Announcing Rule Markup Initiative

From: Harold Boley <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 12:41:46 +0100


What can be done to bring Functional-Logic Programming into mainstream
applications? Some of you have moved toward that goal. Five strands we
saw at WFLP'2000 in Benicassim are, among several other important ones:

1) Object Oriented Design in Curry (H. Kuchen)
2) Functional-Logic Debugging of Imperative Programs via SLAM/Curry
   (A. Herranz-Nieva, J.J. Moreno-Navarro)
3) Learning / Data Mining with FLIP (C. Ferri, J. Hernández, M.J. Ramírez)
   and Escher (P. A. Flach)
4) Server Side Web Scripting in Curry (M. Hanus)
5) Functional-Logic Rule Markup through RFML (H. Boley)

Perhaps we should thus organize an Applications session next year in Kiel?

At the DFKI we have always experienced application pressures, and now
most EU and many other projects need a strong application component...

Regarding strand 5), I think there is a chance of cross-fertilization
between the Functional-Logic and Markup-Language communities.
Together with Said Tabet I thus launched the Rule Markup Initiative: In this RuleML homepage we argue among others
that inference rules and transformation rules can for the most part be
fruitfully treated together as it comes to a shared rule markup language:
"A deductive-transformational bridge could be directed conditional equations
as discussed in the Curry Mailing List."

The text below summarizes the initiative for a broader audience. If you
want to follow some of the many omitted links you can go to the Web page.

Cheers, Harold


Rules in (and for) the Web have become a mainstream topic since they
were marked up for E-Commerce, were identified as a Semantic Web
design issue, and were put to practice for document generation from a
central XML repository. Rules have also continued to play an important
role in Intelligent Agents and AI shells for knowledge-based systems,
which need a Web interchange format, too.
The Rule Markup Initiative has taken initial steps towards defining a
shared Rule Markup Language (RuleML), permitting both forward
(bottom-up) and backward (top-down) rules in XML for deduction,
rewriting, and further inferential-transformational tasks. The
initiative started during PRICAI 2000, and is currently continuing
through direct contacts and the Internet. A Rule Markup Workshop is
planned in conjunction with the third International Conference on
Electronic Commmerce, ICEC2001, in Vienna, Austria, in October 2001.
The participants of the RuleML Initiative constitute an open network
of individuals and groups from both industry and academia. We are not
commencing from zero but have done some work related to rule markup or
have actually proposed some specific tag set for rules. Our main goal
is to provide a basis for an integrated rule-markup approach that will
be beneficial to all involved and to the rule community at large.
Rules can be stated (1) in natural language, (2) in some formal notation,
or (3) in a combination of both. Being in the third, 'semiformal'
category, the RuleML Initiative is working towards an XML-based
markup language that permits Web-based rule storage, interchange,
retrieval, and firing/application.
RuleML example with prem/conc-embedded XHTML
(English premise and semiformal conclusion):
    <p>You want to review rule principles</p>
    <p>You may look at
      <a href="">Rule-Based Systems</a>
Further info on Goals, Uses, Scope, Participants, Steps, and Contact
can be found at the RuleML Homepage:
If you are interested to join this initiative, please send a link
describing your work related to rule markup to some or all of the
current participants.
Harold Boley and Said Tabet
( and
curry mailing list
Received on Mo Nov 13 2000 - 13:20:46 CET

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