Re: Evaluation Annotations (Was Re: Proposal: Relaxing restrictions in Curry

From: Wolfgang Lux <>
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2004 12:09:10 +0100

Bernd Brassel wrote:

> Without wishing to open up an old topic again: What were the reasons
> to make seq rigid? Why should it not correspond to head normal form?
> You could always define the old seq as
> oldseq x y = case x of _ -> y
> or does that taste too much like a hack?

No, not like a hack, but it will not work as you expect. The expression
case x of _ -> y is equivalent to let _ = x in y and since there is no
demand for x in that expression, it simply does not evaluate x at all.
At least this is what Haskell implementations and MCC do and I think
is also what the Curry report says:
   The informal operational meaning of the case expression is as follows.
   Evaluate e so that it matches a pattern p_i.
Since there is only one pattern and every expression matches e, there is
no need for evaluating e. In fact, the reason that one cannot use
   case x of _ -> y
in order to force x's evaluation was my original motivation for
the seq function, and since case was rigid it appeared to me that seq
should be rigid as well, which I not realize was some kind of

> Subsuming, I would agree to Wolfgang's proposal to eliminate eval
> annotations. I would avoid, however, to introduce a new rigid
> primitive and express rigidity by case expressions.

First of all, unless the Curry report does explicitly clarify that
case x of _ -> y *does* evaluate x, you cannot define a polymorphic
function rigid with type a -> a. [BTW, note that there is a good
reason for not evaluating x in that case expression because it
destroys the property that you can rewrite
   case x of c p1 ... pk -> e
   case x of c x1 ... xk -> case x1 of p1 -> ... -> case xk of pk -> e
where x1,...,xk are fresh variables and p1,...,pk are patterns.]

Even if this change were made, I propose to have a rigid function in
the prelude
because it is too useful. With the help of that function, you can
define oldseq
simply by oldseq = sed . rigid, which is so simple that I don't think it
deserves to become a prelude function (unless someone really has a need
for it).

Another use of rigid (since you were asking for something like that in
posting) could be ensuring that the arguments of a message stream are
variables: map rigid . rigidSpine.

In fact, one could take this idea a step further and also provide a
function ground :: a -> a, which (again lazily) ensures that its result
is a
ground term, i.e.,
   ground X = ground (rigid X)
   ground (C e1 ... ek) = C (ground e1) ... (ground ek)
where X is an unbound variable, and C is a constructor of arity k.
this will have to be a primitive except in an implementation using type
where one could automatically derive ground). On the other hand, I once
implemented this function for MCC (it is available as Success.ground),
it turns out that I do not use it because it seems to be too rigid, so
not sure how useful this function would really be (at least for sending
through ports it certainly isn't).


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