Re: Proposal: Lazy matching for local patterns

From: German Vidal <>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 22:10:46 +0200 (CEST)


> When the evaluation of these variables is required, then I would
> expect that both functions behave the same way. And this will not
> happen if accessor functions are always rigid independently of the
> evaluation annotation of the function where the local declaration
> appears. For instance, if accessor functions are always rigid,
> then "foo undefined" suspends with the definition

I meant "foo z" (where z is a free variable).

> foo eval flex
> foo n = let (x,y) in [x,y]
> while it does not suspend with the definition
> foo eval flex
> foo (x,y) = [x,y]
> Thus I would prefer that accessor functions have the same
> evaluation annotation as the function where the local declaration
> appear. Of course, I have no idea whether it is easy or difficult
> to incorporate into existing compilers. Is there any special
> trouble here?
> Best,
> German
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> German Vidal
> DSIC - UPV, Camino de Vera s/n, E-46022 Valencia, Spain
> --------------------------------------------------------

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