Curry is the future!

From: Michael Hanus <>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 18:33:04 +0200 (MEST)


for all of you who haven't read the (1400 pages!) proceedings
of the CL'2000 conference (published as Springer LNCS 1861):
In his interesting keynote lecture, Alan Robinson discussed
the past, present and future of computational logic
("Computational Logic: Memories of the Past and Challenges
for the Future", pp. 1-24). He considers the unification
of functional and logic programming as one of the challenges
for the future of computational logic. After a discussion
of different proposals for this, he concludes that Curry
"is the currently most promising one".

So, let's work together that Curry is not only the currently
most promising one but also the future language for declarative

I am looking forward to seeing you soon at WFLP'00,


curry mailing list
Received on Di Sep 26 2000 - 18:38:05 CEST

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