Affiliated to RDP'05, the Federated Conference on Rewriting,
    Deduction, and Programming.
    April 19-23, 2005
    Nara, Japan

Rule-based programming is currently experiencing a renewed period of
growth with the emergence of new concepts and systems that allow a
better understanding and better usability. On the theoretical side,
after the in-depth study of rewriting concepts during the eighties,
the nineties saw the emergence of the general concepts of rewriting
logic and of the rewriting calculus. On the practical side, new
languages and systems such as ASF+SDF, BURG, CHRS, Claire, ELAN,
Maude, and Stratego have shown that rules are a useful programming

The practical application of rule-based programming prompts research
into the algorithmic complexity and optimization of rule-based
programs as well as into the expressivity, semantics and
implementation of rule-based languages.

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers from the
various communities working on rule-based programming to foster
fertilisation between theory and practice, as well as to favour the
growth of this programming paradigm.

The previous editions of the RULE workshop were held in
Aachen (2004) and Valencia (2003) during the RDP conference
"Rewriting, Deduction and Programming", and Pittsburg (2002), Firenze
(2001), and Montreal (2000) during the PLI conference "Principles,
Logics, and Implementations of high-level programming languages".

See http://rewriting.loria.fr (Item "Venues") for more details about
these workshops.

We solicit original papers on all topics of rule-based programming,
including but not restricted to

* Languages for rule-based programming
   - Expressivity
   - Semantics
   - Implementation techniques
* Applications of rule-based programming
   - Analysis of rule-based programs
   - Programming methods
* Environments for rule-based programming
   - (Partial) Evaluation
   - Abstract machines for rewriting
* Combination of rule-based programming with other paradigms
* System descriptions

Submission procedure and publication:

Papers (of at most 15 pages) should be submitted electronically via
via the web-based submission form:
Any problems in submitting the paper should be reported to one of the
program committee chairs: Horatiu Cirstea (Horatiu.Cirstea_at_loria.fr)
or Narciso Marti-Oliet (narciso_at_sip.ucm.es).

Papers should be received by January 31, 2005.
Accepted papers will be published in the preliminary proceedings volume,
which will be available during the workshop. Publication of the final
proceedings in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
(ENTCS) is anticipated.

Invited Speaker
Mitsu Okada, Keio University, Japan

Workshop organizers:
Horatiu Cirstea, LORIA & Universite Nancy II, France
Narciso Marti-Oliet, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Program Committee:
Mark van den Brand (CWI, The Netherlands)
Horatiu Cirstea (Co-Chair, LORIA, France)
Steven Eker (SRI International, USA)
Maribel Fernandez (King's College, UK)
Kokichi Futatsugi (JAIST, Japan)
Jean-Louis Giavitto (Universite d'Evry Val d'Essone, France)
Christian Holzbaur (University of Vienna, Austria)
Salvador Lucas (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain)
Narciso Marti-Oliet (Co-Chair, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Ugo Montanari (Universita di Pisa, Italy)
Eelco Visser (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
Gerd Wagner (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)

Important dates:
  Deadline for submissions: January 31, 2005
  Notification of acceptance: March 8, 2005
  Camera-ready papers: March 21, 2005
  Workshop: April 23, 2005

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