Re: Re: Flexible Enumerations

From: Sergio Antoy <>
Date: Thu, 09 Dec 2004 10:16:24 -0800

Michael Hanus wrote:
> Igor wrote:
> > When I tried to write my first program in Curry, I've stumbled over
> > strange effect: MCC can not evaluate
> > data Color = Red | Green
> > x::Color
> > (x==Green) =:= False
> > although it seems obvious that x of type Color can be either Red or
> > Green.
> >
> > Is it possible to augment Curry with syntactic feature similar to
> > "deriving" - when I define "augmented" Enum type, Curry automatically
> > "forks" on each variable of that type to detect all applicable
> > solutions ?
> There is a simple solution to get all solutions of an enumeration
> type. If you define a "member" constraint
> member x (y:ys) = x=:=y ? member x ys
> then you can get "Color" solutions by
> color x = member x [Red,Green]
> Now just add the color constraint to your initial goal
> color x & (x==Green) =:= False
> and you'll get the solution Red.
> Although this approach requires the addition of a member call to such goals,
> I think the necessary code is so short that an additional syntactic
> feature seems not necessary until there are many applications
> where this is needed.

There is another simple solution.

    data Color = Red | Green
    Color = Red ? Green

    x=:=Color & (x==Green) =:= False

It is interesting the parallel between the type Color and the
operation Color and the declaration of x's type, x::Color, and x's
constraint, x=:=Color.

Operation and constraint can be automatically generated and in
principle no syntactic sugar seems necessary... just a fancier
compiler front-end.


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